T2W Forex Contest - Week 6

Since you have fallen out with him, maybe you can publish his email advise regarding your trading. I am sure we can reverse engineer something out of that. We might even be able to find out from that if he's a fraud. I am willing to believe anyone at their face value as long as they let me analyze what they are doing.

As I pointed out before, being good in a demo account doesn't mean much. If all hoodoo has is a 300% from a demo account, I now like him less.

I wouldn't say I've fallen out with him. I'm always prepared to talk to everyone and never bear grudges. He simply can't handle the questions and can't provide evidence other than his arrogance.

A little different to your approach - I don't believe anyone at their face value unless I have seen some evidence to support claims.

This is even more so when one is bragging about having a system that delivers 300% in 3 days. Check out this post on how I turned 10K into 40K in three days 😆

As he says really should be framed...


Yes he is good at pushing buttons but even more so when he tries to victimise and discredit any opposition to his ideas by selectively picking losing snapshots off the demo account to prove him self right.

I may not have won the competition but all 7 demo accounts are in profit at the moment. Some still have entry orders in - so old accounts may still change.

In summary - I'm making $35K on $350K which is approx 10% return over 7 weeks on rough proxy calculation. My objective was consistency at the start - but must confess I too have been risking 100% and got margin called couple of times. Most of the time though I'm restrained with bet sizes on the demo account.
This is even more so when one is bragging about having a system that delivers 300% in 3 days. Check out this post on how I turned 10K into 40K in three days 😆

300% in 3 days is perfectly possible when the sun, the moon, and the rest of the planets are aligned. But situations like this don't happen too often. I wouldn't have any problems giving him a nod and accept his claims. But if he's dumb enough to claim he can do this consistently, I wouldn't waste my time with him.

I have just looked at the thread and saw 100:1 leverage, and not real money. Well, I can't be bothered with him any more. The real market will rape him senseless if he dares to go anywhere near it. I think he's much more a beginner than I am for not understanding the difference between a real market and a very loosely approximated simulation market in which the demo account operates.
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I am a beginner at trading, and don't know what are the norms. While playing with spread betting, I had plenty of occasions being a part of 10 pips or more moves. This is what makes me think moves like that are normal. Of course, while playing with real money I didn't have the balls to take the 10 pip rides. I usually exited them prematurely 3, or 5 pips. If I am playing with virtual money, my responses could well be different. I won't have to wait long to find out.

I have never traded before. I am not sure if I am a scalper.

My entire forex experience is one week of spread betting, in which I lost £1k. I made all the mistakes conceivable. So I feel I am now ready for the real thing. My next step is to trade 0.01 lots with Oanda. In the mean time I play competition and get the hang of things, and the lingo.

Your on the right track.. I like to see the drive in ya to get things right, and get your new career off to a great start. Its a process for sure.

Scalping is, well, just a forex phrase, and actually taken out of context. I say scalping, which i really mean, short term trading.. Holding a trade for 0-5 minutes, and under 10 pips gain, USUALLY.. I guess this is what I am, KINDA.. But this past week, I have actually learned to stay in the trade longer, and get the most out of it.. I have the short term "scalps" down pretty darn good.. I got really good at it.😱

BUT, something that needs to be inprinted in the brain, is each and every trade made, your paying more OUT to make the trade, hence " spread"..

I used to jump in a trade, take 4 pips, jump out, then jump back in, just to see the price reverse instantly, like as if the broker was playing with my emotions..

So, by doing that, even if the trade holds up, and I take profit again, I just lost out on 2 pips, where staying in, I gained 2 pips, see what I mean?

But having a general idea of a Exit goes a longgggg way..

I believe in, " No Pip should Be Left behind", LOL

If your waiting for things to get right to Sell, obviousely, its a Long trade in action, and there are pips waiting to be scooped up.. So why not scoop them up? Well, I learned why not to, lol..

I have come up with a pretty good strat, and cant wait to go live with it. But Im like this every Sunday..

Here is my routine.

Monday-Friday 5Am, est-- 12PM-- Trade, then have lunch, do my Hunny do list for my wife,
2PM-6PM, Trade and/or work on Expert Advisor, Then Dinner at 6:30pm
7PM-11PM, Trade

Friday, at market close, I take the rest of the day off to unwind, because by Friday morning, Im burnt out to the Max..

