Are you a successful Forex Trader?

I have been in the business for over a decade and trade for a living. Having said that I do not offer training/mentoring etc.

My best advise is that you invest what you planned on spending on a mentor in yourself and learn to trade.

Great comments in this thread! Very true and speaking loudly of mature experience.
I have been in the business for over a decade and trade for a living. Having said that I do not offer training/mentoring etc.

My best advise is that you invest what you planned on spending on a mentor in yourself and learn to trade.

Agreed up to a point....and very very valid for newbies

but ultimately no one makes it on their own to the really profitable levels in Trading (or indeed anything)

ultimately one will need a coach / mentor to become the best you can be.....

It depends on I assume. I neither had nor wanted a mentor. Well, let me take that back. The markets were my mentor and told/taught me everything I needed. Having said that, I do not think it is bad to have one if you want/seek one but newbies should be very careful as there are many who just want to get your cash so they can lose it in the markets.

When it comes down to it, it is up to individual preference and as long as you are happy with the end result...go for it.
Hi Everyone,

This is a very good approach that Alex did as enterpreneur, because currencies market is suitable to make profits with one condition: you have to know it. For armateur risks to loose is very high. I have been trading in markets including currencies markets for over 10 years, now I make living from them. I invest, don't speculate, meaning that I keep long term positions. Here chart patterns are my tools. I earn over %50 anual return with minimum involvement in it.

Alex's is a good choice to go for dynamic markets that will give better returns than savings or investment property 🙂
Hi Everyone,

This is a very good approach that Alex did as enterpreneur, because currencies market is suitable to make profits with one condition: you have to know it. For armateur risks to loose is very high. I have been trading in markets including currencies markets for over 10 years, now I make living from them. I invest, don't speculate, meaning that I keep long term positions. Here chart patterns are my tools. I earn over %50 anual return with minimum involvement in it.

Alex's is a good choice to go for dynamic markets that will give better returns than savings or investment property 🙂

All markets are cyclical......if they just went up or just went down then thats not a market ...its a monopoly

26 posts and no one has, before this post, asked the OP to define what, exactly, he means by "successful" forex trader?

After all, if someone can prove, within his definition of 'success' that he meets same over a stated time period, is it not reasonable that such a person (even one so rare as not to be one of the billions of scammers who trawl this earth seeking victims...) should be compensated for his time>
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Well seeing as everyone is soooo negative here on this one.... 😉

There are still decent traders and people out there wanting to help for sure. Personally I would like the opportunity of pitching myself and services over to you 🙂

Ready and waiting!
Well seeing as everyone is soooo negative here on this one.... 😉

There are still decent traders and people out there wanting to help for sure. Personally I would like the opportunity of pitching myself and services over to you 🙂

Ready and waiting!

Mr Stone
There is lots of negativity for many good reasons on this site. The biggest problem we have is that we find it hard to believe that anyone offering trading is doing it for the right reasons and in many cases are failed traders. Please dont take it personally towards you as you are offering your services. Im sure we would all like to hear what you have to say. I've been around on this site for many years and not yet has one mentor/coach offered to prove their abilities in a genuine way. Weve seen every trick in the book to display false figures,late trades, trading on spikes etc. The best way to demonstrate is to show us by live examples of trades called out on a thread. All that is needed is the entry price along with a stop as you take the trade. No one is expecting you to reveal your methods,just the trades.As soon as we ask for this everyone seems to go on the back foot.I really hope this is not the case for yourself as there is a desperate need for successful coaches. Ive had a quick look at your options site and it seems everyone is jumping on the bandwagon these days,what are you offering that is different,thanks and good luck
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Mr Stone
There is lots of negativity for many good reasons on this site. The biggest problem we have is that we find it hard to believe that anyone offering trading is doing it for the right reasons and in many cases are failed traders. Please dont take it personally towards you as you are offering your services. Im sure we would all like to hear what you have to say. I've been around on this site for many years and not yet has one mentor/coach offered to prove their abilities in a genuine way. Weve seen every trick in the book to display false figures,late trades, trading on spikes etc. The best way to demonstrate is to show us by live examples of trades called out on a thread. All that is needed is the entry price along with a stop as you take the trade. No one is expecting you to reveal your methods,just the trades.As soon as we ask for this everyone seems to go on the back foot.I really hope this is not the case for yourself as there is a desperate need for successful coaches. Ive had a quick look at your options site and it seems everyone is jumping on the bandwagon these days,what are you offering that is different,thanks and good luck

Hi my Lord😉,

That I completely understand after also having money taken from me when i was in the early stages of trading by "super traders" that had perfect data.....Unfortunately 99% do end up being crooks.

