The Alba System Journal- EUR/USD intraday system

Forex Trade- 4/03/06- 1 Trade Won

Not a bad day for a Monday. There was a good Alba breakout at 10:20 am and I entered 3 lots long at 2091 with a stop at 2069 and a target at 2103. My target was hit at 10:40 and I closed 2 lots and moved my last lot's stop to the low of that candle. I trailed my stop and was eventually stopped out at the low of the candle marked on the chart which was at 2130. We couldn't of asked for an easier trade today and it was pretty much a smooth sail for the length of the trade. Hope you all grabbed some of those pips. Cheers! ~Big Pippin

Results: +24 +39 -9(spread)= +54 pips


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Forex Trade- 4/4/06- 1 Trade Won

Although I didn't catch all the move, I was still able to grab some pips. You will see that the breakout occurred right at 8am but because of Trichet speaking at 8:30 I did not take the trade. I waited until I saw an Alba signal at 9:10 before entering. I entered long at 2243 with a stop at 2228 and a target at 2252. My target was hit at 9:40 and I closed 2 lots and moved my last lot's stop to breakeven. I was eventually stopped out at the low of the candle marked on the chart which was at 2261. It was another easy day for trading in general. Very good moves and I'm hoping we can have more days like this the rest of the week. Cheers! ~Big Pippin

Results: +18 +18 -9(spread)= +27 pips


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Forex Trade- 4/05/06- No Trades

Well after 2 good days of movement in the EUR, we finally had a pause as there were no valid Alba trades today. You'll notice that the candle marked on the chart was an Alba breakout but as most of you know I do not trade around news events. The breakout occurred at 9:30 which was the same time as Bernanke's testimony which is why there was no trade. Hindsight is great I know, but this is a perfect example of why trading around news can be very dangerous. Luckily we were able to stay out of this one as it would have been a loss. Like I always say, it's better to not trade and make nothing then to trade and lose money. Hopefully we'll have a better day tomorrow. Cheers! ~Big Pippin

Result: +0 pips


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Forex Trade- 4/6/06- 1 Trade Won

Well it was another excellent day for Miss Alba. We had a very strong move in the EUR/USD and luckily Alba helped us snag some pips. At 8:40 there was both an Alba signal and a breakout (which is usually a very good sign) and I entered 3 lots short at 2235 with a stop at 2308 and a target at 2197. My target was hit at 10:00 am and I closed 2 lots and moved my last lot to the high of that candle. Unfortunately I was stopped out at the very next candle at 2216. So far its been a strong week and hopefully we can maintain this momentum for tomorrow and finish the week out strong. Cheers! ~Big Pippin

Results: +76 +19 -9(spread)= +86 pips


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Forex Trade- 4/07/06- 1 Trade Won

Well it's been a great week for Alba and today was no exception. At 9:50 am EST we saw an Alba breakout and I entered 3 lots short at 2154 with a stop at 2192 and a target at 2133. My target was hit on the next candle and I closed 2 lots and moved my last lot's stop to breakeven. I trailed my last lot's stop and was eventually stopped out at the high of the candle marked on the chart which was at 2123. Today was a great way to end a fantastic trading week. I wish every week were like this 🙂 Cheers! ~Big Pippin

Results: +42 +31 -9(spread)= +64 pips


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Alba results for 4.03.06 - 4.07.06

Well it really was a great week for the Alba system. I think it's just been a great week for trading in general. In this week alone we surpassed all our profits from last month. Hopefully we'll be able to add to this profit total for the rest of the month.

Monday: +54
Tuesday: +27
Wednesday: No Trades
Thursday: +86
Friday: +64

Total: +231 pips
Forex Trade- 4/10/06- No trades

Well like a typical Monday I did not have any trades today. There was actually a signal at 11:00 am EST but it was too close to the EU session low to take. This week will be short for me as Friday is a holiday and I will not trade the day before the holiday either (Thursday). Therefore, our trading week will be reduced to today, tomorrow, and Wednesday. Hopefully we can grab some pips in this short week. Cheers! ~Big Pippin

Result: +0 pips


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Big Pippin said:
. This week will be short for me as Friday is a holiday and I will not trade the day before the holiday either (Thursday).

Any reason for that?
Kennard said:
Any reason for that?

