Tax advice needed


LOL, how long did that take to find, copy to desktop, upload, just for me, I'm shocked at the attention you are giving me, stalker nappy boy! 😆
LOL, how long did that take to find, copy to desktop, upload, just for me, I'm shocked at the attention you are giving me, stalker nappy boy! 😆

TS, the gift that keeps on giving..amazed you can load a chart if you think loading an image onto T2W is difficult...

Anyhow, this 11% this morning, impressive stuff and no mistake. Could you describe the trades and the risk you took in order to take such an amount out of the market? Is 11% your mean average per day, or does it get better than that..? 🙂
TS, the gift that keeps on giving..amazed you can load a chart if you think loading an image onto T2W is difficult...

Anyhow, this 11% this morning, impressive stuff and no mistake. Could you describe the trades and the risk you took in order to take such an amount out of the market? Is 11% your mean average per day, or does it get better than that..? 🙂

I don't find uploading charts difficult, I just wouldn't waste my time, that was my point,.....

Oh you want me to teach you how to produce 11% from you 0.3%?

Whatever I say you will try to discredit it. As my Grand Pops used to say to people like you, 'I wouldn't pish on you if you were on fire'

I will give you this much, no I won't, feck off! 😆
This thread is very funny. 👍

Just on the tax issue, I would have less problem with it if the overall burden weren't so high and the money was spent more efficiently. The scale of waste in the public sector is a scandal and should be addressed as a matter of urgency.
black swan

I made 11% today whilst playing your childish 'destroy a thread game', how did you do? The NHS is being destroyed by the Tories right now under your ignorant noses.
Sub standard education? Erm, ok.

I made just shy of $50k yesterday So what do you want a cornflake

I believe you to be quite well educated but there in lies the problem in terms of life you are but a newbie
I believe you to be quite well educated but there in lies the problem in terms of life you are but a newbie

Why is that relevant, and what do you mean by "well educated"? He's simply an out of control whopper..As for the level of intellect how can anyone (who rejoices at the possibility of witnessing "the NHS being dismantled under our ignorant noses..") possibly have an IQ above the mean average?
If anyone is wondering why I bother to reply to the hostis black swan, it's simply because I have discovered that this site is purely a playground of sorts and unfortunately not of the level I was hoping. Saying that, the CEO of CMC has taken some of my observations and offerings and as a result (even though black swan got envious and tried to discredit me but failed) is introducing these suggestions in the new upgrade (single click trading, lowering Natural Gas prices etc). So all is not lost. But to witness the way black swan sucks up to the CEO (Peter Crudas) is purley sickening, and a total waste of time as i'm sure Peter Crudas would never mix with such types.

why throw names in to the mix
now if you had been paid for your suggestions I may have been impressed a little

My trading for today when the FTSE hits 289 and DOW hits 11565 better than the norm
Why is that relevant, and what do you mean by "well educated"? He's simply an out of control whopper..As for the level of intellect how can anyone (who rejoices at the possibility of witnessing "the NHS dismantled..") possibly have an IQ above the mean average?

Now I didnt say IQ
well educated - as in spent quite a number of years in a classroom enviroment
well educated - as in spent quite a number of years in a classroom enviroment

Doesn't mean a great deal.

People talk about so many years of "compulsory education" that we have in the UK. This is incorrect - we do not have compulsory education, we have compulsory attendance at school. The two are not necessarily the same thing. 🙂

Actually, in a lot of schools, we don't even have compulsory attendance, much less compulsory education. 😆
- as in spent quite a number of years in a classroom enviroment

Similar to the vast majority of kids in the UK then, or are you suggesting he's quite young which is why he's constantly out of his depth on T2W?

I suppose the age 'thing' is a possibility given he's an immature pathological liar, added to that his bizarre right of neo liberal ideological politics are comic book childish. His previous claim to have traded successfully for ten years, but only now is having tax 'issues', doesn't quite ring true either does it..? What a mess..
I don't find uploading charts difficult, I just wouldn't waste my time, that was my point,.....

Oh you want me to teach you how to produce 11% from you 0.3%?

Whatever I say you will try to discredit it. As my Grand Pops used to say to people like you, 'I wouldn't pish on you if you were on fire'

I will give you this much, no I won't, feck off! 😆

I would want my money back from that education

Print copy paste
Browse select upload

Not rocket science

Similar to the vast majority of kids in the UK then, or are you suggesting he's quite young which is why he's constantly out of his depth

I would say mid to late 20s has not realy been in any sort of emergency situation, its then that your private this n that aint worth jack and you realise the value of the NHS is priceless
I would say mid to late 20s has not realy been in any sort of emergency situation, its then that your private this n that aint worth jack and you realise the value of the NHS is priceless

oops theres my alert to go long Euro..may get more than 0.3% today
Doesn't mean a great deal.

People talk about so many years of "compulsory education" that we have in the UK. This is incorrect - we do not have compulsory education, we have compulsory attendance at school.

Sorry your wrong, Education is compulsory School is not
Sorry your wrong, Education is compulsory School is not

Perhaps I should have put "compulsory attendance at school or equivalent measures". I am aware that it is possible to educate your children outside of the formal system in this country, although it is not easy to do so, and I would imagine that well over 99% of children attend school.

However, "education" is not compulsory. Attending officially-sanctioned educational activities is (in theory) compulsory but that is not the same as compulsory education.
Perhaps I should have put "compulsory attendance at school or equivalent measures". I am aware that it is possible to educate your children outside of the formal system in this country, although it is not easy to do so, and I would imagine that well over 99% of children attend school.

However, "education" is not compulsory. Attending officially-sanctioned educational activities is (in theory) compulsory but that is not the same as compulsory education.

I was quoting from the education act, my youngest is educated otherwise than at school
That's interesting. Why (if you don't mind me asking) does your youngest not attend school?

In a nutshell schools have a one size fits all program with no budget for anything else unless you are an under achiever then they get extra money and services from the local authority, those that excel there is no money for.