The End. Tales, ramblings and other stuff from a Full-timer (ex)

Piece of chewing gum stuck a park bench, do you...?

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We just need more options. Personally, I find it tends to make me drool even more than usual, which don't impress teh laydiz.

Yeah, ballsed the poll up and can't edit it now, woz crying so couldn't see properly😆

Right kids, I'm going underground and on mute for the foreseeable. My posts in this thread tell you all you need to know about being a stubborn, dumb, ignorant **** and how the markets will chew off your hemorrhoids if you trade like a fookin, fookin,fookytitard, fookpig. Bet ya still do though and the market will have a little chuckle at your expense.

Good Luck. (Except the 100% a day brigade, you can (will) get shafted)👍
My posts in this thread tell you all you need to know about being a stubborn, dumb, ignorant **** and how the markets will chew off your hemorrhoids if you trade like a fookin, fookin,fookytitard, fookpig.

Too hard on yourself bud. I reckon your stubbornness was what got you the initial success. Like all strats, it failed eventually. Had you not let them whack you a hard one, they would have chased your stops from one end of the chart to the other all day long while nibbling away pips on each occasion. The end result would be exactly the same, just takes longer. A lot of the blame rests with who you play against. I don't think they are meant to be defeatable.

As for other people, I doubt your experience can help them. Most of them think they are 'trading' against an ATM where entering of the correct PIN will cause money to spill out.
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A lot of the blame rests with who you play against. I don't think they are meant to be defeatable.

It's irrelevant if they are meant to be invincible - so far as you take more than you give them. It is possible if you follow the game closely and change if necessary.
With respect to the thread starter who tells a salutory, interesting and honest tale - my forthcoming comments in this post aremeant as no reflection or opinion on it- I am commenting on BeginnerJoe's post only, These 2 statements couldn't be more wrong and misleading. It is not neccessary to defeat 'the market' to make money from it. Joe - to newbies reading a lot of your posts - you are both a danger and lesson - and only they will decide which of each you are lol !


Too hard on yourself bud. I reckon your stubbornness was what got you the initial success. Like all strats, it failed eventually. Had you not let them whack you a hard one, they would have chased your stops from one end of the chart to the other all day long while nibbling away pips on each occasion. The end result would be exactly the same, just takes longer. A lot of the blame rests with who you play against. I don't think they are meant to be defeatable.

As for other people, I doubt your experience can help them. Most of them think they are 'trading' against an ATM where entering of the correct PIN will cause money to spill out.
this raises interesting questions about why we go 'on tilt'. Is it to 'win' the money back, is it because we find it hard to be wrong. Are we self sabotaging ourselves? are we addicted to the rush of winning and losing, are we gambling? are we addicted to gambling? why are we trading, find life boring? trading is a constant voyage of self discovery and it takes someone special to remain calm and rational at all times, very hard to unlearn bad habits and manage existing character traits. trading is tough. good luck OP
With respect to the thread starter who tells a salutory, interesting and honest tale - my forthcoming comments in this post aremeant as no reflection or opinion on it- I am commenting on BeginnerJoe's post only, These 2 statements couldn't be more wrong and misleading. It is not neccessary to defeat 'the market' to make money from it. Joe - to newbies reading a lot of your posts - you are both a danger and lesson - and only they will decide which of each you are lol !



People who are truly ignorant are not aware of their ignorance - not being aware that one does not know is a defining quality of ignorance.
Ignorance seems to be a universal condition. In some way and to some degree, we are all ignorant. To a certain extent, we are all victims of illusion. Becoming aware of one's own ignorance is the first step towards getting rid of it.

It is a thinking process, but also one of taking concrete steps in real life. It is an act both of analysis and commitment. Ignorance is the root of suffering. Ignorance is more than just the absence of knowledge, even though a lack of knowledge is often part of the condition. It is the negative opposite of wisdom: the absence of qualities associated with wisdom.

Ignorance also implies a lack of compassion, and as such it constitutes a self-centered attitude and its subsequent destructive approach to life. It is a life of greed and hatred instead of compassion and wisdom. It is to fall victim to illusions of permanence and materialism - the inability to distinguish between the real and the fake, and the failure to choose priorities correctly.
not in my book BJ. humility is a good start but humility in itself will not bring answers.

If you try a bit of Buddhism like cv, perhaps things will suddenly be all clear. Buddhist meditation could well be effective in a loosing streak also.
If you try a bit of Buddhism like cv, perhaps things will suddenly be all clear. Buddhist meditation could well be effective in a loosing streak also.

nah that's not my bag. I prefer to troll the internet for kicks. 😉
this raises interesting questions about why we go 'on tilt'. Is it to 'win' the money back, is it because we find it hard to be wrong. Are we self sabotaging ourselves? are we addicted to the rush of winning and losing, are we gambling? are we addicted to gambling? why are we trading, find life boring? trading is a constant voyage of self discovery and it takes someone special to remain calm and rational at all times, very hard to unlearn bad habits and manage existing character traits. trading is tough. good luck OP

I think it happens if you lose too much, too many times. That snapping point is different for everyone, but we all have it. The key is having the maturity to recognize that point, turn off the computer, and just walk away for a while self-destructive tendencies go away.