Holidays are never good days to trade on since the market volume will be very low. And just as a personal preference, I do not like trading the day before holidays as I've seen the market do crazy things sometimes on those days. Besides, I'll be on vacation 🙂
I remember thinking along those lines around Christmas and glad I still traded, there were some wonderful moves.... But if your on hols, what can you do! Enjoy!
Forex Trade- 4/11/06- No Trades

Well as expected, we saw very little movement in the EUR/USD because of the lack of economic reports today. There were no signals or breakouts. Hopefully tomorrow will be better 🙂 Cheers! ~Big Pippin

Results: +0 pips


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Forex Trade- 4/12/06- 1 Trade lost

Unfortunately on my last trading day this week I had a loss. After the trade balance report the Euro made a nice move down and at the close of the 8:40 candle I entered short on an Alba breakout at 2072 with a stop at 2143 and a target at 2033. After entering, the Euro made a complete reversal and headed back all the way up to the EU session low before finally moving down a little bit. By 12 noon I knew it was time to close my trade because the price was pretty close to 2100 so I ended up closing all 3 lots at 2104. So after a nice run last week I took a pretty good hit today but we are still up for the month. Hopefully the rest of the month will get us back up. I will not be trading tomorrow or Friday as I will be on vacation. Hope you all have a great Easter and I will be back on Monday. Cheers! ~Big Pippin

Result: -96 -9(spread)= -105 pips


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can u please tell us where and which forum you describe this system? if not, why should i bother figuring it out.
The forum posts will help you understand the system. If you look closely, most of the trades are breakout trades taken when price has broken out of the EU session range. It's a very simple system that would probably make a nice addition to your trader's toolbox.

Good luck in your trading,

Forex Trade- 4/18/06- 1 Trade lost

Well after a nice Easter vacation, I came back to a not-so-nice market 🙂 We had a good looking Alba breakout at 8:50 am and I entered 3 lots long at 2295 with a stop at 2250 and a target at 2319. Unfortunately the economic reports weren't strong enough to move the market enough to hit our target and the price returned back to the EU session high. By 12:30 after a small run up I cut my losses and closed all 3 lots out at 2287. Since we only had 1 trade last week I will be combining this week's results with last week. So far it's not looking good. We are still up for the month but I would like to see another good week like the first week of this month where we made over 200 pips. Hopefully the odds will play in our favor 🙂 Cheers! ~Big Pippin

Results: -24 -9(spread)= -33 pips


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Forex Trade- 4/19/06- 1 Trade Lost

Just when we thought it wouldn't get any worse, it turns out that it can! After the CPI report we saw an Alba breakout at 9:00 am and I entered short at 2299 with a stop at 2342 and a target at 2275. The EUR got down to 2285 but then made a complete reversal and I was stopped out on all 3 lots at 10:00 am. This is probably due to the weak dollar sentiment now and as commodities are increasing and housing data weakening and high oil prices affecting consumer spending, we're probably going to see a weaker dollar in the next few months. The reason for the slight surge for the dollar was because of the higher than expected CPI numbers. I just wish it surged a little more to hit our target before going weak again 🙂 Oh well, you can't win them all. Hoping for a better day tomorrow. Cheers! ~Big Pippin

Results: -129 -9(spread)= -138 pips (ouch)


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Forex Trade- 4/20/06- 1 Trade Won

That 2300 is a very tricky level right now. I've seen it bounce on the level for the past 3 days now so keep that in mind as you trade. At 10:00 am there was an Alba breakout and I entered 3 lots short at 2303 with a stop at 2330 and a target at 2388. My target was hit at 10:50 and I closed 2 lots out and moved my stop to breakeven where I was stopped out a few minutes later. Coincidentally enough this looks just like yesterday's trade except our target was a little too low. Yesterday, the Euro got down to 2285 before bouncing back up. Today it got down to 2286. Who knows what will happen tomorrow. Cheers for the win! ~Big Pippin

Result: +30 +3 -9(spread)= +24 pips


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Forex Trade- 4/21/06- No Trades

Well it was a relatively quiet day for the EUR/USD seeing as there were no economic reports today. However at around 10:30 we did get a brief spike due to some words from the Russians saying that the USD wasn't the only reserve. Price went up to the EU session high but didn't quite qualify as an Alba breakout so I stayed out. It's been a week and half and I'm hoping next week will be better. Have a great weekend everyone! ~Big Pippin

Results: +0 pips


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Alba results for 4/10/06 - 4/21/06

It's been a very tough 2 weeks and we're actually negative for the month at this moment. Since the Alba inception, I've never had a losing month so it will be interesting to see what will happen next week. This is one of those times when you can really see the power of good money management 🙂

4/10/06 - 4/12/06
Monday: No trades
Tuesday: No trades
Wednesday: -105

4/18/06 - 4/21/06
Tuesday: -33
Wednesday: -138
Thursday: +24
Friday: No trades

Total: -252 pips

Overall track record