I started working in Binary in 2008 for a company called trade-smarter. At that stage I did everything from service support, to sales, development, training etc...I also had experience before that of basic FX day trading and futures, my aim was to build up enough knowledge to become a big hedge fund man....

In the end I fell on designing and creating trading platforms instead for other companies, my skill set grew by being immersed in the market 24/7. These days I have finally partnered up and have control in (top notch binary option trading platform).

Key focus for me would be on the psychology of trading, the decision making process and emotions behind it...I have always had this belief that any trade simplified is just a question - Do we feel the price is going up or down? From there its all about mathematical account management and discipline. Anyway, this one reply is getting too long but my feeling is simple. I can bring an trader to better results by going over the very basics of why the trade is happening in the first place. No golden cures, no secrets etc...Just pure simple thinking with an aim to improve using different resources and basic strategies 🙂
What you have said makes sense as I am a strong believer that emotions and control are more important than the entry point.Nothing prepares us emotionally for the moment we have entered a trade.All sorts of thoughts take over. Anyway are you happy to demonstrate how you trade in a live thread🙂 Feel free to join mine
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What you have said makes sense as I am a strong believer that emotions and control are more important than the entry point.Nothing prepares us emotionally for the moment we have entered a trade.All sorts of thoughts take over. Anyway are you happy to demonstrate how you trade in a live thread🙂 Feel free to join mine

A true believer! 😉
I think when I was growing up and watching gamblers in the bookies (london has betting shops, legal ones everywhere) and then from working in the first FX firm I went to, I could not escape the feeling that it was all a 50/50 coin flip to begin with....All that really mattered were the percentages on risk vs reward and how big the guys balls were in terms of how aggressively trades were made/placed.

I haven't traded live for a while now!! 🙂 Last trades I took were on natural gas, OIL and gold futures, but they were long term positions rather than being based on short term momentum and movement 🙂

I really am new to this forum stuff, how do I join your thread? Can you send me a link or something?
A true believer! 😉
I think when I was growing up and watching gamblers in the bookies (london has betting shops, legal ones everywhere) and then from working in the first FX firm I went to, I could not escape the feeling that it was all a 50/50 coin flip to begin with....All that really mattered were the percentages on risk vs reward and how big the guys balls were in terms of how aggressively trades were made/placed.

I haven't traded live for a while now!! 🙂 Last trades I took were on natural gas, OIL and gold futures, but they were long term positions rather than being based on short term momentum and movement 🙂

I really am new to this forum stuff, how do I join your thread? Can you send me a link or something?
Hi Alex, I want to share about forex online trading. The only way for being a good trader is learn from experienced traders and practice to forex online trading by opening demo account a broker you want.
You may use a consultant but this is only by online so be patience for this idea. Important that now you have a good decision for learning to become a trader.
Sometimes I got profit in trading for a few months but I don't think I'm a successful trader. I still have a lot of things to learn.
I think I am a successful forex trader cause now per month income is 800 dollar. Even I am doing a freelancing job by learning Forex.

winning in forex 800 is good dollar amount but u are not waren buffte....yet. waren buffte does not part time job in a 7-11. thnk on pls.
I disagree

Warren buffet still tries to make ends meet by working part time as a singer in an old peoples home



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winning in forex 800 is good dollar amount but u are not waren buffte....yet. waren buffte does not part time job in a 7-11. thnk on pls.

Everything is relative

If he were living in Eastern europe or Asia
he would not have to be working part-time, living very, well off his 800 dollars

I think you are doing very well keep it up !
Everyone on these boards is, right?

To answer your question, yes, I know how to make money trading fx.