The End. Tales, ramblings and other stuff from a Full-timer (ex)

Piece of chewing gum stuck a park bench, do you...?

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Is one of these three (trading) people you, by any chance? 🙂


Fortunately not, or maybe unfortunately - its an experience I can live without though. I was very blessed that I had my dad guide me when I was 13 years old so I was lucky to be taught all the usual bad habits from a young age. Trading ways (not the principle) was a very different game back then, however, the people involved were not.


Fortunately not, or maybe unfortunately - its an experience I can live without though. I was very blessed that I had my dad guide me when I was 13 years old so I was lucky to be taught all the usual bad habits from a young age. Trading ways (not the principle) was a very different game back then, however, the people involved were not.


It's tough when you have personal flaws, compulsive behaviour, self-destructive habits and so on. Bad habits can be a killer in this game.

I've certainly struggled with some over the years. The good news is that you can change your behaviour if you want it enough.
It's tough when you have personal flaws, compulsive behaviour, self-destructive habits and so on. Bad habits can be a killer in this game.

I've certainly struggled with some over the years. The good news is that you can change your behaviour if you want it enough.

Hi Shakone,

That's a tough one, about changing the behaviour. I would like to believe so but I really think its far more harder than anyone (even I) thinks.

Behaviour traits are so distinct but yet can be so hidden. Going down an extreme avenue but why do some kill, some get depressed (manically or otherwise, chemically or emotionally), some go into organised crime and do very well and some go into (legal) management and do really well....whilst others can try but are simply not cut out for it.

Psychology is a very interesting subject that even most psychologists don't even understand parts or all of.

This is the real and main part of trading, after all its only numbers going up and down. How hard can it be.

Hi Shakone,

That's a tough one, about changing the behaviour. I would like to believe so but I really think its far more harder than anyone (even I) thinks.

Behaviour traits are so distinct but yet can be so hidden. Going down an extreme avenue but why do some kill, some get depressed (manically or otherwise, chemically or emotionally), some go into organised crime and do very well and some go into (legal) management and do really well....whilst others can try but are simply not cut out for it.

Psychology is a very interesting subject that even most psychologists don't even understand parts or all of.

This is the real and main part of trading, after all its only numbers going up and down. How hard can it be.


Certainly it is tough Lee, and not done in a day or a week. But there are techniques that can help you change. And they can make startling differences to your everyday life, and your reactions to situations. As a simple example for the short term, people's reactions and feelings can be affected just by a good night's sleep, some sunshine, healthy food and some exercise.

Some people perhaps have no such issues, and you may be one of them, so you won't have needed to worry about this. As you say, it is an interesting topic. I don't know what % of people have phobias, anxieties, bad habits etc. but I'd guess it's pretty high.
whether you think you can change or not you are probably right😉

when I last saw my brother he lit up a cigarette, he said it was his last pack and it was a temporary blip. I have lost count how many times he has said something similar. 😆 still smoke like a trooper.

People who are truly ignorant are not aware of their ignorance - not being aware that one does not know is a defining quality of ignorance.
Ignorance seems to be a universal condition. In some way and to some degree, we are all ignorant. To a certain extent, we are all victims of illusion. Becoming aware of one's own ignorance is the first step towards getting rid of it.

It is a thinking process, but also one of taking concrete steps in real life. It is an act both of analysis and commitment. Ignorance is the root of suffering. Ignorance is more than just the absence of knowledge, even though a lack of knowledge is often part of the condition. It is the negative opposite of wisdom: the absence of qualities associated with wisdom.

Ignorance also implies a lack of compassion, and as such it constitutes a self-centered attitude and its subsequent destructive approach to life. It is a life of greed and hatred instead of compassion and wisdom. It is to fall victim to illusions of permanence and materialism - the inability to distinguish between the real and the fake, and the failure to choose priorities correctly.

Pure Tao
C'mon, c_v, you can't take credit for those words ! 😆
Certainly it is tough Lee, and not done in a day or a week. But there are techniques that can help you change. And they can make startling differences to your everyday life, and your reactions to situations. As a simple example for the short term, people's reactions and feelings can be affected just by a good night's sleep, some sunshine, healthy food and some exercise.

Some people perhaps have no such issues, and you may be one of them, so you won't have needed to worry about this. As you say, it is an interesting topic. I don't know what % of people have phobias, anxieties, bad habits etc. but I'd guess it's pretty high.