I've been there myself, and it ain't pretty. Just this past week or two I had some -100 pip trades which is out of proportion for me, but I'm also re-evaluating my trading to ensure these don't happen again.

And yes, it is a journey -- hopefully one you don't blow out on.
I've been there myself, and it ain't pretty. Just this past week or two I had some -100 pip trades

I never been there. I was up and down 150 pips recently in a 300 pips move. It didn't move me the slightest. I was calm like a buddhist. There may be some truth to my greed. I was hoping for a 1000-2000 pips move. Maybe I should have been content and happy like everyone else for getting 20 pips.
I never been there. I was up and down 150 pips recently in a 300 pips move. It didn't move me the slightest. I was calm like a buddhist. There may be some truth to my greed. I was hoping for a 1000-2000 pips move. Maybe I should have been content and happy like everyone else for getting 20 pips.

From what I've seen of your account, you trade quite small, so I don't doubt your claim of Zen serenity, which brings me to ask if you have you ever lost thousands of dollars in a single trade (especially when you couldn't afford it)?

It's a singular experience I hope you don't get to experience. It is also quite the sickening punch to the gut that can be hard to recover from. You definitely would need to be a Buddhist to keep calm.
From what I've seen of your account, you trade quite small, so I don't doubt your claim of Zen serenity, which brings me to ask if you have you ever lost thousands of dollars in a single trade (especially when you couldn't afford it)?

I can't eliminate the element of gambling from the market casino, especially with my view on price manipulation, so I don't bet 1000's. I'd like to see someone else here do it in forex though.
Time to show of my masochistic personality disorder🙄

Right then, this is where stubbornest,ignorance,frustration (outside of teh tarding) and a healthy dose of a full on meltdown will get you after pretty much 5 years of teh trading managing to avoid such situations and gradually making more paper than I louost n like surviving n stuff.
Looking back on the occasion I can see where I went wrong, ****ing everywhere! I had no right to be gambling like **** and should have wrapped up for the year but no c*ntyboy was gonna see out the year with a big un and look at buying a house. YSLC. you stupid little ****, what a dumb ****! I was over doing crazy **** like this a couple of years ago and never did I rack up 300pp pozzy and hold on for dear life. Guess I did the right thing eventually, if I was still holding on now I would be boned hard right in the ****ter.

Below is what an irrational, frustrated, and extremely stubborn ***** statement looks like after going on tilt and flipping like a cheese omelette. Probably best avoid doing this as it's kind of painful.
I have another account (hedging acc. in case of broker probs.etc. not used for hedging on this occasion though. YSLC) to bring my total losses for six weeks up to an amount which will make my todger limp for the next 3 years!

Right then, this is not for the faint of heart so don't look if you're a pussy faggot with shriveled up knadgers. If you want some lulzy shiz av a gander!
None of ya photoshop 300000% after work whilst banging the neighbours wife here. Just real, hard pain fool.
Don't let it happen to you! YSLC's

Oh yeah I'm offering mentoring services if anyone's interested, seems like the dun thing wen this **** happenz👍

Kin hell sharky's sent a arthritic carrier pigeon with cataracts to collect the the attachments. can't upload those mo-fo's atm. 👎

That's an impressive losing streak you've put together, sorry to see that. Though it's even more impressive that you managed to extract 5 years of value out of the FTSE in the first place....
How very true, especially on a loosing streak. Naturally I am not talking about the OP. When someone can admit his error, his error is already fixed.

I would strongly disagree with this statement when it comes especially to the financial markets, although I have seen it in many other fields and walks of life.

I know personally of 3 (trading) people over the last few years that know exactly what they done wrong, they blamed themselves, called themselves a c**t, analysed the trades and everything else related for them to understand where and how they went wrong.

Needless to say, when they traded again and within a very short time were back doing the exact same thing, hence they got the same result again and again.

Now this really is true madness.
I would strongly disagree with this statement when it comes especially to the financial markets, although I have seen it in many other fields and walks of life.

I know personally of 3 (trading) people over the last few years that know exactly what they done wrong, they blamed themselves, called themselves a c**t, analysed the trades and everything else related for them to understand where and how they went wrong.

Needless to say, when they traded again and within a very short time were back doing the exact same thing, hence they got the same result again and again.

Now this really is true madness.

Is one of these three (trading) people you, by any chance? 🙂