Well after reading this thread (obviously not the entire thing) I have send the captain an email and Im looking forward to recieving the ebook.
I am kind of jumping the gun a bit here having not recieved the ebook yet but would you guys say you can trade consistenly successfully with this method?
It says on the site that captain currency trade full time for a living buy it would be interested to know if this is the only trading method he uses? This may have been mentioned previously in this thread but I have only read about 30-40 pages on this 170 page thread! 😀
Looking forward to the ebook!
If he does or not its something that only he can answer but i can tell you there are many methods you can follow, the basic rule still being the same at any method, be consistent, stick to the rules and beat your own emotions.
I use the three ducks with a lot of modifications i have made to it and when i dont controll my emotions i win less than i can. I also use other methods.
Among the three ducks and other methods i follow i am making 200 - 300 pips each day.