T2W Celebrates 100,000 Members!


Today is a milestone for Trade2Win, 100,000 members and *still* growing.

It's taken over 7 years to reach that magic number. When the forums first launched back in November 2000, we managed to attract 33 members in the first month. During the whole of 2001, we attracted a further 637 members. Last month alone we attracted 5070 new members, the highest in the history of the site.

I want to take this opportunity to thank every member of the site who has contributed to the site's continued success. Every member of staff, moderator, advisor and member that has given their time and effort in supporting the site. It's inconceivable to think we'd have got this far without you.

Already looking forward to 200,000!

That said how many of them are signing up because you have to to view threads? That's peed off a few lurkers...
Congratulations Sharky!

However, don't want to pee on your parade with my pedantry, but....

if you sort the membership by "Last Visit", there have been only about 30,500 here in the last year.
That means 70,000 havent visited for 12 months or more.

Thats essentially defunct, or lapsed members. (or at least, members not participating AT ALL, ie, not even lurking)

If you look at members visiting within the last 6 months, that reduces it further.
And then there is the hard-core who have visited within the last 60 days.

The numbers of members has been discussed before, and truth be told, the notional membership is about 1/3 of the 100,000.
And the real, active membership closer to 18,000. (visited within last 60 days)

to say T2W has a membership of 100,00 would be like saying the UK has a population of 140 million, by not counting all those that have died.
Congratulation on reaching the summit of 100,000 souls. I'm glad to be part of this great forum, enabling me to learn from, discuss with and enjoy the input of individuals, seeking the same.. the holy grail of profit without risk!

btw.. the little flag doesn't change if you change your nationality.. how come?

Yes, Congrats Sharky & Co, takes a lot of behind the scenes work to build up numbers like that, work that mostly goes unnoticed.
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Today is a milestone for Trade2Win, 100,000 members and *still* growing.

It's taken over 7 years to reach that magic number. When the forums first launched back in November 2000, we managed to attract 33 members in the first month. During the whole of 2001, we attracted a further 637 members. Last month alone we attracted 5070 new members, the highest in the history of the site.

I want to take this opportunity to thank every member of the site who has contributed to the site's continued success. Every member of staff, moderator, advisor and member that has given their time and effort in supporting the site. It's inconceivable to think we'd have got this far without you.

Already looking forward to 200,000!


Great achievement Sharky :clap:.

When will the profit-sharing scheme be launched?

Oh no doubt it was a very sad thing to do... but it deserves some admiration, don't you think 😉?
Right on both counts, but all the same, it's a great achievement and I'm very proud. 🙂

well done mate, an acheivement indeed. Crack open the champers (with the traffic this place gets, you can afford it)!
Today is a milestone for Trade2Win, 100,000 members and *still* growing.

It's taken over 7 years to reach that magic number. When the forums first launched back in November 2000, we managed to attract 33 members in the first month. During the whole of 2001, we attracted a further 637 members. Last month alone we attracted 5070 new members, the highest in the history of the site.

I want to take this opportunity to thank every member of the site who has contributed to the site's continued success. Every member of staff, moderator, advisor and member that has given their time and effort in supporting the site. It's inconceivable to think we'd have got this far without you.

Already looking forward to 200,000!


Congratulations Sharky and all!

Well deserved, too. :clap:
