The last time Europe had some unity was under Chalemagne and then it split up.
Why not have a trading area and independent countries ? They were all doing ok before this unity nonsense.
If the small fry need help it won't be for free. They will be selling out on their Sovereignty. I can't see the Germans just giving away their hard earned money for ever. So how will they enforce debt repayment ? Do I hear the sound of marching jackboots yet again ? Don't hide your heads in the sand politicians - it could happen again !!
It could happen because the veterans of WWII are, mostly dead, now. The younger people don't remember it and can, always, be fanned up by the politicians.
On another thread I said that the human is the only species that will trip over the same stone twice. We are auto-destructive and doomed to wipe ourselves out in the end.
First, though, let's get this measly trillion debt problem sorted out! 😀 I'd like to get my affairs sorted out before I go.