Sunday lulz

I watched " Man about the House " a few days ago. That brought back memories of yester year. Richard O'Sullivan, reckoned to be Britain's male sex symbol of the 1970s
So I thought I would look him up on the net. There was a photo of him in the 1990s shortly before he died. He looked awful poor guy. So I looked up delightful Paula Wilcox. Wish I hadn't really.

Time ruins everything imho.
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I watched " Man about the House " a few days ago. That brought back memories of yester year. Richard O'Sullivan, reckoned to be Britain's male sex symbol of the 1970s
So I thought I would look him up on the net. There was a photo of him in the 1990s shortly before he died. He looked awful poor guy. So I looked up delightful Paula Wilcox. Wish I hadn't really.

Time ruins everything imho.

Core blimey - this looks like the spitting of my dad as he aged. Head, hair, glasses and profile of face. One would have said they were twins if one saw them standing together.

Paula Wilcox looks fabulous :love: She's aged beautifully well :love:

Love the tank top... They are back in fashion you know. At least in our office amongts couple of guys... Cardigans too... Reminds me of the Mods era ;)


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There is still a lot of interest in who shot Kennedy.
One TV documentary claimed " the mob " got Oswald to shoot him to get at brother Bobby who was waging an anti mafia campaign. Could be I guess.

One fact though that keeps coming up is could Oswald have got off 2 shots at Kennedy in 1.6 seconds ? Now that is indeed an intriguing question because even expert marksmen can't achieve this. So there had to be a second shooter with a similiar gun. Was he beside Oswald in the Book Depository or not ? That 2nd guy could have been Ruby. Who had to kill Oswald to get off the bigger charge of killing Kennedy. Will we ever know ? Maybe because someone out there knows.
There is still a lot of interest in who shot Kennedy.
One TV documentary claimed " the mob " got Oswald to shoot him to get at brother Bobby who was waging an anti mafia campaign. Could be I guess.

One fact though that keeps coming up is could Oswald have got off 2 shots at Kennedy in 1.6 seconds ? Now that is indeed an intriguing question because even expert marksmen can't achieve this. So there had to be a second shooter with a similiar gun. Was he beside Oswald in the Book Depository or not ? That 2nd guy could have been Ruby. Who had to kill Oswald to get off the bigger charge of killing Kennedy. Will we ever know ? Maybe because someone out there knows.

I doubt very much he was the man. Here are some test results on how good he was and if he could in comparison to other marksman in the marine corps. Interesting reading

The mafia were not the only ones with motive.

JFK was also proposing to cut and/or switch the Pentagon & NASA budgets. Big money interests bring big threats. :whistling
The Oliver Stone film JFK raises a lot of questions, Yet, I watched a documentary where they emulated the shooting in a quarry, paying particular attention to the angle of the shot and wind etc.

Using a human like dummy with artificial brain matter and blood, They fired shots using soft and hard point bullets then matched the results with the blood splatter pattern in the car, it was very nearly identical, Which sort of gives weight to the argument that the fatal shot to the head came from high up and behind, i.e the book depository.
Interesting site. It says they found a rifle in the 6th floor of The Book Depository. I seem to remember that Oswald soon after shot a policeman and then was arrested in a local cinema with a rifle.
Or am I getting in a muddle here ?

Of course it looks like a big cover up by the Warren Commision etc. because it was. And why should that be ? Because if it was directly linked back to The Soviets there would have been WW 3.
I seem to remember that Oswald soon after shot a policeman and then was arrested in a local cinema with a rifle.
Or am I getting in a muddle here ?

Im sure Oswald was unarmed when he was arrested in the cinema Pat, Though there was apparently a palm print found much later tying him to the rifle in the depository.
Interesting site. It says they found a rifle in the 6th floor of The Book Depository. I seem to remember that Oswald soon after shot a policeman and then was arrested in a local cinema with a rifle.
Or am I getting in a muddle here ?

Of course it looks like a big cover up by the Warren Commision etc. because it was. And why should that be ? Because if it was directly linked back to The Soviets there would have been WW 3.

Unlikely to be the Russians as JFK wanted to reign back nuclear spending and had no interest in invading Cuba. Russian consideration more like to be disinformation imo.
Just checked Oswald used a hand gun to murder Officer Tippit
Oswald looked like he was high on something when led out of the police station. Why they let in all those press people, goodness knows.
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2014 looks like a bumper year for inventions.
Maybe someone could invent a gadget that just allows women to say " yes sir " and then gets them moving. None of the usual back chat like " do it yourself arseh0le".

What peace and contentment.

Talking of affairs romantique what about Frankie Hollande and his actress crumpet ?
Should politicians be allowed to muzzle the press as in France, North Korea et al. or not ? No wonder quislings cum roues like Mitterand got away with it for decades.
I think those in public life and on huge public money salaries should at least manage a few basics of public decency.
Besides the public like to know and such smut sells lots of papers.

Could be a publicity stunt ? Anyway here she is


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For the true believers here he is


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