T2W Forex Contest - Week 6

Here is a template for a successful trading system.

Each day, you need to know whether the main leg is up or down.
You also need to know whether the main leg will be proceeded by an opposite leg of smaller size than the main leg. It is also beneficial to know where your quickest leg of e.g. 70 points comes from - from top to bottom or bottom to top.

You buy the upswings and sell the downswings sequentially to take net gains from the daily session. To get the metrics of your market, the relevant price and time figures can be put in a table.
Could someone please post a large EUR/USD 1 minute spot forex chart clearly showing UK time for today please?


Only GMT if it helps.


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Here is a template for a successful trading system.

Each day, you need to know whether the main leg is up or down.
You also need to know whether the main leg will be proceeded by an opposite leg of smaller size than the main leg. It is also beneficial to know where your quickest leg of e.g. 70 points comes from - from top to bottom or bottom to top.

You buy the upswings and sell the downswings sequentially to take net gains from the daily session. To get the metrics of your market, the relevant price and time figures can be put in a table.

Too many cats coming out of bags......shhhhh 😆
I do not understand your comment. Can you please explain?

t2w has a strict policy of not allowing cats out of bags. It tends to have negative consequences for those who pay for the site.

Letting a cat out the bag will generally get you banned.

This isn't very encouraging. I'd rather not presume that your comment was intended to be sarcasm or insult, but it is difficult to see any other interpretation.

This is supposed to be a trading site. I post some correct forex calls on a forex thread using price and time logic. ~170 points in under 24 hours. You were one of the people that suggested I should "put up or shut up" - in other words prove my qualifications either by live calls or by showing my results in the T2W competition.

Since I don't like the idea of my exact entry and exit points / current position being shared live, I've posted some calls here instead. Now I would have thought that in a trading community there would be some questions on the strategy and general interest in how it is possible to generate these returns and estimate the duration and magnitude of swings in the market.

Instead I get sarcastic comments and silence. Why is this? Do people here not want to learn? Or is everyone here a multimillionaire who takes 500 points per week out of the market and doesn't want or need to learn anything?

There have been some constructive replies to my posts, but these have been in the minority. The majority of the time there is either rudeness, misunderstanding, disinterest, etc shown. We have plenty of threads with the same old tired concepts being rehashed - risk / reward etc. Is nobody interested in anything new which could progress their trading? A little thinking outside the box.

I would have expected the moderators to take an interest in highlighting issues for discussion and stimulating productive discourse - like timsk has started to do with the sticky threads. Also, I feel that the role of a moderator should be to maintain civility and order. I have encountered very insulting treatment from a few members here. I won't stand for it, and will give as good as I get in return. However flame wars are not productive for an online community. I don't expect the moderators to pile on with sarcasm when I am trying to share something of value with the membership.

Sharky - this is your website - what are your thoughts on the issues I raise?
Anyone notice how the end of the 75 point swing at 15.34 was the beginning of a new downswing, which is now 40 points lower? That is not a coincidence is it? Buy the upswings and sell the downswings sequentially.
t2w has a strict policy of not allowing cats out of bags. It tends to have negative consequences for those who pay for the site.

Letting a cat out the bag will generally get you banned.

People have been banned in the past for letting cats out of bags? Is this some sort of unwritten rule. Are you warned not to let the cat out or do you just get banned?

I think it is interesting that none of the site moderators / owner have come out to say whether they see any particular value in what I have shared to date. It appears also that other members who have been here for years seem to think it is okay to be rude and disrespectful to me, as if the site owner will tolerate a valuable contributor being abused.

If this is the case, I am getting the feeling that this site is more of a billboard for spreadbetting companies and trading coaches rather than a community to learn in. I hope I am wrong. Lets see what Sharky has to say.
This isn't very encouraging. I'd rather not presume that your comment was intended to be sarcasm or insult, but it is difficult to see any other interpretation.

This is supposed to be a trading site. I post some correct forex calls on a forex thread using price and time logic. ~170 points in under 24 hours. You were one of the people that suggested I should "put up or shut up" - in other words prove my qualifications either by live calls or by showing my results in the T2W competition.

Since I don't like the idea of my exact entry and exit points / current position being shared live, I've posted some calls here instead. Now I would have thought that in a trading community there would be some questions on the strategy and general interest in how it is possible to generate these returns and estimate the duration and magnitude of swings in the market.

Instead I get sarcastic comments and silence. Why is this? Do people here not want to learn? Or is everyone here a multimillionaire who takes 500 points per week out of the market and doesn't want or need to learn anything?

There have been some constructive replies to my posts, but these have been in the minority. The majority of the time there is either rudeness, misunderstanding, disinterest, etc shown. We have plenty of threads with the same old tired concepts being rehashed - risk / reward etc. Is nobody interested in anything new which could progress their trading? A little thinking outside the box.

I would have expected the moderators to take an interest in highlighting issues for discussion and stimulating productive discourse - like timsk has started to do with the sticky threads. Also, I feel that the role of a moderator should be to maintain civility and order. I have encountered very insulting treatment from a few members here. I won't stand for it, and will give as good as I get in return. However flame wars are not productive for an online community. I don't expect the moderators to pile on with sarcasm when I am trying to share something of value with the membership.

Sharky - this is your website - what are your thoughts on the issues I raise?

The point of the comp is that everyone who takes part has their trades on show. For some reason you don't seem to want to play by the comp rules. So there's not much point posting your stuff on this thread is there.

I suggest you go post all this in a journal or out on the main boards.
People have been banned in the past for letting cats out of bags? .

Yes indeed. Its always been the case that anyone with anything useful to share is attacked, and on occassions the unruly mob are encouraged from the sideline by the sites moderators.

