The end of the EU

Which is why it all needs smashing up and reducing to rubble.

How many times do we have to say that the *******ised corporate capitalism we have today just doesn't work. Aided and abetted by intellectually and morally bankrupt politicians.

Essentially, we have all the wrong people in all the wrong jobs doing all the wrong things.

The only cure will be revolution and the seeds are being sown.

Oh dear, sounds like you are holding something back from us CV :whistling

A lot of fun to look forward too then. 👍

Conjures up the game of musical chairs. 😆

Grab your seats everybody - we may be in for a rough ride. :cheesy:

Addenda: How do we know if those calling for the revolution are in the 'right' job or not?
Well to all the doom sayers - End of EU still seems to be some way off... 👍

However, this article is an interesting reflection of capitalism in the US... 👎


Amazing how much has been written/spoken about the end of "The American Empire".
When greed becomes the new virtue, not just in Wall St. then it's goodbye Old World values, principles etc.
Terrorism was just gnat bites, the big booby destroyed itself.
Which is why it all needs smashing up and reducing to rubble.

How many times do we have to say that the *******ised corporate capitalism we have today just doesn't work. Aided and abetted by intellectually and morally bankrupt politicians.

Essentially, we have all the wrong people in all the wrong jobs doing all the wrong things.

The only cure will be revolution and the seeds are being sown.

I agree something needs to be put in place of useless democracy/ politicians but revolution ? No No - much too bloody and quite unnecessary imho. Let the evil Robespierres and Lenins sleep.

Let the Civil Service take over. They have the means and expertise. Mostly Uni grads with a lifetime of service to the general public and not just lining their own pockets .Politics is the refuge of those that have a lot to say and little experience.
I was interested to catch the tail end of a story about that stalwart of the EU, Christine LaGarde. I think it said she may be in trouble over a multi million package, pocketing a chunk for herself.
Corruption is so bad in the EU that their accountants have refused to sign the books as accurate, for the last 16 years !!

That's even worse than our shabby lot !!
I was interested to catch the tail end of a story about that stalwart of the EU, Christine LaGarde. I think it said she may be in trouble over a multi million package, pocketing a chunk for herself.
Corruption is so bad in the EU that their accountants have refused to sign the books as accurate, for the last 16 years !!

That's even worse than our shabby lot !! There was a time that MPs disappeared after a scandal but not after Tony Blair kept letting them back in.
I was interested to catch the tail end of a story about that stalwart of the EU, Christine LaGarde. I think it said she may be in trouble over a multi million package, pocketing a chunk for herself.
Corruption is so bad in the EU that their accountants have refused to sign the books as accurate, for the last 16 years !!

That's even worse than our shabby lot !! There was a time that MPs disappeared after a scandal but not after Tony Blair kept letting them back in.

You are right and I was wrong when you mentioned corruption in the EU in an earlier post- I don't know about Christine, she has to be convicted, but here, in Spain, it is a national pastime with the socialists vying with the present government and the monarchy for top place.

We have a Cristiina here, but ours is a princess!

Princess Cristina probed for alleged tax fraud and money laundering | In English | EL PAÍS

Of course, an even bigger case is Barcenas, the ex treasurer of the Aznar government. This guy brought back 16 million (give or take a million or two) from Switzerland, expecting to benefit from the tax amnesty that was in force at the time. The utter cheek of this beggars belief. However, it now turns out that he has another 20 odd million abroad, making a total of 38 million ( that we know about) He got this from seling works of art and being astute in business, so he says. The accusation is that black money was contributed from companies to support the PP. He was quite generous with it and passed brown envelopes around to fellow ministers whom he is, now, naming in an effort to get off the hook, himself. They, in turn, are accusing him of BS, except for the Health Minister, who is blaming her husband and is refusing to resign.

There'll be a book written about this and it will make incredible reading. I just scratch the surface, here.
Oh, well that's alright then...phew !

BBC News - Euro crisis is over, says France's Francois Hollande


I suppose that means he hasn't spent it all yet ?

This came after bailouts of Greece - twice - as well as Ireland, Portugal, and a bailout of Spain's banks.

Unemployment in the eurozone is at another record high - with 19.38 million out work - and the bloc is in its longest recession since it was created in 1999, now in six consecutive quarters of shrinkage.


In a speech on the last day of his visit to Japan, the French president said that the debt crisis has served to bolster Europe.

