Sticky T2W Website Updates (New Features/Bug Fixes/Server Problems)

What browser are you using and have you tried visiting the site using a different browser ?

1. Internet Explorer 11 (The very latest update).
2. I have not tried a different browser.
3. I get the same problem on two different computers.
Images and banners


After I post, or, if I get to a message with an image and embedded banner ad I cannot scroll past it.
Heres how pages look for me. Been like this about a week now..

edit.. The attach files box won't even appear so I cant show you. Looks very poor at the moment!
Problem solved (or at least understood!) We use a service called MaxCDN ( to serve up content for the site, like images and javascript. The idea being the site loads faster, as wherever you are in the world, those assets will be stored somewhere nearby.

I checked their status page today here: and they reported some issues in Frankfurt data centre, my guess is that had some impact on loading the page, for whatever reason - not sure why it should if you're in the UK, but maybe it was routing the assets from there for some reason.

Anyway, hopefully they'll have everything resolved before tomorrow, and the site will load normally again. Will keep an eye on this thread.
hi. I have same issue as new trader. i cannot attach images, page loading time is more than a minute on average. this is on all browsers. firefox auto updated this morning but no changes unfortunately.
MajorMagnum, I've purged the cache on MaxCDN, see if that makes any difference now. If not, can you look for one of the broken images, then grab its url, and try doing a traceroute to it and send me the results at [email protected]
I think we managed to get to the bottom of the problem. Basically our CDN network changed some of the ip addresses they use, but they didn't tell us, so those new ips were getting rejected by the firewall we set up after the DDOS attacks. Now we've updated the ips that are allowed and so it should be fine again. Looks like they just changed it a few days ago, and they have lots of ips, so would explain why some members have had problems whilst others haven't.

Thanks again everyone for reporting the issue, and do let me know if you have any further issues. I'm hoping not!
FYI the search feature in the Reviews section is now working again.

It was coming up blank, but now the results show normally again.
Here's how some of the forum's folders appear to me, today (please excuse the tongue-in-cheek but irresistible comment that the lack of all text is certainly "one way of not seeing all the spam and self-promotional posting"! 😉 ) ...


  • trade-1.JPG
    11.3 KB · Views: 144
Here's how some of the forum's folders appear to me, today (please excuse the tongue-in-cheek but irresistible comment that the lack of all text is certainly "one way of not seeing all the spam and self-promotional posting"! 😉 ) ...

Very odd indeed.. definitely looks like some issue though with your computer. Perhaps a browser extension issue, lack of available memory.. quick reboot should do the trick.
Very odd indeed.. definitely looks like some issue though with your computer. Perhaps a browser extension issue, lack of available memory.. quick reboot should do the trick.

Yes, indeed it did; thank you, Paul. Sorry to have posted, now! 😱
Site went down for about 30 mins, looks like the server froze, so needed a reboot (yeah, even servers occasionally freeze up). All good now, apologies for the interruption to normal service!
Site went down for about 30 mins, looks like the server froze, so needed a reboot (yeah, even servers occasionally freeze up). All good now, apologies for the interruption to normal service!

When i click on settings i still get this "Welcome to nginx!"