Like most of the commercial trading forums, they are simply giving the membership what it wants (entertainment).
People have been banned in the past for letting cats out of bags? Is this some sort of unwritten rule. Are you warned not to let the cat out or do you just get banned?

I think it is interesting that none of the site moderators / owner have come out to say whether they see any particular value in what I have shared to date. It appears also that other members who have been here for years seem to think it is okay to be rude and disrespectful to me, as if the site owner will tolerate a valuable contributor being abused.

If this is the case, I am getting the feeling that this site is more of a billboard for spreadbetting companies and trading coaches rather than a community to learn in. I hope I am wrong. Lets see what Sharky has to say.

You are remarkably rude but far too arrogant and full of your self to recognise how you come across...

This site is at the cutting edge of traders forum. 👍

No mamby pamby. No one has an easy ride. Like the Sumurais's sword it is beaten until it becomes unbreakable.

Stop whinging and get on with it.

You are still whaffling on instead demonstrating your skills. Talk is cheap...

Like the Gladiator you need to come out of that cave of yours and enter the arena - now that you have a captive audience and entertain us - the pip collecting machine that you claim to be.
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Anyone notice how the end of the 75 point swing at 15.34 was the beginning of a new downswing, which is now 40 points lower? That is not a coincidence is it? Buy the upswings and sell the downswings sequentially.

Interesting approach. I've traded this one using forks and Fibonacci.


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You are still whaffling on instead demonstrating your skills.

Read all of my posts on this thread. In 24 hours I have called every major swing in the Eur/Usd for a net of over 170 points. That it has escaped everyone here is really quite astonishing.
Yes indeed. Its always been the case that anyone with anything useful to share is attacked, and on occassions the unruly mob are encouraged from the sideline by the sites moderators.

Like most of the commercial trading forums, they are simply giving the membership what it wants (entertainment).

Like the Gladiator you need to come out of that cave of yours and enter the arena - now that you have a captive audience and entertain us - the pip collecting machine that you claim to be.

The Hare - how stunningly apropos! Entertainment, not personal development and professional success, appears to be the objective of this website.

Even the global moderator is basically saying "*** off, you aren't needed here".
The Hare - how stunningly apropos! Entertainment, not personal development and professional success, appears to be the objective of this website.

Even the global moderator is basically saying "*** off, you aren't needed here".

No you are taking it the wrong way... 👍 We are asking for demonstration of your outlandish claims.

Entertainment is a figure of speech that's all. Tongue and cheek. You know how it is.

You too give as good as you get. So come on... you know you want to... We going to see you on #6 or you saving your self for #7.

Here is a possible work around. You can mark your account private and after 1 or two hours make it public. Then no one will be able to copy your trades but instead of us having to read cryptic blogs it will be all there in red and black.

You know it makes sense and you know you want to... 🙂
Hi Hoodoo man - nice calls. The best thread for live calls is Forex trading live calls and set ups thread. The followers welcome the members to post there in advance. I used to post my live calls, but have found it a bit dis-tractive to my trading.

I was not concentrating enough (preoccupied with trading), so posted here. Apologies to the followers of this thread for distraction.
Atilla, I'm still waiting for your comment on how I called a low, followed by a 75 point upswing to the high of day, which is still the high of day, with a net gain of over 170 points. Each of my posts is unaltered and in real time here. I've also inadvertently showed equally good results with the CMC demo I was testing.

I have given my reasons for not participating in a trading competition where the results are "crowdsourced". I have worked very hard on entry and exit triggers and feel it would be foolish to publish to the world, and also threatening to the strategy. If the competition was "private mode" for the duration with just P&L, it would be an easier "sell" to get me on board.

Here is an example of an entry - the idea is to buy at the bottom of every upswing and sell at the top of every downswing. You select a minimum span in points that you are prepared to consider a swing (higher number for bigger swings) and you stay in the market all day to collect net gains from the session. I'm not publishing something that valuable in its entirety on the internet for free, sorry.

Do you ever play online poker? Some of my trader acquaintances made really serious money - tens and in some cases hundreds of thousands of dollars at poker in 2003/2004. Then the fish went away. The easy money was gone. This was in part caused by good poker players discussing their strategy and sharing "hand histories" on the web. Do you think I want that happening to trading?


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Atilla, I'm still waiting for your comment on how I called a low, followed by a 75 point upswing to the high of day, which is still the high of day, with a net gain of over 170 points. Each of my posts is unaltered and in real time here. I've also inadvertently showed equally good results with the CMC demo I was testing.

I have given my reasons for not participating in a trading competition where the results are "crowdsourced". I have worked very hard on entry and exit triggers and feel it would be foolish to publish to the world, and also threatening to the strategy. If the competition was "private mode" for the duration with just P&L, it would be an easier "sell" to get me on board.

Here is an example of an entry - the idea is to buy at the bottom of every upswing and sell at the top of every downswing. You select a minimum span in points that you are prepared to consider a swing (higher number for bigger swings) and you stay in the market all day to collect net gains from the session. I'm not publishing something that valuable in its entirety on the internet for free, sorry.

Do you ever play online poker? Some of my trader acquaintances made really serious money - tens and in some cases hundreds of thousands of dollars at poker in 2003/2004. Then the fish went away. The easy money was gone. This was in part caused by good poker players discussing their strategy and sharing "hand histories" on the web. Do you think I want that happening to trading?

Hoodoo, I'm wondering if I got you wrong and have been over the top. I for one wouldn't mind you playing in private if others agree.

Just looking at the P&L is fine with me.

I don't know perhaps we'll let the participants decide. Sharky was asking for feed back anyway. 🙄