Tax advice needed

Hi Ken
I pay taxes, just would prefer to reduce them. You know like most of the pals to the present government. Phillip Green pays ZERO, and he's a Billionaire, are the government on his toes? Of course not. I don't mind paying a realistic percentage (nil would be a dream, but I'm not a billionaire lining someones pocket to over look me) but I hate the idea to hand over half my earnings, actually the same as I earn, to a government who give me so little in return and give my money away to people who have given NOTHING in and receive more than out own born and bred, and spend it on illegal wars to push up oil prices. But hey, I will find out the best way to reduce my Tax bill, as I never give up.
What Oh! what, is it about this country that denigrates people who have the desire/ability to pay for private education/healthcare etc etc thereby subbing the rest. They are doing us a service by effectively paying twice. As higher rate taxpayers they are already contributing more.

Truth Seeker has a point: a lot of what government take off you is just wasted - it's always easier spending someone else's money isn't it? - How many people stop to think that governments have no money of their own?

So good on you Truth Seeker, pay your legal taxes yes but there's no need to bend over and get shafted voluntarily. 🙂

as Mandy said; no problem with the filthy rich so long as they pay their tax. If the system has helped create massive wealh for you then you pay it back and forward. Strangely other than sportsmen, I've never met an extremely weatlthy individual who moans about tax, they pay good people to look after their interests but generally have the good grace and wisdom to accept and realise the generosity of the 'system' that helped create their wealth..
What Oh! what, is it about this country that denigrates people who have the desire/ability to pay for private education/healthcare etc etc thereby subbing the rest. They are doing us a service by effectively paying twice. As higher rate taxpayers they are already contributing more.

Truth Seeker has a point: a lot of what government take off you is just wasted - it's always easier spending someone else's money isn't it? - How many people stop to think that governments have no money of their own?

So good on you Truth Seeker, pay your legal taxes yes but there's no need to bend over and get shafted voluntarily. 🙂

Hi 0007

If the NHS delivered a decent service for my family I would use them, but sadly they don't. I want the best I can afford for my family and I'm not in anyway embarrassed, I'm sure you would do the same too.
WTF? You couldn't be further from the truth. You get off YOUR WORKING MANS soap box, get a education (if at all possible) and stop being a hater. You don't know me, or my life apart from the facts I have and my family worked extremely hard and as a result have had to give away a large portion of our earnings, employing people and still are. We have taken NOTHING out of the system (NHS, Benefits etc) and paid our way for EVERYTHING for two generations, through HARD WORK. So yes, I want a break like most of the millionaires you hear about who get away LEGALLY with reduced Tax bills, (I can already trade Tax free through spreadbet) and if you could do the same I'm sure you would. So you want to Tax spreadbetting now to take away what little some earn? Nice, you're a real brainwashed governmental believer, and you probably read and believe everything you see in 'THE SUN'. This is getting stupid now, all the dregs that hate people who are successful through hard work are coming out of the woodwork, first black swan and now the latest retard..
I'm now not even replying unless it's on topic, silly me, I thought this site had successful professional traders..

and who couldnt be further from the truth now
A whole 2 generations wow blue peter badge you want
The system is not there to take things out its there as a safety net fool

"most millionaires you hear about" now whos reading the gutter press
all the millionaires I know pay a shed load of tax but most talk about responsability in current climate rather than "I want to pay no tax"

why not give those workers you mention an extra loyalty bonus this year and lower your tax threshold
as Mandy said; no problem with the filthy rich so long as they pay their tax. If the system has helped create massive wealh for you then you pay it back and forward. Strangely other than sportsmen, I've never met an extremely weatlthy individual who moans about tax, they pay good people to look after their interests but generally have the good grace and wisdom to accept and realise the generosity of the 'system' that helped create their wealth..

I doubt you know many somehow, every comfortable businessman I know all moan about Taxation, it's the usual dinner discussions, after bringing back workhouses for the poor, and sterlising single Mums who get pregnant whilst being single....🙂
and who couldnt be further from the truth now
A whole 2 generations wow blue peter badge you want
The system is not there to take things out its there as a safety net fool

"most millionaires you hear about" now whos reading the gutter press
all the millionaires I know pay a shed load of tax but most talk about responsability in current climate rather than "I want to pay no tax"

why not give those workers you mention an extra loyalty bonus this year and lower your tax threshold

Two generations that have lived completely in the private sector, paying higher Tax and paying for education, healthcare etc. Before hand were working class, over taxed under paid, there's nothing good about that.
Hi 0007

If the NHS delivered a decent service for my family I would use them, but sadly they don't. I want the best I can afford for my family and I'm not in anyway embarrassed, I'm sure you would do the same too.

