Front office VBA spreadsheet development work experience wanted

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I have 7 years VBA programming experience, most recently working for 3 multinationals automating their Management Reporting.

I'm looking for some front office spreadsheet development experience so that I can move into a similar role at an investment bank / hedge fund.

If you're a trader interested in some help please send me a message.

If you are happy with the quality and speed of my work, all I ask for is a reference.

Kind Regards,

did you have any luck with this as I will be looking for similar experience in the future

Hi Sharkeyboy,

Still hopeful but nothing so far. I think it's just a question of getting 2/3 months industry experience for an entry role - are you based near London?

Do you know if hedge-fund startups have stopped for the time being? I thought some ex-investment bank traders setting up hedge funds would have welcomed the help?

currently doing an MSc in Computer Science at Birmingham, have a degree in Physics from Bristol and applying for Financial Maths next year at Imperial - MSc Programme which should hopefully be enough!
The problem is it's a completely different league. 3 months experience in quant dev is probably worth more than your 7 years doing management reporting.

I mean "front office spreadsheet development" is really vague and suggests to me that you haven't done any research. What are your expectations? Or are you just trying to apply your skills to hedge funds?
Hi Sharkeyboy,

Looks very interesting, especially the internships - are you having to pay the full £24,600 or is there some kind of government funding/scholorship? I think you're looking for more quantitative work than me.

Hi Hotch - I'm looking more at pricing or risk, as opposed to pure quantitative. I have a BEng & MSc in engineering from 2 top 10 universities, so hopefully have some credibility. My career is too easy so I'm looking to move up a league (either hedge funds or investment banks).


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