Bitcoin can be a good option to buy against any loan however those wishes to earn money while trading bitcoin they can also trade it against euro or usd as i have recently noticed that one of my broker hot forex allows bitcoin trading.
Hi Folks,
Last month value of 1 bitcoin was $3300 and now it is more that $7000
i am considering a bank loan to buy bitcoin. What do you suggest?
Should I go ahead or wait?
In all pyramid schemes, you need to get into them as soon as possible. $7000 is nowhere near the top. Back in the days, a single tulip bulb was worth more than a house. So $7000 is just loose change.
If you do go ahead, please do a wabu style thread and report on daily performance. The funny thing is. I told wabu to jump into bitcoin but he didn't listen. Now he missed doubling his money or more.
Hi Folks,
Last month value of 1 bitcoin was $3300 and now it is more that $7000
i am considering a bank loan to buy bitcoin. What do you suggest?
Should I go ahead or wait?
The Millennials keep telling me I'm crazy for buying gold & silver because Bitcoin is the future...those Millennials are so wise! 👍
I did it guys.
I went ahead and purchased one bitcoin when the price was $7500
I have doubled my money in 15 days..
Did Amanji mortgage the house etc. ?
Be kickin' himself if he didn't.
Pat are you suggesting that we should all literally throw it all on red, sell the house, remortgage etc ?.........hmmmm it's seems a fair shout, I might throw the car in too...... I'll ponder that one !
Anyway good shout mate, I'm seeing the estate agent this afternoon, he reckons the house is worth at least half a bitcoin, & coz he's an estate agent I reckon he's truthful & pretty much bang on the money !
The bl@@dy bank loan though man !!! they're taking waaaaay to long to give me the £600k I need to borrow to buy, I mean mine my next batch of you know whats !
ps......the irony of getting a bank loan to buy a bitcoin.......I tells ya, it's a funny ol game eh !
I did it guys.
I went ahead and purchased one bitcoin when the price was $7500
I have doubled my money in 15 days..
Come on chaps -it's much easier than that. If you by a truffle hunting boar
( second hand -good price if retired) you can get them trained ( I will train them for you for £5000 only) -then off you go into the woods and let the pig snuffle out them bits of coins for you. Cash only please.
I did it guys.
I went ahead and purchased one bitcoin when the price was $7500
I have doubled my money in 15 days..
you just needed what?I just needed it. Thanks for sharing.
run away away awayHi Folks,
Last month value of 1 bitcoin was $3300 and now it is more that $7000
i am considering a bank loan to buy bitcoin. What do you suggest?
Should I go ahead or wait?