Systems Traders Wanted


Junior member
I am looking for new and existing forex systematic traders that are willing to manage other people's money. Your system has to be fully automated or semi-automated with a slight degree of discretion.

MetaTrader is the preferred platform, but I will consider others as well as VB programming, etc.

I currently work with a few MetaTrader traders/money managers via InterbankFX and now Concorde Forex Group. My role (and the role of our firm) is to basically raise assets for quality short-term traders.

I have an extremely popular network of forex sites and receive many requests from potential customers that want to get involved in a systematic forex managed account program. That's why I am always looking traders.

I don't want to know the code or methodology that you use to trade. I don't care about that. I just want to verify your track record (doesn't have to be a long one) and your consistency as a day trader.

Please let me know if you are interested (danger66 @ I will discuss the potential compensation with you after you contact me.


danger66 said:
I am looking for new and existing forex systematic traders that are willing to manage other people's money. I just want to verify your track record (doesn't have to be a long one) and your consistency as a day trader.
Please let me know if you are interested. I will discuss the potential compensation with you after you contact me.
Welcome to T2W!
Hang around until next Christmas, because you'll get my vote for the category: 'Best Opening Post from a Newbie'. The part that I like the most is the bit where you say you don't require a long track record. I started trading forex today and made an absolute bundle on paper. So, by my own admission, my forex experience and track record isn't great. But so what, that's not important apparently. When can I start and how big is my account?
P.S. I have a sneaking suspicion that you are a mate of 'bundman' over on the Swing & Position Trading forum. Also, did you, by any chance, mean to include another '6' on your username?
danger66 said:
I am looking for new and existing forex systematic traders that are willing to manage other people's money. Your system has to be fully automated or semi-automated with a slight degree of discretion.

MetaTrader is the preferred platform, but I will consider others as well as VB programming, etc.

I currently work with a few MetaTrader traders/money managers via InterbankFX and now Concorde Forex Group. My role (and the role of our firm) is to basically raise assets for quality short-term traders.

I have an extremely popular network of forex sites and receive many requests from potential customers that want to get involved in a systematic forex managed account program. That's why I am always looking traders.

I don't want to know the code or methodology that you use to trade. I don't care about that. I just want to verify your track record (doesn't have to be a long one) and your consistency as a day trader.

Please let me know if you are interested (danger66 @ I will discuss the potential compensation with you after you contact me.


See Attached - if interested pm me.


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Timsk, I understand your instinctive reaction to be skeptical. You probably get a lot of idiots posting through this forum. Nevertheless, I will accept your vote by Christmas. :) I registered a long time ago to do some reasearch here, but have not really come back since that time.

Please don't misunderstand me when I state that a "long track record" is not necessary. What I mean is that I am willing to work with new traders that show potential. There are many investors all over the world that don't make it a requirement to work only with traders that have Warren-Buffett-like experience. They understand the risks involved and are willing to allocate some capital to new traders. Chances are that traders that have very long track records don't really want to work with anyone.

I am not looking for swing traders, so I really don't know about the "Swing & Position Trading forum." I don't know your mate "bundman" either. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I know that there are people whose religion does not allow them to trade for others; so if you are one of these people, I am sorry if I have offended you. For those of you that don't mind trading for yourself as well as for others and would like to consider this opportunity, please contact me.

Again, I am looking strictly for day traders - not for people that are going to carry positions into Friday's close. Please keep this in mind when you reply.

danger66 said:
Timsk, I understand your instinctive reaction to be skeptical. You probably get a lot of idiots posting through this forum. Nevertheless, I will accept your vote by Christmas. :) I registered a long time ago to do some reasearch here, but have not really come back since that time.
I am not looking for swing traders, so I really don't know about the "Swing & Position Trading forum." I don't know your mate "bundman" either. Sorry to burst your bubble.
I know that there are people whose religion does not allow them to trade for others; so if you are one of these people, I am sorry if I have offended you.
Worry not, I'm not in the least bit offended. By the same token, I hope you aren't offended by my light hearted jibes. I hope you find the traders you're looking for.
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Timsk, I wasn't offended either. Your comments are quite hilarious actually. :LOL:

