Taking a bank loan out for Investing

Nice last post Split. If you intend to hold shares for any longer than a week you should look into the funnymentals a bit. How else are you going to get the full picture.

Not for me though. I'll look at the funnies in case there is something coming up, but I have to admit that I am really a pure chartist. The chart tells me all I need to know. And I rarely do shares now in any case.

Anyway, back to the thread. A piece from you a post or two back.

"The UK has a debt 0f 1.3 TRILLION POUNDS in mortgage other debt, including credit cards. Everybody borrows in some form or other, it seems to be the thing to do these days. But it is going to come back to us, later, in some form or other."

This I think will be sooner rather than later, bit of a crash on the way imv. All the warning signs have been around for a time now. Interest rates have started rising, just after the 110/120 % per cent mortgages had done the rounds. They can't give money away quick enough.

Crash comes, most of the debt will be written off. People will be homeless. More burden on the social system and on those taxpayers that actually have a job left.

So borrowing money to trade? Well, worst case at the moment is that they can't get it back if it all goes pear shaped and you don't have it. Worst they can do is make you bankrupt, which is not a big deal these days.

Some of the great traders went bankrupt not once but twice before making it.
I'm thinking of Livermore here...

Mind you he did shoot himself in the head in the end...

Where's my really sharp razor blade?😆

Just for the record guys, i don't finance my positions with credit. I'm just saying incase anybody thinks i do, i do however think that partial credit financing could be quite a clever little move, done properly of course.

Hold on! Someones at the door! Aarrgh! It's the bailiffs!

We're just trying to put you off, because we know that you are toying with idea🙂
