Thank you Trade2Win!!


Guest Author
Recently had the privilege of meeting some of the guys who started Trade2Win 15 years ago and who continue to make it happen - nice bunch of guys!

Afterwards I thought I should say "thank you" in writing (rather than just think about in my head!) for all the work they do in keeping this forum going over so many years . My levels of forum activity have varied over the years but thanks to the forum I have learned a lot, found great resources and made some really meaningful connections with other traders in the UK. Am sure that many other forum users are able to echo those comments!

So thanks a bunch to Sharky, Timsk and Trader333!! Thanks so much for all your hard work over the years :clap::clap:

[There might be others who are involved, of whom I am not aware :eek:]
You should have posted some photos and made a short Youtube video of your encounter with the people who founded Trade2Win :eek::cheesy:
1000% agree.................T2Win is a great forum and feels like an old friend to me

Agree with all the previous posts. Where else could you get informed/uninformed/interesting/crazy/totally useless/worth their weight in gold/literary punch-ups: comments, lessons, discussion, put-downs, reasoned argument and anything else that you care to name. Only on T2W!

Since joining in 2005 it's been my daily antidote to the mad-ar$e world that we all have to live in. So thanks very much Sharky and team – keep up the good work. :)

Grimsdale tradinginc120.jpg
Cheers folks, much appreciated! Next year perhaps we'll try and organise some more meet-ups, always a pleasure putting a face to a name. I don't think we took any photos, although I'm pretty sure somehow had a selfie stick - or perhaps that was just one beer to many.. :drunk:
...or are they just merely getting by or getting standard average, collective market returns
Not even that in some cases I suspect Lawrence but, fortunately for them and for the members of this fine forum, making returns from trading - be they outsized or otherwise - isn't a necessary prerequisite for running T2W in order to achieve its aims and objectives!
Yes, thank you T2W.

Some good people around....I am impressed with Tim, he is always balanced and his posts sprouts knowledge and grace.
A pic from Saturday's meet up: alan5616 (left), timsk (middle) and dentist007 (right)
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Ahh when the selfie stick came out, was up that table quicker than a reply from tar. Still, was a bit vicious with that crop Tim, just sayin :p


Shame trader333 had to go so early, but apparently he had to be back ;). I did manage to get a sorry in there :cheesy:

Seriously tho, was good to meet up, cheers guys :cheers:
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fabulous photoshopping...really funny
any more..??

Thank you kindly dear Dentist, if there are pics flying around might be able to work on them.

Papa smurf and Joe 90 were easy enough to but had trouble trying to fit you intp type so you being a dentist and all that bugs 'toothy' bunny was the best match.

Here is another. I've taken 20 years off your face. Waddaya tink?


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