The drugs problem

Use is effectively already legalised, so there's not really much pressure there to do anything.

So, to be more exact, are you saying legalise the drug cartels?

Over the counter pharmacies or special rehab offices where they have to go into a car wash and blow dry to clean up.
I would like to suggest to the dummies in Parlt. that they don't just throw away the keys to imprisoned terrorists for umpteen tears but have a half way house to redemption when they genuinely find out the difference between right and wrong. Their light on the road to Damascus. In preparation for conditional release. So they don't waste our money and their own time.
most prescribed drugs are high blood preassure and cholesterol.

lets stamp those out. if you eat yourself into deserve oblivion right?

if need either have an eating addiction for decades

guess what saying is get off your high horse?
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Pragmatism for sure. 👍

Prioritise to maximise productivity.

Cocaine is choice product for the well off, celebrities and pop stars. Far more addictive imo.

Cannabis is simply less well to do, average man's chill out.

Not many people touch heroin.

Always wonder why police don't bring any celebs in for questioning or lock them up behind bars?

Hard to believe the stupidity contained in these posts.

So, in Atilla's fantasy world, what people doing what jobs would be able to do drugs?

Taxi Drivers !
Surgeons !

Who ?
Hard to believe the stupidity contained in these posts.

So, in Atilla's fantasy world, what people doing what jobs would be able to do drugs?

Taxi Drivers !
Surgeons !

Who ?

You need to read more Sparky, hopefully, papers other than just the Telegraph.

This pic shows the highest drug in use in the US.


This diag shows ilicit drug use by industry.

There is work and research done in these areas all the time.
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Policy on drugs is a mess, thousands of people in the UK denied the right to access cannabis to help with medical conditions, unless you have MS you can't get it prescribed.

Look at what the US and other countries around the world are doing to help people get access, a model for the UK to adopt instead of pussy footing around the issues and allowing politics to screw it up.

Even LSD is now being reported to have benefits for some mental conditions, a drug that has been so highly controlled for decades that it has been very difficult to research.

Wake up politicians lots of people need your direction for medical help!

As for highly addictive class A type drugs, well yes they still need strict control, but in the case of MDMA and its variants there is a sh1t storm brewing. As long as politicians continue to bury their heads then millions of users will be denied strength testing and it's inevitable that deaths will continue.
Your table shows a general increase in drug taking.
I wonder where at home traders fit in ?

Finance & Insurance!

Business location not relevant imo.

Also agree wrt MDMAs.

Young people are not stupid and at the moment there is lack of clarity. Better regulation and information and control that would come with legalisation can only help.

At the moment young people are in the hands of unscrupulous dealers and really taking a big chance with contents and dosage.

We try and hide it but it still goes on.

Find our current response is like sticking heads in the sand. Why not simpy ask the young people and drug users how they would like to be helped.

I know they'll say we would like clear information on dosage so we know what we are taking and better clarity on effects and risks.

Then we can research and investigate harmful sides and regulate dosage to safe levels. What we have is madness.
Whoa there ! Yup if they are going to be brutally honest it will be along the lines of a 2 day working week for double the pay. OK make half of it in drugs !
No wonder politicians have been telling them what they think for so long.

Don't understand your point here Pat. 🙄

What I meant is ask the medical profession as well as the users on how they perceive a well regulated usage policy to limit damage abuse and spread good information to allow individuals to make their own decisions.

Olympians use drugs all the time, are actively encouraged by their states, coaches adn medical professionals and if they do it well enough, they get awarded medals.
The trouble occurs when, for example, the U.K. Chief Medical Officer is employed to give his presumably scientific opinion based on research and the govt of the day ignores it for whatever reason. Look what happened there, he just resigned and current policy hasn't changed, a classic case of politics trumping common sense.

It will probably take a couple of changes of government before policy does change, but there are encouraging signs that change will happen as a result of other governments policy change and people campaigning.
It was interesting to read that social mood theorists say that during bear market periods tolerance to cannabis use lowers and changes to regulations to allow its use increase and in a bull market period the opposite happens.
The trouble occurs when, for example, the U.K. Chief Medical Officer is employed to give his presumably scientific opinion based on research and the govt of the day ignores it for whatever reason. Look what happened there, he just resigned and current policy hasn't changed, a classic case of politics trumping common sense.

It will probably take a couple of changes of government before policy does change, but there are encouraging signs that change will happen as a result of other governments policy change and people campaigning.

This Govt also has a change of policy.

Well done Philippines.
You need to read more Sparky, hopefully, papers other than just the Telegraph.

This pic shows the highest drug in use in the US.


This diag shows ilicit drug use by industry.

There is work and research done in these areas all the time.

No surprise to see declining use in areas like construction and mining.
A lot of D&A testing is done in the workplace and anyone failing the tests is instantly dismissed. Also, information is shared across the industry with other potential employers. So, get caught once and thats the end of your career in that sector.

Mandatory testing should be rolled out for everyone in the workplace.
Don't understand your point here Pat. 🙄

What I meant is ask the medical profession as well as the users on how they perceive a well regulated usage policy to limit damage abuse and spread good information to allow individuals to make their own decisions.

Olympians use drugs all the time, are actively encouraged by their states, coaches adn medical professionals and if they do it well enough, they get awarded medals.

Just me having a rant. Take no notice.
This Govt also has a change of policy.

Well done Philippines.

Harsh punishments for harsh crimes indeed.

Meanwhile back in a democracy - on the one hand criminals are lucky to be living in a first world democracy, on the other hand ordinary people are unlucky to be paying to keep criminals in prison, the price to pay for at least some control over the leadership.

When it comes to non-class A drugs then it would appear that law enforcement in this country has made up its own mind and has started to ignore policy, based on economics of course.

Now if we could just make alcohol illegal we could save ourselves even more money and criminalise even more of the population for no good reason [emoji849]

Although alcohol crimes do need far more harsh punishments to deter people, we are way too lax in this regard.
This Govt also has a change of policy.

Well done Philippines.

These kinds of stories may look good on the big screen, but it'll be only a matter of time before a policemen decides to get rid of a personal antagonist by assassinating him and then planting drugs on him.

Job done, ask no questions. Award medal for murder.

Similar to Brazilian police shooting anyone wihout a license to carry a gun but found with one on their possessions.

All sounds good until people start over stepping the line.

Don't get me wrong. I do like the sound of these solutions but just not sure about eventual outcome for miscarriage of justice. 🙄