I've always been open and honest when it comes to day trading. For some reason I cannot become or have not been profitable to date. I can talk it and tell someone what to do but when it comes down to it my account speaks volumes and unfortunately it says I always lose money day trading. Scalping is even worse.

I know what my problem is but do not know how to solve it. Its like a bad trait I cannot shift.

One example is not letting go of a bad trade and seeing things that to someone else may not be there at all. I also experience sweaty hands (no joke) and itchy fingers. The classic thing is I will always say to anyone that tries to help "I know". So, why don't I do something about it. There is something not quite right. Like a soldier that knows exactly what to do in the field of battle but when faced with adversity just cant pull the trigger.

I've just been fortunate enough to know that I am no good at it and therefore I stay well away. If I am to day trade it really is only for a bit of fun and just like the casino I understand that the chances of me making money over time are non existence. I figure with this attitude alone I will be right with the outcome.

Maybe this is why some teach. Although that's another avenue that I am not good at because I am not patient enough with people that want a million over night. I will give it for free and for what its worth but I can also close the shop without anyone asking for money back or screaming they have been ripped off. 🙂

Maybe this is why some teach. Although that's another avenue that I am not good at because I am not patient enough with people that want a million over night. I will give it for free and for what its worth but I can also close the shop without anyone asking for money back or screaming they have been ripped off. 🙂


although when you see the (poor) quality of the stuff out there in the Market.... an honest Trader with knowledge and warnings to impart could command at least a few dollars fee here and there ?


People who are truly ignorant are not aware of their ignorance - not being aware that one does not know is a defining quality of ignorance.
Ignorance seems to be a universal condition. In some way and to some degree, we are all ignorant. To a certain extent, we are all victims of illusion. Becoming aware of one's own ignorance is the first step towards getting rid of it.

It is a thinking process, but also one of taking concrete steps in real life. It is an act both of analysis and commitment. Ignorance is the root of suffering. Ignorance is more than just the absence of knowledge, even though a lack of knowledge is often part of the condition. It is the negative opposite of wisdom: the absence of qualities associated with wisdom.

Ignorance also implies a lack of compassion, and as such it constitutes a self-centered attitude and its subsequent destructive approach to life. It is a life of greed and hatred instead of compassion and wisdom. It is to fall victim to illusions of permanence and materialism - the inability to distinguish between the real and the fake, and the failure to choose priorities correctly.

Self Awareness is a rare and highly valued talent........and essential for success in any business

We've only gone and done it Rodney.....!

You might remember me from such threads as..... well, this one.

So this is the week that the seven figure account finally happened.
7 years in the making, broke 3 times, wondering if life is worth it, sex life on hold while a limp on is all I can achieve! wondering whytf I bovverd with the markets at all most of the time.
Newbs listen the fugg up, naff off and do summick usfull with ya lives, this shat is for dreamers and lunatics like me. uz wanna be rich and have moar but it'll more than likely make ya poor and even more miserable. even if uz do make loadsa paper and get to live the life uz will have lost ya marbles or those who'z closest to yaz as a result of yez new found wealth. be'z appy wiv wat ya got and don't forget, healthy is happiness. troof. out.
Im confused here Pondy....have you made it or not ? got yer nut in teh game son..
Done it but would advise others not to try, takes too much out of ya nut son, no matter how match hardened you are. On a positive note, I get to do what I want from here on out, that 6 to 6-7 pm was hell for a while there... that's assuming I don't blow up again.......
Good Luck son.
Glad its happened for you lad... bit of positiveness to look forward to....Now the big question...Can you walk away from it all wid ya wedge ??
Glad its happened for you lad... bit of positiveness to look forward to....Now the big question...Can you walk away from it all wid ya wedge ??

Cheers mike, what a kin battle that was though. Fugg doing that again!😱

Loot will be tied up in annuva little sure ting for the time being, no doubt I'll be back to donate at some point in the future though. In the blood, innit.😈

Good luck bud, that's what got me there ffs 😕🙂

While a bit hard to follow for a non-native UK'er, a sincere story from a man at the edge, who finally made it!

Enjoy ye'r hard ern'd nicklz lad
Even the natives struggle with my unique lingo:whistling

There might just be a sequel to this thread as I'm getting itchy fingers looking at the Dow and Dax, getting that 'short the shat out of em' feeling....again!

Good Luck