Successful FX and Futures Traders Wanted - Hedge Fund Capital

DT; you are free to believe whatever you want about what makes a great trader or not. When we spoke on the phone, you explained the reason you didn't want to provide statements was because they could be faked. I agreed with you about the "faked" part, but mentioned that it is still required by any institution looking to work with a trader whose track record is not audited. Now you are saying that you did not provide the statements because I have to "prove myself" first. That's even funnier than the one about my wife wearing the pants in our house. 😀
Like I said, if you want into this market you'll have to work within my parameters.

I'm not willing to show you my private accounts, but will show you one of my clients accounts which was being posted and followed by client on

Re: Any honest profitbale signal provider ?

Hi All,

My experiment with Depth Trade has now come to an end. As agreed with him, the experiment was to last 6 months or 30% DD.

Although the account was down at one time, Depth Trade was successful in making the account grow and end up with a slight profit.

The following is a record of week's end results since the start. Please note that these results include all open positions at that time. If anybody is interested in a complete history of all transactions including interest, fees and all trades, let me know and I will forward you the excel file.

If you have any additional questions, just reply.

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Tf, I'm looking over your post here and you originally posted on April of 08.
This is already 5 months ago, if you would have opened an account with me for a couple of thousands of dollars, you would have had your requirement for the 3-6 months of statements. Not only that, but the statements would have been statements that you could trust.

Seriously think about it, I am advising you on the best possible route to take on this.
TF, I'm trying to help you, but your refusing to step out of your realm of experience.

Like my non-trading friend always says, 'if someone is serious and paying attention, they'll send you a plane ticket and want to meet with you"

Tf, why don't you just watch this next video and learn.
why are you so desperate to trade with him if your doing so well then just trade for yourself. I am sure he knows what he is doing and if hes not interested in taking you on then face the fact
why are you so desperate to trade with him if your doing so well then just trade for yourself. I am sure he knows what he is doing and if hes not interested in taking you on then face the fact
Thank you crude lover. Couldn't have said it better myself. 🙂
lol, you guys make it sound as if there's a choice. There's 100k members on here, those are the one's who out-lasted 1mln people.
I have beat out those 1mln, still think you have a choice?

Tell me then, were are you going to go? Your back here looking for a trader, exactly as I said you would.
This isn't about your pride or ego, it's about reality and reality dictates that I am the one.

TF, we'll end up doing business together.
You guys are so wrong it's amazing.

TF, you have had hundreds of contacts in the last 5 months, all have turned up nothing.

Now certainly if there was a trader capable of managing your FX accounts, you would have already received all the documentation that you needed. If not that, you would have received the statements required and you now would just be working on 'feeling' out your potential empoyee.

Obviously your no where near finding a trader, because if you had, we would not be having this conversation right now.:idea:

Your profile says you trade the Majors, if you really have an account and are serious about this, you'll start calling me and positioning the account or open a small account with me.

One thing I don't understand is, how can you have 3bln, but not even be able to open a small account with the highest ranking trader on this site????????????????

This last question 'dumbfounds' me??????????????????????????
lol, you guys make it sound as if there's a choice. There's 100k members on here, those are the one's who out-lasted 1mln people.
I have beat out those 1mln, still think you have a choice?

Tell me then, were are you going to go? Your back here looking for a trader, exactly as I said you would.
This isn't about your pride or ego, it's about reality and reality dictates that I am the one.

TF, we'll end up doing business together.

OK, Neo.
You guys are so wrong it's amazing.

TF, you have had hundreds of contacts in the last 5 months, all have turned up nothing.

Now certainly if there was a trader capable of managing your FX accounts, you would have already received all the documentation that you needed. If not that, you would have received the statements required and you now would just be working on 'feeling' out your potential empoyee.

Obviously your no where near finding a trader, because if you had, we would not be having this conversation right now.:idea:

Your profile says you trade the Majors, if you really have an account and are serious about this, you'll start calling me and positioning the account or open a small account with me.

One thing I don't understand is, how can you have 3bln, but not even be able to open a small account with the highest ranking trader on this site????????????????

This last question 'dumbfounds' me??????????????????????????

Have you considered that any trader who can trade does not want to be working for anyone?
And there are a lot of traders who trade and do very well on this forum.
A lot of traders frequent this site for a variery of reasons.

Your desperation in this quest is truly exceptional

I cannot work out why you want this so badly. The post that introduced you made out as something quite spectacular. Even if you can do the job right, why not do it for yourself? Why try to convince them that they need you? If they think they can do without you, fine let them carry on.

If they come back, then its your call with your demands.

I dont know how much you actually make but it doesn't sound like enough to keep you happy doing what you are. I know of one or two traders on here (don't post much) but are earning five figure (high end) sums EVERY WEEK. They would never consider working for anyone else because the freedom has no price.

It seems TF is just following procedures that have been laid down by the fund, I am sure the 3bln is not his own money.

Happy trading either way.
Guys enjoy your 15 minutes of fame on my behalf, it's the last time anyone will care what you had to say.

Enjoy :clap:.
Guys enjoy your 15 minutes of fame on my behalf, it's the last time anyone will care what you had to say.

Enjoy :clap:.

were not so bothered that anyone cares what we say its more the fun amusement of watching someone try to convince us all hes a big trader, then see the same guy beg someone repeatedly to take him on.
Its been said before if you were big enough you wouldnt care. But the fact your crying and whinging so much that this guy wont take you on makes me believe you earn no where near enough money trading yourself and need the salary, Which isnt a bad thing but adleast be honest.

