Successful entrepreneur looking to partner with a successful systems trader


These forums appear to be a wonderful resource for collaboration. To that end, I have recently become very interested in starting up as a CTA and would like partner with a successful systems trader. I would bring strong operations experience, initial starting capital and a deep network to raise both funds from high net-worth individuals as well institutional money. I have a bias towards 100% systematic systems and would prefer for the strategy to be shorter-term focused with trades completed either daily or for short durations.

I would require that you have deep experience as a trader and a background that is highly marketable to potential clients. The trading system should have actual results for at least 18 months if possible and the results can be audited. It will obviously be very important to show strong returns relative to risk. It will also be critical to show the system can scale to a $50+mm range of assets under management which I plan to be the goal over the next 3+ years. If you are interested in potentially working together to build a successful platform and believe your system can be the cornerstone of a successful CTA startup, please private message me and we can correspond. As a side note, I am by not any means looking to find systems I can trade myself. I am not a trader and that is not within my skill-set. I am also based in San Francisco, CA.

If anyone also has ideas on other resources online to find an interested and successful collaborator on this project, please do let me know.
Hi ctastartup,

I'm interested in having a chat with you. Do you have an email address so we can have a private conversation?

These forums appear to be a wonderful resource for collaboration. To that end, I have recently become very interested in starting up as a CTA and would like partner with a successful systems trader. I would bring strong operations experience, initial starting capital and a deep network to raise both funds from high net-worth individuals as well institutional money. I have a bias towards 100% systematic systems and would prefer for the strategy to be shorter-term focused with trades completed either daily or for short durations.

I would require that you have deep experience as a trader and a background that is highly marketable to potential clients. The trading system should have actual results for at least 18 months if possible and the results can be audited. It will obviously be very important to show strong returns relative to risk. It will also be critical to show the system can scale to a $50+mm range of assets under management which I plan to be the goal over the next 3+ years. If you are interested in potentially working together to build a successful platform and believe your system can be the cornerstone of a successful CTA startup, please private message me and we can correspond. As a side note, I am by not any means looking to find systems I can trade myself. I am not a trader and that is not within my skill-set. I am also based in San Francisco, CA.

If anyone also has ideas on other resources online to find an interested and successful collaborator on this project, please do let me know.

Would it be worth my while?

50 million would be at the limits of an automated day trading system.

Lets say i could make 15 million a year on a 50 million account. That would be a nice 30% return.

But of that 15 million, the business would only see about 3million as fees (20%). Split between you and me would mean i would be making 1.5 million dollars a year in about 3 years from now.

If i am already a successful trader, i can make that trading my own account. If not today, definitely in 3 to 5 years time. (I can use leverage to get returns much higher than 30% on accounts which are much smaller than 50 million).

Also the profits from the CTA business would be taxed 45% for me. Where as money in my account would be taxed at a much more favourable CGT rate (18%). I would guess that for every dollar my system pulled out of the market only 5 cents would end up in my pocket.

Im sure your offer will appeal to some skint systems traders. But my guess is if they are skint they probably dont have a system thats any good, atleast they wont have a long track record on a decent sized account.
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I would like to talk. I have number of things, some new, some old that you might find interesting. Everything I do is scaleable but none of it is intra-day. A lot of it is 6 day average holds and some of it is longer.