JonnyT, what is also illegal in the UK without FSA registration? I'm just looking for traders that are looking for a greater opportunity. That's all.
So somebody who offers a potentially great opportunity to self funded traders receives this sort of response. Not a good reflection of the bitter and twisted on T2W.
JT - FSA is no problem with umbrella under a clearer , simple to set up.
gus,- a TS backtest report is not the same as a track record what you need to show is the "Trade Manager Analysis Report" showing the same thing.
twalker said:
So somebody who offers a potentially great opportunity to self funded traders receives this sort of response. Not a good reflection of the bitter and twisted on T2W.
JT - FSA is no problem with umbrella under a clearer , simple to set up.
gus,- a TS backtest report is not the same as a track record what you need to show is the "Trade Manager Analysis Report" showing the same thing. have to expect some cyncism mate, given some of the spam we get on these boards.
Hi Zuke, hope you are well. Yeah, guess you are right but this one did not read like spam to me and being as the dangerman has not posted much I like to give him benefit of the doubt.
Thank you Tony for not judging instantly that my post was spam. It isn't.

For those of you who responded to my post by emailing me, I am really sorry for the delay. I just emailed all of you a one-page trader profile questionnaire with specific questions about your trading style, experience, results, etc. I need to have this back before moving forward.

Thank you for your patience.
twalker said:
So somebody who offers a potentially great opportunity to self funded traders receives this sort of response. Not a good reflection of the bitter and twisted on T2W.
JT - FSA is no problem with umbrella under a clearer , simple to set up.
gus,- a TS backtest report is not the same as a track record what you need to show is the "Trade Manager Analysis Report" showing the same thing.
The "Trade Manager Analysis Report" will be available for forex traders once Trade Station completes the update with Gain Capitol. Until then my experience with/for clients of Man Financial serves me well :) I'm really not looking for business.

Thanks for your comments.
Ah, yes, sorry gus, I forgot that TS do not yet cater too well to spot FX guys. I only trade the futures.
Good trading and hpe you understand this dollar better than I do.
Do to the confusion that this post has caused (after reading the emails I have received from some traders), I strongly emphasize again not to email me if your system is exclusively swing trading. For example, if you hold all your positions for more than one day at a time, I am not interested. On the other hand, if you hold some positions for a day or so, but also close some positions intra-day, then I am interested. Obviously if all your positions are opened and closed intra-day, it is a big plus. The investors that want to get involved in this program are specifically looking for an active, short-term system.

Sorry for the confusion. This is the reason why I am specifying these requirements. It is not because I have anything against swing traders. :D
You should look at the "Milking the cows" strat on TS forum. I have no idea if it actually works, but very short term and some people seem to be using it.
Tony, I don't really know what you mean. What is the TS forum? Excuse my ignorance since I am not a freqent contributor to these boards.
Tony, I need a password and user id to access that forum. I can't get in. I am curious about the system you mentioned and am wondering if one of our traders could optimize it and test it for forex. Is there any other way to access that info?
danger66 said:
Tony, I need a password and user id to access that forum. I can't get in. I am curious about the system you mentioned and am wondering if one of our traders could optimize it and test it for forex. Is there any other way to access that info?

I've just had a look at the strategy (being a member of the forum). To summarise it: it works on the obervation that a very high percentage of the time the market will move at least 2 ticks above and below the opening i.e. it is rare to have a day when it opens and then moves straight off in one direction. You decided on your direction which could be at random, say we choose to buy, the market opens at 45.5 for example, if the market trades at 45.6 then we buy and look to sell at 45.7.

This system will have a large percentage of winners but there are two serious flaws in it:

1. as pointed out in the forum, the equity market is often very volatile at the open and it may not be possible to execute the trades before the market has moved away again. This means that whilst it may look like you were able to be filled, in practice you wouldn't have been so back testing results would have been misleading.

2. more seriously, whilst it is unlikely that the market will open at 45.5, trade to 45.6 without hitting 45.7, it only needs to do that occasionally for all your hard-earned 1 tick profits to be wiped out by a 100 tick loss!

Whilst there may be an edge in exploiting all the volatility off the open in the equity markets since they have set trading times, in the fx markets you are less likely to have this pent up volatility since it is a 24 hour market anyway.

I don't personally think that you can survive long-term with such a strategy but am happy to be proved wrong.