Trading alts by following whales?!


Hi, it's my first post on Hope to contribute a little bit to this community.
After two weeks researching this new app - Sfomo, i have discovered two functions of this app - coin listing exchange announcement and tracking whales' activities. The app is already published on both iOS and Android. In this thread i'd like to talk about tracking whales function. This includes PUMP signal and SHARK BID signal.
pump : with rocket icon. This is the signal shows us that the whales are trying to buy coins with a great amount of money, from one hundred thousand to millions of dollars, the reasons can be upcoming events or selling out their coins.
Shark bid: with the fish icon. Similar to Pump signal, with Shark bid, bid orders account for the majority but sell orders succeed constantly. Under my observation, bid and sell walls are more balanced compared to Pump signal.
(+): is the number of successful orders of Pump signal or Shark bid signal.
How to read signal from Sfomo:
Example: XRP BTC $532,661.668 PUMP +253 05:48 AM
XRP is being traded with BTC. Signal here is Pump which means bid order is taking the advantage, there is a bid order worth $532,662.688, the amount of succeed for this orders is 253 times.
From above image, we can see:
- There is a bid wall of whales at price 870 satoshi, that would be $540,000 in total (Whales’ action was recognized by Sfomo and announced by Pump signal for user at 12:53 PM).
- There is a small bid wall at price 871 sts, that would be $80,000 in total. (at this stage we need to observe carefully in case it is a fake wall. On the other hand, if this wall is smashed then whales would probably remove the 870 sts wall to secure their capital).
- 3 walls above that at prices 872 - 873 - 874 sts with the total worth of $80,000 => people have noticed and jumped into the game. So based on our analysis above, we can buy in with no hesitation, wait until the price go up to sell and take profit. (notice that profit can only from 2-5% in these kinds of situations).
Remember that I have won at this case based on the above analysis, however the market trend changes everyday and fluctuates instantly, therefore you should sell when price moves up to 2 or 3% (take profit) or moves down more than 1% (stop loss) compared to your entry point and wait for other signals from Sfomo. After 2 weeks, i have declared a 20% of profit from only Sfomo's signals. Quite good and fun!
Notice that you need to maintain your discipline (loss 1% sell, earn 1-3% of profit, sell) otherwise you would suffer from great loss!!!
Here are some of my trading orders:
Download links for you guys:
They also have a telegram channel:
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