The chickens are getting nervous ! Will they or won't they wake up in time to escape being on the menu as the aperitif, the main course being just over the western border as usual .
Signing up to virtual slavery isn't my idea of a good time. Must be a variation of " The Stockholm Syndrome " !
Thatcher and the rest should never have signed The Maastricht Treaty either. Delivered most of W. Europe into Germany's clutch ! The French ? - they are but a junior partner until .......(they can't see it coming can they. 3rd time around. Has the "big bad wolf" changed into a reasonable neighbour ? ) What do you think ?
No D day this time mes amis
There is nothing wrong with The Maastricht Treaty imho. I also hardly think Thatcher saved the UK from anything but other than laid the foundation to which we lie in today. Having said that - I often wonder how we can look at same events with two complete opinions. It must be because we were standing on opposing sides of the hill tops as a consequence of such policies.
Problem with capitalism that needs to be addressed is that it doesn't know how to deal with slow down. Everything is based on biger, faster and higher profits, consumption and production. But we all know it doesn't work that way. Who would get into a Ferrari with no brakes?
So what happens when things slow down? What economic theories out there to explain such slow downs? None I've heard of. Any ideas?
The only response is Social Security, Employment Laws and Government Spending.
As I've mentioned before Employment Laws and corporates with ethics and heart are the least offensive option imho. Social Security and Big Governments are the worst.
The UK has fallen behind Europe for good 20 years. Countries like Spain Portugal Italy and Greece benefited greatly. Now there is some pay back due but it's not beyond salvation.
Somewhat mismanaged but there is capitalism and lack of regulation and prudent governance for you. Talk to the Germans would be my advice as to how it is done.
As for the French - well really of all the issues facing Europe the French deem it appropriate to round off on the UK. Just goes to show how pathetic Sarkozy and the French politicians are if they feel they can get milage out of this. Have they managed to deflect attention from the **** poor situation they find them selves in? We are all in the same boat so let's see if we can throw the English out to the sharks in the lending markets. Well the markets will be rounding off the French soon enough with all guns blazing. I'm not sure we need to say anything as with such arrogant leaders pride will surely come before their fall.
Markets aren't fooled and I doubt the electors will either. Sarkozy is yesterdays man and Vive la France...