Successful FX and Futures Traders Wanted - Hedge Fund Capital

Great posts my friend 🙂

Done here with thread now, alls been said that needs saying, now I'll give the floor over to Depth Trader again so that he can re-inform us that I'm just jealous, and that he is the only trader on this forum.


Have a great weekend Ampro.
BSD, one of the only reps. I have received was from you for my work on my "Classic FX thread"

You have already complemented me on my trading, I don't understand what's gotten into you. One day your praising me, the next your trying to show me up.

You already proved you have nothing to offer, you can't even direct TF towards a trader, that proves you know nothing or anybody worthwile.
BSD, here's the Rep. you gave me last month for 'Classic FX' thread.

Classic FX 25-08-2008 07:39 AM BSD "Good stuff mate"

Edit: The real question is how much money does BSD lose every day?????
LOL, that rep was for that individual trade, which is of course utterly meaningless in the big scheme of things, and, also, back then I didn't realise - only this thread here and your embarassing refusal to offer proof while still whingeing like a total loser for the thread openers funds - that you're nothing than a con artist soliciting third party funds WITHOUT

an audited track record....

a CTA/NFA registration

a FSA registration...

in other words, you're nothing but a small time crook who has zero proof for the clients you are soliciting illegally that you have ever in your whole sorry life traded net profitably lol.

Get a life loser, get registered if you are soliciting clients here, and get an audited track record.
BSD, here's the Rep. you gave me last month for 'Classic FX' thread.

Classic FX 25-08-2008 07:39 AM BSD "Good stuff mate"

Edit: The real question is how much money does BSD lose every day?????
You really have lost it BSD, I'd say your trading days are numbered, boy.
Let it go Augustus 🙂

Why would it even matter to you what anyone else thinks of your trading templates? The only folks that should be remotely interested in what’s going on inside your accounts are you & any clients you got onboard.

I’m damned sure I don’t give a crap what anyone thinks of my templates, strategies or ongoing PnL tables. Not that they’ll get to see them anyway, but I could care less what folks say. They’re not me, & they don’t got my resources……they’re not you either. They don’t impact what you do, & I very much doubt you directly impact what they do – so why would you give a damn what anyone thinks or say’s?

Comments on a 2-bit chat site shouldn’t even register on your radar let alone provoke you into an aggressive, scattergun firefight.

If the guy who started this strange thread wants to put his feelers out on here & insists on a specific route for verification, then folks are going to have to toe his line or hit the road.

If by chance there are folks trawling these types of chat sites seeking opportunities to invest funds into a trading operation, I’m pretty sure they’d want to see someone conducting themselves with a cool, disciplined & professional manner?

You’re not doing yourself any favors getting sucked into pointless arguments or unnecessary aggravation. It’s a whole waste of mental energy. Reserve it for where it matter most....the markets! 😉
This is sad 🙁
If I thought TF was actually serious, I would have never contacted him publicly.

If he was really trading his own account and looking for capable trader, we would have been conversing over the phone, positioning his account over the past year.

Tf claimed to have 3bln under management, yet couldn't provide 0.003% (100k) for me to trade.
OK, no money, no play.

If he was real, we'd be doing business right now. That simple, you want to make money, you work with me, not against me.

The second TF thought there was better traders out there, he completely turned on me.

Yet looking at his profile I can see he's still loging in. As I said, no one else can trade the account and he'd be back here, after Blasting T2W.

Either way I don't care anymore, if you want to make money, you do go through me.
are you the only trader in the market that can make moneyy?
You'd think I can't be the only one, yet there hasn't been one other person on here out of 135k that can.
So you tell me.

We are back to this same place, if you guys know of one person that can manage FX, please direct us to that person, if not your just helping prove my point.
I'm still laughing.

So am I.

"Hi All

My experiment with Depth Trade has now come to an end. As agreed with him the experiment was to last 6 months or 30% DD.

Although the account was down by over 20% at one time Depth Trade was successful in making the account grow end up with a slight profit.

The following is a record of week's end results since the start. Please note that these results include all open positions at that time. If anybody is interested in a complete history of all transactions including interest fees all trades let me know I will forward you the excel file.