Sigh, is there no end to your ignorance and stupidity? You attempt to slur others by suggesting their debating skills are at the level of The Sun and yet the bile you spew out is truly fantastic..

The NHS is a fantastic organisation run by overworked, underpaid, dedicated folk, opting out is your choice, similar to paying for sub standard private schooling in most cases it's a false economy that assists the rest of the populous more than those who opt out.
black swan

I made 11% today whilst playing your childish 'destroy a thread game', how did you do? The NHS is being destroyed by the Tories right now under your ignorant noses.
Sub standard education? Erm, ok.
I doubt you know many somehow, every comfortable businessman I know all moan about Taxation, it's the usual dinner discussions, after bringing back workhouses for the poor, and sterlising single Mums who get pregnant whilst being single....🙂

You're wrong, comfortable people may worry about tax, the super wealthy never do. But I'm amazed at the discussions you must have in the Salvation's that worked out for you, this bitterness you carry? No need to answer, you've revealed enough..
black swan

I made 11% today whilst playing your childish 'destroy a thread game', how did you do? The NHS is being destroyed by the Tories right under your ignorant noses.

Hahaha..11% eh? You've just revealed a little bit more than you should have there re. your level of ability, account size and how much you risk..😀

fwiw I've made 0.3% today..😉
You're wrong, comfortable people may worry about tax, the super wealthy never do. But I'm amazed at the discussions you must have in the Salvation's that worked out for you, this bitterness you carry? No need to answer, you've revealed enough..

Yet another angle tried but failed, you bore me, zzzzzzzzzzz. Go back to licking Peter Cuddas' @rse, I think he's just been.
Hahaha..11% eh? You've just revealed a little bit more than you should have there re. your level of ability, account size and how much you risk..😀

fwiw I've made 0.3% today..😉

I feel your pain, you assume I have made 11% using one account... I achieve 11% and it's less ability, and account size than your 0.3%? Now that's funny!

Go clean some clingons boy.
I feel your pain, you assume I have made 11% using one account... I achieve 11% and it's less ability, and account size than your 0.3%? Now that's funny!

Go clean some clingons boy. nailed yourself, no need to row back, you can never recover ..11% 😆

Now do yourself a favour, hide for a bit, stay away from grown up conversation..
If anyone is wondering why I bother to reply to the hostis black swan, it's simply because I have discovered that this site is purely a playground of sorts and unfortunately not of the level I was hoping. Saying that, the CEO of CMC has taken some of my observations and offerings and as a result (even though black swan got envious and tried to discredit me but failed) is introducing these suggestions in the new upgrade (single click trading, lowering Natural Gas prices etc). So all is not lost. But to witness the way black swan sucks up to the CEO (Peter Crudas) is purley sickening, and a total waste of time as i'm sure Peter Crudas would never mix with such types. nailed yourself, no need to row back, you can never recover ..11% 😆

Now do yourself a favour, hide for a bit, stay away from grown up conversation..

Next you will be asking me out on a date....sorry my stalker friend, I'm not of that type..
who's dad is the hardest?

I doubt he knows who his real Dad is...😆 Laughs at 11% because his 0.3% is better, that's the best one I've heard all year! That's the trouble when you use your @ss for the wrong actions, your ring goes and you can't trade over 0.3%! Please tell us me more about trading and wearing nappies loose ring boy!
If anyone is wondering why I bother to reply to the hostis black swan, it's simply because I have discovered that this site is purely a playground of sorts and unfortunately not of the level I was hoping. Saying that, the CEO of CMC has taken some of my observations and offerings and as a result (even though black swan got envious and tried to discredit me but failed) is introducing these suggestions in the new upgrade (single click trading, lowering Natural Gas prices etc). So all is not lost. But to witness the way black swan sucks up to the CEO (Peter Crudas) is purley sickening, and a total waste of time as i'm sure Peter Crudas would never mix with such types.

😆 Bless, you just don't know when to stop digging do you? You discredit yourself (without any help from anyone) everytime your opposing thumbs hit the keyboard..