Sat, 7am up and at it again. Rework my EA, because it didnt perform properly over the week. EVERY SATURDAY IS TWEEK DAY. Because around 2PM on Fridays, I always Find something that might be key to my trading. Like it just falls out of the sky at that very time. So, It gives my 2 hours to throw together a EA, then 1 hour to test it live. Ugggg

So my Saturday, Im doing EA, and watching YouTube Videos, I like to follow one perticual guy there, his name is TradeArtist, also a few, but he is the main, I like his info. Because really, forex is more in the mind, then whats on the screen.

Then, to test my strat, I got into MT4 Strat tester, pick a date, set up my chart, then set the speed to low, and start paper trading. I do that for a few hours.. I do that till about, hummmm, 6PM, then spend time with family till about 9PM, then do more paper trading till 11:30ish.

Sunday, Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, finally.. 7am, Im at it again. EA testing, paper trading, reading some forums. Also, I spend sometime in the AM putting together my weekly forecast. Which, to be honest, should be a first step in learning Forex trading. IF you can forecast, even if not 70%, but get a general idea of whats going to happen, you will be ahead of the game, in a sense.. Its following your gathered data, and having confidence in it, which takes you to pay dirt..

I have 2-3 friends, i dont go out to bars, I dont drink. I dont have time for that crap. They dont pay my bills.. A good friend understands that, and I dont have time for jackass's that bitch and complain " Hey Dude, Why havent you callled me", i dont have that time.

Why am I working on a EA? Well, because my 2-3 friends arnt wired like me, and also, arent living with a silver spoon. We are a group, I guess, of underachievers. Meaning, we should already be set with money, but thru crazy times, things just didnt happen.

So, what if I can make a EA, that they can just attach to a chart, and let run. Even if it makes 5 trades a week, its better then putting your money in the bank.

See, I WONT show them how to do Forex, because, well, it just dont fit in thier lifestyle. And, there is a certain type of wiring in the brain, that makes it easier for us to do this, because alot will look at a chart, and be like , WTH is this,..

I need change in my life. I dont like my position thus far in my life, and need to make my move.. I need to cram 10 years of experiance in such a small timeframe, and thats what Im doing..

The biggest help, thru all of this, is my wife and 2 boys. They Know what Im doing. I explained it to my wife like this. A dude goes to college for 6 years, spends Thousands and thousands of dollars to learn to pull teeth. Then he graduates, gets a job, and gets to look into rotten ass mouths all day, TO MAKE LESS THEN ME, WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME FOR EDUCATION TO OBTAIN A SALARY 5 FOLD.

THATS, what Im talking about.. Get a job making $100 ahour, Wont happen. Not without a piece of paper listing your credits, and Thousands of hours of hands on training. Or 3-5 years experiance, WHEN YOU JUST GRADUATED, Hummmmmm, hows that going to freaking work.

There is no other opp in this world, that contends with Forex trading.

In the end, what makes it a hard career, is how fast you need it to happen, because that increases your need for Daily pip turnover, because Pips make this alllllllll happen.

OK, sorry for babblin on.. Its Sunday, I get fired up around this time every week,:clap:

O, and Like to add this. My account looks like crap, because mainly my EA. 2-3 times, I loaded templates up to my MT4 charts, and didnt know I had a EA attached to it.

This week, Im pretty much going manual, so the outcome WILL be better.

I hope you grow into a great trader, because in the end, we are all here for the same reason, TO MAKE THE CASH BABBBBBYYYYY, :cheesy:

Hey, fellas, Great Profits to all this week, Im out
^ OK man. You should write a book and make more money than trading.

I always thought the markets were very exciting since I was a teen. When I was older and bought stocks, I found it more boring than watching paint dry. Now with forex and my trading technique, I find myself on these crazy pip rides. Every trade I get into is like a roller coaster ride, with the adrenaline rushing and heart pounding. My immediate concern now isn't whether I will make money, but if I will die from premature heart failure.
^ OK man. You should write a book and make more money than trading.

I always thought the markets were very exciting since I was a teen. When I was older and bought stocks, I found it more boring than watching paint dry. Now with forex and my trading technique, I find myself on these crazy pip rides. Every trade I get into is like a roller coaster ride, with the adrenaline rushing and heart pounding. My immediate concern now isn't whether I will make money, but if I will die from premature heart failure.

