The 50% rule!?!

What a waste of internet bandwidth. If there is some magic "rule" then lets hear about it. Otherwise ........

If I had a magic rule why would I give it to someone who has nothing good to say?
First you insult the topic. Then demand to know about it?
Well sir I hope you have very good luck with your trading!
What the 50% rule means to me, is that (1) when there is a move away from the mean, there will be a move back to the mean, and (2) the move back towards the mean will have as much value and opportunity as the move away from the mean. In fact this was the basis of my original strategy.

The mean of what and how far does the move have to be ?

There are plenty of cases where this manifestly is not true. BSC anybody ?
Somehow I don't think so :cheesy:

You're fishing aren't you hwsteele ? 😉

Anyway, a question for you if I may.

Assuming zero comes first, which comes last, 50% or 100% ?


I think you misunderstood what I said.
I said that I had a "renewed interest that I would explain later". I did not say that I would explain the rule. I said I would explain the interest.
What the 50% rule means to me, is that (1) when there is a move away from the mean, there will be a move back to the mean, and (2) the move back towards the mean will have as much value and opportunity as the move away from the mean. In fact this was the basis of my original strategy.

That's very interesting. Yes an interesting idea.
If I had a magic rule why would I give it to someone who has nothing good to say?
First you insult the topic. Then demand to know about it?
Well sir I hope you have very good luck with your trading!

You are the one who started the thread but have provided nothing but waffle.

How can I insult the topic ? There isn't a topic, just some vague claim to some "secret" knowledge.
You are the one who started the thread but have provided nothing but waffle.

How can I insult the topic ? There isn't a topic, just some vague claim to some "secret" knowledge.

If you are offended then you are more than welcome to quit posting.
Can someone please PLEASE DELETE this conversation to stop other idiots like me reading through 6 pages of effing garbage to learn nothing except the person who started this thread is a freaking lunatic. PLEASE !
I would guess he does something like a "card count", perhaps along the lines of:

> 12 down days in the last 20 rolling day sample implies a high probability buy signal at the open next day.

Only guessing.