Depth Trade, you said:
Did you read the entire article? They are trading 3 to 5% of all NASDAQ volume (50 to 100 million shares a day).
You also said:
The article did not say "profit;" it said "profit margin." That's after all they pay all their expenses, like programmers, salaries, bonuses, office space, computers, legal fees, accounting, etc., etc. That means that they are feeding a lot of people and still have a truckload of money left over. Double-digits does not mean 10%. It can mean from 10% to 99%. That means that the company might be doubling its net profits every year. That is huge.
So you can make 50%-100% in a week? Wow! That's amazing. Let's just say that you can make 50% per week and start with $1000 in your account. Let's do the math. If we compound your $1000 for 52 weeks at 50% a week, you will have 1,434,648,375,481.61 at the end of the year.
$1.4 Trillion!
That's more than 30 Bill Gates combined!
Since I didn't see you on the last "Richest People of the Year" list, I assume that your numbers are wrong.
Furthermore, if you are making so much money trading, why are you selling trading alerts for $75 a month on your website?
Your post would make a lot more sense if you could back up your claims.
If anyone else is still interested in learning about the active trader offer I originally made, please contact me - but don't contact me if you are making 50% a week.