T2W Lulz


Guest Author
So the place is a bit, well, 'pre-menstrual' at the moment IMO.

So I thought I'd start a thread where lulz can be contributed by all and when we're all getting a bit tired of the flaming and trolling, we can always come to this warm and lovely thread to get some lulz back into our life

t2w is definitely very testosterone fuelled at the moment. Must be related to relative lack of activity in the markets.

Incidentally, can t2w provide figures as to how many female members they have? I'm curious.
t2w is definitely very testosterone fuelled at the moment. Must be related to relative lack of activity in the markets.

Incidentally, can t2w provide figures as to how many female members they have? I'm curious.

They could tell you, but then they'd have to kill you (or chemically castrate you).

Seriously, we do need more feminine influence round here. The only people that I am fairly sure were women that used to contribute, rarely or never do these days. Perhaps there are more, but we don't knowingly hear from them. They are probably too busy laughing at all the dick-swinging. Or actually trading, of course.
They could tell you, but then they'd have to kill you (or chemically castrate you).

Seriously, we do need more feminine influence round here. The only people that I am fairly sure were women that used to contribute, rarely or never do these days. Perhaps there are more, but we don't knowingly hear from them. They are probably too busy laughing at all the dick-swinging. Or actually trading, of course.

Hey MM, I didn't know you were into dick-swinging! You will not want to miss this:
