T2W Forex Contest - Week 3

I gave up the competition this week after 2 days trading. How can I play when I couldn't close my position 🙁 I think it's very basic stuff that the broker/service provider has to ensure. Traders needs only to report small bugs, rare bugs... Hopefully next week might be better 🙂 The Kindle prize is very attractive 🙂

I agree. I think Stops and limits must be obeyed. Otherwise no one can manage trade or risk.

I broke even at one point today going up +$200 and then returning back to screen everything went pear shaped again.

Not a good week but I blame the platform mi self. :cheesy:
On another note did anybody else have somebody - claiming to be a professional trader approach them offering trade instructions?

I like to say I didn't follow his instructions and all trades were purely mine - but it was strange as I was supposed to be part of a bet between two traders. Won't go into detail but I believe I failed the trader who bet on me. 🙂

I asked the trader whether he would like to apply his art in the competition but he declined.

Typical init... 👎
Must stop rabbitting on - but hey CV what's da madder wif you?

Why you look so sad...

Here's somefink to cheer you uppa :clap:

I'm glad you've come down to keep me company dude. I was feeling lonely so way off the league table.

I wouldn't worry about AUDUSD - my USDCHF trades wee supposed to be shorts and I went long. System interface needs a good face lift imho...

whats that you say, trading instructions! ...well you need it 😆

and me too! still unless theres a dramatic drop in gbp i may indeed not finish last place this week ...hoorah!!

on a platform note. what is going on with margin calls? what is the level it kicks in? seems to me you get one or you don't get one. i was looking at my mate there pcindia and he gets one around 10k, i've been underwater much more than that! luck of the draw at present innit.
Guys just for the record we have a new champ!

I won't tell you who he is but you can guess. This is what I've been posted.

I've just realised - starting with a virtual $50k in the demo, my results based on same trades and leverage would be a profit of $140k for the competition. Wouldn't that be something?

My public reply to you sir is - Could have, would have and should have simply doesn't cut the mustard now, does it?

Don't talk it to me dude! I would like you to show me the money!

Guys just for the record we have a new champ!

I won't tell you who he is but you can guess. This is what I've been posted.

I've just realised - starting with a virtual $50k in the demo, my results based on same trades and leverage would be a profit of $140k for the competition. Wouldn't that be something?

My public reply to you sir is - Could have, would have and should have simply doesn't cut the mustard now, does it?

Don't talk it to me dude! I would like you to show me the money!

Yes, you suggested I enter the competition here. I replied that the platform is full of bugs, and there is no 'reward' which would interest a professional trader. Further, I suggested that perhaps I would attract unnecessary attention and invective due to my returns. I was on the CMC thread with the MD Peter Cruddas, as I had some questions. I had tried their demo account (starting balance £10k) for three days - balance as of 2pm today was ~£37k. (anyone care to calculate the % return compared to the winner of each weeks competition) I needed to test the opening and closing of positions greater than "their size" for a project I am working on this and next year, namely to obtain more lines for my FX flow. If these are the returns I can make in a few days, then with the same leverage that would blow all the other results here out of the water. Thank you for drawing more attention to it than necessary - I was trying to keep my head down hence I didn't enter.

I suppose now you want to see my live accounts this week, an audited track record, and maybe a public statement from PC at CMC Markets that I didn't fudge the demo account results?



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If 1.4250 support doesn't hold then we can say hello to my little friend @ 1.40 😉

For the complete record, I commented on this post that your position was wrong as you were selling into a rising market which was set to continue rising until at least Wednesday.

Now you've had a bad week, made losses, posted calls here in public that were shockingly wrong. Volatile day Friday - perhaps you were on the wrong side again, and now you get upset with me and make out that I have something to prove to you. Thanks for the passive aggressive fun, Mr Bottom-of-the-league-table.

I was trying to get you to think a little about your short trade call - but as my friend pointed out this really isn't wanted. Having some faith in humanity left I didn't want to believe this, so ventured out to see for myself. Lesson learned. Aside from being on the CMC markets thread as it could be related to my business in the future, I'm done here.


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For the complete record, I commented on this post that your position was wrong as you were selling into a rising market which was set to continue rising until at least Wednesday.

Now you've had a bad week, made losses, posted calls here in public that were shockingly wrong. Volatile day Friday - perhaps you were on the wrong side again, and now you get upset with me and make out that I have something to prove to you. Thanks for the passive aggressive fun, Mr Bottom-of-the-league-table.

I was trying to get you to think a little about your short trade call - but as my friend pointed out this really isn't wanted. Having some faith in humanity left I didn't want to believe this, so ventured out to see for myself. Lesson learned. Aside from being on the CMC markets thread as it could be related to my business in the future, I'm done here.

You are one strange dude you know that. 🙄

What's with the one liner all out of context??? What does that tell you other than 1.4250 held. So what?

Look stop sending me your hints and tips. Stop spamming me dude. Get a life. 👍

I'm not upset but you obviously are. Pick some other receptive trader to work your humanity and get them to think about their trades.

Even better join next week #4 competition and show me the money... It's simple.

Have a great weekend. Best ever. 👍
A bit of a ding-dong battle with rugbytrader towards the end - Some nice trades there dude! You had some of those swing moves nicely timed.

I was impressed with andycon - good start and a strong finish. Someone to watch out for next week along with counterviolentmoves and superspurs I would think. The comp could do with some more people though ... e.g. hoodoo man - you know you want to 😎
Congratulations to Gordon Gekko who is the winner of this week's contest and and the prize of a Kindle eBook reader! He finished with a profit of $14,784.52 on a starting balance of $50,000.00.
Check out how he did it.

The full results from this week's contest are as follows:

Week 3 result.jpg

The winner of this week's SanDisk 8GB Cruzer Blade USB Flash Drive is Lightning McQueen for his suggestion of a running profit/loss figure.

Posting your feedback and voting on your favourite ideas really helps us to prioritise what to work on next.

The new Week 4 contest kicks off tomorrow night (Sunday) at 6pm ET, 11pm BST. We'll be announcing the prize shortly.

To participate in next week's contest, head over now to the ForexDesk Sign Up page, use the invite code: "T2WCOMP" and register with the same username you use on T2W. Once you're logged in create a new practice account, making sure you add "#4" to the name. Now you're all set for the start of the contest tomorrow night.
2nd place! How annoying, lol. I could have been the first person to win twice 🙁
Well done GG!
Hi , could some one explain to me how to start placing trades for the november contest. I am very new to the Trade2Win website . Thanks.