T2W Upgrade Feedback Thread - Please post comments here

tbh, I don't like any of it - it's damn confusing and before was fine. It might stop me coming here in future as it's totally unappealing to look at and use.

This is the main point. Why change it (unless it was going to be radically different)? It's basically a bit different, and a bit worse.

Anyway advertiser beehatches, check out my new signature:
Anyway advertiser beehatches, check out my new signature:

Done. I'm still pissed off that I had to install software to just make something which was previously useable, useable again. I still don't like the other stuff - would it not make sense to ask a group of people to beta test before overhauling the whole thing and then working on it?
Crazy that there are adds in the top post of every page!!!

If I where paying T2W for add space then I would make sure my company/service did not appear in this way; I would not like my add associated with whatever the poster has written (plus they are not exactly great to look at in their current dimensions).
Crazy that there are adds in the top post of every page!!!

If I where paying T2W for add space then I would make sure my company/service did not appear in this way; I would not like my add associated with whatever the poster has written (plus they are not exactly great to look at in their current dimensions).

Well if everyone adopted my signature I'm pretty sure the problem would be resolved rather quickly.
Crazy that there are adds in the top post of every page!!!

If I where paying T2W for add space then I would make sure my company/service did not appear in this way; I would not like my add associated with whatever the poster has written (plus they are not exactly great to look at in their current dimensions).

Funny thing about your post is your signature is just as big (if not bigger than the content) doesn't that defeat the point of signatures? (not having an attack at you, but the site layout's wrong)
Forum looks fine except for a couple of niggles....

I have as much white space at the sides of each post. It's white too which isn't easy on the eyes. Can we set it so that the post takes up the width of the browser? Also - if possible could we modify the colours ourselves. I like the grey but I don't like quotes posts in white. Like I say - I don't like too much white at all.

Many thanks.

Didn't the main site text (eg, thread titles etc on the main page) used to be red, with members' names in black or whatever? I think my biggest problem (adverts aside) is the new blue text. For some reason it's just not as appealing.
I would not like my add associated with whatever the poster has written

Which is precisely why I suggested wrting something negative about the advertisers in any post in which an ad appears. 😆

I think thats a proportional response to the problem. Adding a signature is probably far more effective, but of course it means that the complaint about advertisers is being made on every post made, rather than just the posts affected.

I dont object to advertisers ripping off mug punters and Sharky and the boys taking a slice, but I do object to an ad from a FX bucket shop offering 400:1 leverage, appearing in a post where for example I'm trying to argue the benefits of trading with low leverage.

In such a case I'd be offering genuinely useful advice based on a decade of full time trading experience, whilst Sharky and his boys are publishing a full color animated advert adjacent to my post, in an attempt to puruade new traders to do otherwise.

Thats perfectly OK, they have a living to make like anyone else, but they should be honest enough to admit to their hypocrisy.

Unfortunately an ad for Alpari has been appended to this post. I have previous personal experience of trading accounts with this particular company, and I cannot in all honesty reccommend them. In fairness to Alpari, their product may have
improoved since I used them. However the fact that they are a T2W advertiser should ring alarm bells, and I would advice any potential clients to exercise due dilligence.
I don't like it, but I pretty much always say that when something changes. I'm sure it will grow on me.
Which is precisely why I suggested wrting something negative about the advertisers in any post in which an ad appears. 😆

I think thats a proportional response to the problem. Adding a signature is probably far more effective, but of course it means that the complaint about advertisers is being made on every post made, rather than just the posts affected.

I dont object to advertisers ripping off mug punters and Sharky and the boys taking a slice, but I do object to an ad from a FX bucket shop offering 400:1 leverage, appearing in a post where for example I'm trying to argue the benefits of trading with low leverage.

In such a case I'd be offering genuinely useful advice based on a decade of full time trading experience, whilst Sharky and his boys are publishing a full color animated advert adjacent to my post, in an attempt to puruade new traders to do otherwise.

Thats perfectly OK, they have a living to make like anyone else, but they should be honest enough to admit to their hypocrisy.

The problem is twofold:

The adverts keep changing, so targeted attacks in the affected post won't work.

With regard to "I dont object to advertisers ripping off mug punters and Sharky and the boys taking a slice", that's fine I suppose. The problem is that this sh1t now absolutely dominates the site. I mean, it's become an absolute joke. You've been saying this for a long time now, so credit to you, but very soon this site will have almost zero quality trading posts (as the old ones get lost in the mists of time) and then it stops being a forum and becomes basically an online version of those free advert papers you get through the letter-box.
The adverts keep changing, so targeted attacks in the affected post won't work.

I agree, there are several flaws in my methodology. In addition to ads changing, If someone deletes a post, the ads get shuffled along so you end up ranting about an ad that no longer appears in the post. Which is precisely the sort of thing some of the more mischevious mods at T2W would do to undermine the point being made.

Under these circumstances a more generalised protest is probably justified.

The commercial reality is that there has to be some means of the site generating revenue. I have no idea how you'd even begin to reconsile the conflict of interest between advertisers, the sites owners and members. Even If I did, its not information I'd want to divulge.
I really dislike the new posts thingy.I don't like the way a thread disappears once you've viewed it. Should have a "latest posts" or something.
Looks like everyone's happy with the revamp then.


How much time and money has been wasted on this fiasco? Seriously, can anyone tell me what useful purpose has been achieved? There are real issues with the site, real improvements that could be made to turn it back into a forum. But no, they tinker with the text and chuck in some more adverts.

Look at the posts from years ago. You had real, actual traders on here. You had people who worked in in the pits. You had real posts on real trading.

And look at the posts from today. Most of the posters who trade for a living use this site for lulz and passing the time, and why wouldn't they? It's been so badly dumbed down, and this revamp just underlines that fact. The decline from the early years is truly shocking.
Woohooo! I love the new changes! Plenty of ads, slow loading, missing threads, more bugs than a swamp in South Africa.

who remembers these lulz?... All gone!!
My machine is finding something about this site is extremely CPU intensive when run through Mozilla. Still can't log in through chrome.
Do you hate the fact that whenever you use the internet you are bombarded with adverts that would be insulting to the average mediaeval village idiot?

Well, us above average medieval village idiots don't get insulted 👍

I'll try and be constructive. The page width is bit wide and set at a fixed width of 1000px. The standard for web pages is 960px these days, otherwise you'll get a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the page on the most popular monitor size which is still very small at only 1024px wide.

A flexible grid width in your code with a max width of 960px might be a better option.

Everything's a bit big, so to me it makes it feel less serious and a more child like design. But maybe you were going for that for the lulzy crowd.

The ads in the corner of the first post on each page are terrible and as several others have mentioned look like they are related to the post and so could cause you problems. A solution to this would be to go back to a banner ad above the posts box like previous so there's no confusion there.

Did you not doing any kind of usability testing on a test site before pushing this live?