T2W Community Manager - New Appointment

Mr charts

There seems to be a high percentage of multi-nickers lately, Nika's appointment hasn't come soon enough.

To be honest it's not as bad as you fear, certainly not as bad as what some people would term the "good old days" at T2W.

For sure they're about, sometimes we spot it, sometimes we don't. Funnily enough one was picked up today posting with the wrong nick in one of those oops bugger it moments lol, easy spot that one, quick cross check and you're nicked sonny Jim 😀

Rest assured that all is done to stop any scamming by multinicks on site, very obvious if they do that and are shut down quickly, offsite comms is a different animal and members thinking of any transactions off site may wish to contact a mod, I don't mind giving someone the once over (for a considerable fee of course :cheesy🙂
No-one ever told me I could earn hard cash as a mod, and for giving people the 'once over' too. Hmmmm - perhaps I was a bit hasty in turning down that once in a lifetime opportunity a while back.....

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