is bear-market safe or bull market?


Junior member
Yes, I was thinking that is it profitable to trade in bear-markets or to trade while the market condition in bullish way ?

sometimes both can be profitable ..

But which one can be safe??

now S&P500 U.S stock is in bear-market ?
In theory a Bear market is more risky because if you Short sell something then the potential loss is infinite. Where as if you buy something the loss in limited to the value of the asset you bought, ie it cannot go below 0 in value. However, in reality I think that Bear markets move down more quickly than Bull markets move up.

oh thanks for the information... 🙂

I was other day trading on gnutrade trading platform at gnutrade

and found at S&P500 was in bull market... fortunately yes i did not loose that day...

but wil take care next time buddy
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