Which is precisely why I suggested wrting something negative about the advertisers in any post in which an ad appears.
I think thats a proportional response to the problem. Adding a signature is probably far more effective, but of course it means that the complaint about advertisers is being made on every post made, rather than just the posts affected.
I dont object to advertisers ripping off mug punters and Sharky and the boys taking a slice, but I do object to an ad from a FX bucket shop offering 400:1 leverage, appearing in a post where for example I'm trying to argue the benefits of trading with low leverage.
In such a case I'd be offering genuinely useful advice based on a decade of full time trading experience, whilst Sharky and his boys are publishing a full color animated advert adjacent to my post, in an attempt to puruade new traders to do otherwise.
Thats perfectly OK, they have a living to make like anyone else, but they should be honest enough to admit to their hypocrisy.