If you have any additional questions just reply.

Depth Trade Results
Start Date Jan-14
Deposit Amount 1000.00
Week Start Date 5-Jul-08
Week End Date 13-Jul-08
# Weeks 26
USD Start of Week 883.71
USD Ending Amount 1011.20
P/L for Week $ 127.49
P/L % for Week 14.43%
P/L since Start $ 11.20
P/L % since Start 1.12%
Expected ROI yearly 2.24%

There will also be one more Fee to be deducted for the month of July. I believe it will be about USD 3.50.


MoneyTec Traders Community Forum - View Single Post - Any honest profitbale signal provider ?

There are ANY NUMBER of people on this who make more than DT in 6 months (a totally ridiculous 0,77% after fees) in just one single day...

Trader Dante, Grey, wasp, Options, arabianights, KillPhill, FXscalper, TWI, Gamma Jammer, Arbitrageur, BBmac, BNAimy, Danarm, many others here as well.
Last edited:
Hi, are you still looking for trader, please let me know your email. i will send appropiate resume and trading result.

Thank you.

I'm part of a team in charge of doing the due diligence on FX and Futures traders for a $3B+ hedge fund company in the US.

We're looking for a wide variety of forex (no arbitrage or news traders) and futures traders with verifiable statements. Plese PM me only if you have live statements. Demo statements don't count.

You must complete our due diligence questionnaire and meet other requirements that will be provided after the initial discussions.

Traders that are accepted get to trade a test account for the first 15 to 45 days, whose size depends on a trader's experience and results. If they perform within historical norms, they get additional allocations every month until either a substantial amount of capital is allocated or they reach a saturation point in terms of liquidity.

If interested, please PM email address and a bit of information about the type of trading you do, lenght of real track record, experience, and results.

So am I.

"Hi All

My experiment with Depth Trade has now come to an end. As agreed with him the experiment was to last 6 months or 30% DD.

Although the account was down by over 20% at one time Depth Trade was successful in making the account grow end up with a slight profit.

The following is a record of week's end results since the start. Please note that these results include all open positions at that time. If anybody is interested in a complete history of all transactions including interest fees all trades let me know I will forward you the excel file.

If you have any additional questions just reply.

Depth Trade Results
Start Date Jan-14
Deposit Amount 1000.00
Week Start Date 5-Jul-08
Week End Date 13-Jul-08
# Weeks 26
USD Start of Week 883.71
USD Ending Amount 1011.20
P/L for Week $ 127.49
P/L % for Week 14.43%
P/L since Start $ 11.20
P/L % since Start 1.12%
Expected ROI yearly 2.24%

There will also be one more Fee to be deducted for the month of July. I believe it will be about USD 3.50.


MoneyTec Traders Community Forum - View Single Post - Any honest profitbale signal provider ?

There are ANY NUMBER of people on this who make more than DT in 6 months (a totally ridiculous 0,77% after fees) in just one single day...

Trader Dante, Grey, wasp, Options, arabianights, KillPhill, FXscalper, TWI, Gamma Jammer, Arbitrageur, BBmac, BNAimy, Danarm, many others here as well.
BSD, you have yet to prove you know anyone capable of trading. It's a year later and I'm the only one that have solicated a client and have returned his capital with a gain.

So you tell me who the poser is.

By the way, still lying to the in-laws that your a currency trader?

You scum-bag, you'll never make a dime out here. I'll bet my forum membership.
hang about-you're returning that and banging on about being a big shot currency trader? i wouldn't give you a job counting coins never mind managing capital or risk!!!

do you think, based on your returns above you should run a managed account? don't get all occupied about slagging others, base your answer on your performance.
hang about-you're returning that and banging on about being a big shot currency trader? i wouldn't give you a job counting coins never mind managing capital or risk!!!

do you think, based on your returns above you should run a managed account? don't get all occupied about slagging others, base your answer on your performance.
It's obvious who is real.

I am constantly trading, neither of you has ever posted a winning trade.

You don't know one trader, that says alot.