Anyway i cant wait for your next big post about how were trying to get fame, but im sure we will hear all about your big stories about how you made millions in a simulated account and trust me were all so jealous 🙄
were not so bothered that anyone cares what we say its more the fun amusement of watching someone try to convince us all hes a big trader, then see the same guy beg someone repeatedly to take him on.
Its been said before if you were big enough you wouldnt care. But the fact your crying and whinging so much that this guy wont take you on makes me believe you earn no where near enough money trading yourself and need the salary, Which isnt a bad thing but adleast be honest.

Anyway i cant wait for your next big post about how were trying to get fame, but im sure we will hear all about your big stories about how you made millions in a simulated account and trust me were all so jealous 🙄
Who ever said I was rich?

If there's any truth to what you said, you should be able to direct us to another capable trader.

Since your so into big numbers, the first order I ever relayed via hand signals and head-set into a pit were for a spread of 500 eurodollar contracts. That's 500 each side at 1mln$ a contract. OK you big crude trader, that's 1,000 x 1mln= 1bln$

I know exactly what I'm doing and have held great responsibility have you?
you have to be the person most long of yourself around. 500 eurodollar-small fry mate.
The answer is simple.

I want it, I'm going after it.

All you can find yourselfs at age 70 talking about how you could've been somebody, but didn't have it within you.

It's simple, you guys are weak, you'll come up with a thousand reasons why you can't make it and you won't. I will.

There's Millions(if not Bln's) being offered and I'm the only one going after it.

Depth Trade, unless verifiable statements can be provided, we can't move forward. I know we discussed the possibility of statements being faked (and we've had traders provide us with fake statements in the past), but it is just one more piece of information that is an essential [and normal] part of the due diligence process. There are ways to verify if statements are fake or not and we've never had a problem verfying it.

If you ever change your position on providing statements in the future, please let me know; if not, there's nothing I can do.

I wish you the best regardless of what you decide to do.

Your not going to be able to find a trader, your completely blind and haven't the slightest idea what's going on or what to look for.

I am the only one with live verifiable trades, but your so insecure you don't even trust your own judgement, you need a 3rd person to verify and TELL you what to do.

Your profile picture tells everything, we know who wears the pants in that family.

I have a better idea, you contact me when your tired of throwing you money down the drain.

You contact me when your tired of being lead around, you contact me when your man enough to make a grown up decision.

Like I said, if you want into this market you'll have to work within my parameters.

I'm not willing to show you my private accounts

What a pathetic thread this has turned into, what an embarassment for T2W.

A guy comes here, presumably because he believes there are real traders here and not just posers who can't back up their claims, offers them hedge fund money to trade, BUT OF COURSE HE WANTS PROOF that the person he will be dealing with is for real and not a con artist.

Depth Trade here HAS NO TRACK RECORD, and then goes on a ridiculous rampage personally insulting the chap offering the funds ???

OF COURSE NO ONE WOULD deal with somebody who has no track record.

As for DT's given reason for not having one, "it could be faked", why thats so pathetic and lame that its no longer funny, all the chap with the hedge fund money would have to do is have a talk with your broker, provided its a reputable one and not some bucket shop.

DT, you are just a con artist to me.

I'd ban you for your BS of all talk, but zero verifiable proof.

A trader wanting to trade other peoples money WITHOUT an audited track record is nothing than a pathetic con artist.

The fact that you refuse to have your personal account audited says it all.
I'm part of a team in charge of doing the due diligence on FX and Futures traders for a $3B+ hedge fund company in the US.

We're looking for a wide variety of forex (no arbitrage or news traders) and futures traders with verifiable statements. Plese PM me only if you have live statements. Demo statements don't count.

I sincerely hope that you got at least a few real applications from real traders with real track records from this site !!!

I think its great that we have people like you coming here, and most definitely hope that the recent unwarranted rudeness won't put you or colleagues of yours off from coming here in the future !
I sincerely hope that you got at least a few real applications from real traders with real track records from this site !!!

I think its great that we have people like you coming here, and most definitely hope that the recent unwarranted rudeness won't put you or colleagues of yours off from coming here in the future !

Thank you BSD. It's my pleasure coming here and a privilege to be able to post. I have gotten some real applications from this site. This forum is one of the top ones in my opinion, as far as qualified applicants go.

What happened with DT is unfortunate, but life is too short for me to worry about that.

Take care.
What a pathetic thread this has turned into, what an embarassment for T2W.

A guy comes here, presumably because he believes there are real traders here and not just posers who can't back up their claims, offers them hedge fund money to trade, BUT OF COURSE HE WANTS PROOF that the person he will be dealing with is for real and not a con artist.

Depth Trade here HAS NO TRACK RECORD, and then goes on a ridiculous rampage personally insulting the chap offering the funds ???

OF COURSE NO ONE WOULD deal with somebody who has no track record.

As for DT's given reason for not having one, "it could be faked", why thats so pathetic and lame that its no longer funny, all the chap with the hedge fund money would have to do is have a talk with your broker, provided its a reputable one and not some bucket shop.

DT, you are just a con artist to me.

I'd ban you for your BS of all talk, but zero verifiable proof.

A trader wanting to trade other peoples money WITHOUT an audited track record is nothing than a pathetic con artist.

The fact that you refuse to have your personal account audited says it all.
Edit: BSD your nothing more than a jealous liar. I've solicited accounts varying from 1k up to 100k, with out one complaint.
Not one complaint for a client!

BSD are you blind or just really ignorant?

I am the only one on this forum with actuall trades. I do have the longest standing thread to date, hundreds of trades.

I've stood in the largest trade pits in the world.
Con-artist, what the hell are you talking about?

Next time you refer to me, you Salute me.
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