Business Loan For Trading?

I have actually been down the Friends/Family route in the past.

I picked a couple of friends who understood the risks, knew a bit about trading and could take any hit.

They gave me about 10% of their liquid net worth and i aimed not to lose more than 10% of their initial investment.

So these guys werent really risking much.

Worked out very well in the end.

True, but say you are down your local having a quiet pint and a chat with your mate, and some joker full of Stella and Tequila comes over and starts waffling on about compounding the currency markets or something, you're just not going to give the idiot any money are you? I can't imagine any sane person would.
True, but say you are down your local having a quiet pint and a chat with your mate, and some joker full of Stella and Tequila comes over and starts waffling on about compounding the currency markets or something, you're just not going to give the idiot any money are you? I can't imagine any sane person would.

If you're pissed enough you wander out of dirty dicks and head straight for the cash point 😀

Anyway, I made money out it 😆
Did you get a complimentary drink...?

No, but I have been given many complementary drinks this week, which is why I am not venturing anywhere this evening.

Although I have still achieved a complementary drink today. Register with PKR before Sunday evening and deposit with code FREEBEER and they'll send you 12 bottle of becks in the mail, which is awfully nice of them.

Somewhat offtopic, but I mention it to be helpful to anyone who wants free becks. for more info...
Is that where you drink? I've got relatives that run a pub close by...

It's not my local but it's a good place for a meetup because of leffe and it's easy for people to find.

I don't think I will be posting my local here, if it's all the same with you 🙂

Used to go there more when I was taking the central line rather than the northern line back home.
No, but I have been given many complementary drinks this week, which is why I am not venturing anywhere this evening.

Although I have still achieved a complementary drink today. Register with PKR before Sunday evening and deposit with code FREEBEER and they'll send you 12 bottle of becks in the mail, which is awfully nice of them.

Somewhat offtopic, but I mention it to be helpful to anyone who wants free becks. for more info...

Fantastic, i think it's absolutely on topic tbh.
borrowing money is just more leverage

and as the great man Mr. Buffett said "If you’re smart you don’t need it, and if you’re dumb, you’ve got no business using it."
borrowing money is just more leverage

and as the great man Mr. Buffett said "If you’re smart you don’t need it, and if you’re dumb, you’ve got no business using it."
Yes; Buffet also borrowed alot of money (took investments) to start his company = Leverage...
I'm sure Mr. Buffet doesn't sit there all day watching lev2 stock futures or index cfd charts waiting for a BO or an inside bar. Is trading derivatives only, a realistic and viable business/profession for the budding home trader?
The blog is truly fantastic! Lots of great inspiration, which we all need!b Keep 'em coming... you've done such a great job very appreciating... can't tell you how much I'm pleased from your work.
Has anybody ever approached thier bank, or any bank, and discussed borrowing to set up a trading business? Do you know of anyone who has been approved a business loan for trading? I'd be interested in knowing what criteria the banks would find acceptable in terms of proofs from the borrower etc. Any experiences?

No, I doubt any bank would loan you money for trading. Of course, you could get a personal loan and use it for any purpose 😉