Thats good stuff Joe, thats the ride, Its crazy..
As for the Book thing, I think a movie would be great to..

1 chick, 2 chick, 3 chick, 4 chick, O wait, I cant count my Chickens yet,

We'll see what happens, I have huge plans

I have plans outlined for a Indoor electric Go-Cart track, and Drive in- thearter Complex, Like Nothing ever seen before.. And a few Inventions I need to get running on before I see another one of my ideas on a informercial, LOL...

Just for Fun, I like those things, and why not own them, so I can play anytime I want, LOL..

Whooooooooooo knows, anything is possible, but it starts Upstairs, get the mind right, then unleash and take whats given..

Man, Its only 10:41Am, uggg
As for the Book thing, I think a movie would be great to..

1 chick, 2 chick, 3 chick, 4 chick, O wait, I cant count my Chickens yet,

We'll see what happens, I have huge plans

I have plans outlined for a Indoor electric Go-Cart track, and Drive in- thearter Complex, Like Nothing ever seen before.. And a few Inventions I need to get running on before I see another one of my ideas on a informercial, LOL...

Just for Fun, I like those things, and why not own them, so I can play anytime I want, LOL..

Whooooooooooo knows, anything is possible, but it starts Upstairs, get the mind right, then unleash and take whats given..

Man, Its only 10:41Am, uggg

Core blimey - I feel exhausted about all your plans from just reading them. :cheesy:

We've just come back from a walk along Worthing sea front + some ice-cream and all I can think about now is a nice cup of tea and catch up on a few things...

Not sure if I'm right or wrong but there is simply too much emotion in there - exercise caution and beware!!! :!:

Wishing you all the best, good luck. 👍
Core blimey - I feel exhausted about all your plans from just reading them. :cheesy:

We've just come back from a walk along Worthing sea front + some ice-cream and all I can think about now is a nice cup of tea and catch up on a few things...

Not sure if I'm right or wrong but there is simply too much emotion in there - exercise caution and beware!!! :!:

Wishing you all the best, good luck. 👍

Atilla, First off, Thanks for the push and well wishing.

Second, it Was very exhausting, but I think I have the hard part over with. It should be easy sailing from this point on. i have done alot in preperation of this week, and the rest will follow suit.

Now, I just have to prove it, and be consistant in my plan, and by golly, I think I have one finally..

I may come off as a crack pot, but Im just amibious, and open minded, and think outside the box. In this game, originaltiy is the 95%er's, am I right or wrong?

Like I said, enough of the BS'in, Its show time my friends, :cheesy:

Atilla, great Profits to You Sir, * Hat Tip
Atilla, First off, Thanks for the push and well wishing.

Second, it Was very exhausting, but I think I have the hard part over with. It should be easy sailing from this point on. i have done alot in preperation of this week, and the rest will follow suit.

Now, I just have to prove it, and be consistant in my plan, and by golly, I think I have one finally..

I may come off as a crack pot, but Im just amibious, and open minded, and think outside the box. In this game, originaltiy is the 95%er's, am I right or wrong?

Like I said, enough of the BS'in, Its show time my friends, :cheesy:

Atilla, great Profits to You Sir, * Hat Tip

Cheers old boy, however, I lost most of my money in the first year and after approx 7 years - only in the last couple of years do I feel I have come of age - and started pulling away from the troughs. And by the way I'm no expert but more of a text book self taught trader. Still learning. I think I'll always be learning.

My point was that I don't have urgency or addiction I felt in the past when starting off and find my trading has subsequently improved.

It certainly sounds as if you have done your homework so good to put it into practice... Just use your capital wisely and only risk what you can afford to lose.

Look forward to #7... 👍
Can anyone tell me when does competition #7 start ? We are now past Sunday 10PM GMT and the forex market is open. The demo account still says market closed. Where am I going wrong ?
runners and riders are in the paddock

john mccririck has just phoned me up and he has a straight from the horses mouth hot bet that joe will be out the gate 1st, he's shouting down the phone at me blithering on about "berlington berties" and "100 to 30's" ??
yes!! there he goes, go joe! i bet my shirt and mccririck tip romps home 😀


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I'm sure I'd be able to increase my account by as much as $1 this week if I could get it working. Do you need to install a separate MT4, because at the moment mine won't log in?