"I believe that the crisis, far from weakening the eurozone, will strengthen it," he said. "Now, we have all the instruments of stability and solidarity. There was an improvement in the economic governance of the eurozone, we set up a banking union, we have rules on budgetary matters that allow us to be better coordinated and have a form of convergence."

He has pledged to boost jobs and growth at home, but domestic demand has been sapped by the eurozone crisis.

The French jobless rate this month climbed to the highest level in 15 years.

Recently, the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund called on France needed to introduce more economic reforms or else risk lagging behind some of its European neighbours.

War in Mali, over spending at home - typical left wing waste and over tax. A big hurrah from Blair and Ballsup I expect. No doubt they will be back in power in the UK soon enough after the Tories have messed up.
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I suppose that means he hasn't spent it all yet ?

I think things are still bad but simply not as bad as before.

However, there is no end of EU. Only bigger, better EU in sight.

Onwards and forwards 👍

I think things are still bad but simply not as bad as before.

However, there is no end of EU. Only bigger, better EU in sight.

Onwards and forwards 👍

I strongly disagree and this is why:

For some. For others it's more like, snakes and ladders.

Except that all the ladders have been nicked from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain.
I strongly disagree and this is why:

For some. For others it's more like, snakes and ladders.

Except that all the ladders have been nicked from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain.

They all had very poor quality Govts, who overspent their budgets. Why other countries should give them money beggars belief !! A failure of the EU and also democracy imho.
I strongly disagree and this is why:

For some. For others it's more like, snakes and ladders.

Except that all the ladders have been nicked from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain.

Hmm maybe but I read Turkey is still intrested in joining :-0

Europe can lose half a dozen members and still be bigger with Turkey. Moreover, Turkey's growth seems to be exceeding the BRICS at the moment so I think Europe still has legs...
Hmm maybe but I read Turkey is still intrested in joining :-0

Europe can lose half a dozen members and still be bigger with Turkey. Moreover, Turkey's growth seems to be exceeding the BRICS at the moment so I think Europe still has legs...

What I'm not keen about Turkey is that their next door neighbour is Iran. Any trouble, even border skirmishes, brings EU into it, immediately.

No doubt about it, though, we're getting bigger. We'll be recruiting Quebec next!
The Brussells incompetents should have shown a bit of muscle and chucked out the PIIGS, until they have their houses in some sort of order imho
What I'm not keen about Turkey is that their next door neighbour is Iran. Any trouble, even border skirmishes, brings EU into it, immediately.

No doubt about it, though, we're getting bigger. We'll be recruiting Quebec next!

On the contrary - gas supplies from Israel, Cyprus and Iran is likely to mean less reliance on Russia for energy and better terms as well as exchange between the Russians and Germans.

Stronger Germany -> stronger EU.

Turkey is an energy pipeline/conduit for energy and minerals to flow into Europe not only the ME and the Aegan but also from the Caucasus.

Iran is no threat to anyone as Syria is no threat to anyone.

This axis of evil business has to stop sooner or later. All fabricated rubbish imho.

Having said that I'd be only happy to see new democratic regimes in Syria and Iran. One hopes it will not turn into some lawless land like Iraq is turning out to be.

EU has big opportunities knocking at the door if it can embolden it self out of this mess.

Watch this space. 👍
On the contrary - gas supplies from Israel, Cyprus and Iran is likely to mean less reliance on Russia for energy and better terms as well as exchange between the Russians and Germans.

Stronger Germany -> stronger EU.

Turkey is an energy pipeline/conduit for energy and minerals to flow into Europe not only the ME and the Aegan but also from the Caucasus.

Iran is no threat to anyone as Syria is no threat to anyone.

This axis of evil business has to stop sooner or later. All fabricated rubbish imho.

Having said that I'd be only happy to see new democratic regimes in Syria and Iran. One hopes it will not turn into some lawless land like Iraq is turning out to be.

EU has big opportunities knocking at the door if it can embolden it self out of this mess.

Watch this space. 👍

We'll have to do something about Pat, though. 🙂
I see there are prizes for the top 6 essays on whether the UK should leave the EU.

The trouble is with the EU is they are unwilling to change for the better. And they really do need upgrading from the baic nonsensical decisions and corruption. That Court of Human Rights could make sensible decisions for instance too.
Everyone knows it is financially bust except those clots in Brussells.
Basically a good trading idea gone all wonky thanks to very poor political decisions.