The Bear Market is Over


Active member
Stocks are again surging today and it now appears the bear market is over. We can all rest assured that by the end of the year we will look back at today and, in confidence, state to ourselves that this was a marvelous time to buy...
I believe the name explains everything. The market moves at his will and he has spoken.

Praise be to GodofTrading!
Stocks are again surging today and it now appears the bear market is over. We can all rest assured that by the end of the year we will look back at today and, in confidence, state to ourselves that this was a marvelous time to buy...

Far be it for me to question God and his mysterious ways...

..but may I ask him if he has heard of the Dead Cat Bounce?
Stocks are again surging today and it now appears the bear market is over. We can all rest assured that by the end of the year we will look back at today and, in confidence, state to ourselves that this was a marvelous time to buy...

You wish!
Stocks are again surging today and it now appears the bear market is over. We can all rest assured that by the end of the year we will look back at today and, in confidence, state to ourselves that this was a marvelous time to buy...

to buy put options?
"Relieved" of Docklands

Stocks are again surging today and it now appears the bear market is over. We can all rest assured that by the end of the year we will look back at today and, in confidence, state to ourselves that this was a marvelous time to buy...

Right. That's ok then ! 👍