Thought I might just 'fess up and tell you what I did this evening on IG Index - you won't believe it! (Might give you a laugh!)
Bearing in mind that I'm a novice with one month's experience and that I've implemented a whole bunch of draconian rules and regulations to prevent myself from blowing out my account. In fact I was starting to feel smug about how disciplined and patient I've been since setting up my account and how careful I am with everything I do...
Anyway I'm messing about with my account and for some reason I decided to set up a pretend SELL on the FTSE along with a 20 point stop at .50/point (beginner's account). So I'm watching all the pretty blue and red flashes on the FTSE prices and, for a reason I'll never know 'til the day I stop breathing, I PRESSED the SELL box....
Oh MY God what have I done!?*!! So there I am with an open contract on the FTSE with a bunch of red numbers flashing away! PANIC!.. -£2.50, -£3.50, -£3.00 and then + £1.50, +£2.00, what the hell is going on; shall I buy back, do nothing, pretend it didn't happen!! Someone help me, I'm a beginner and I don't know what's happening...
OK when in doubt do nothing (I think!) - Wrong move again!! 😡
Well by the time I thought about it, or attempted to think about it, you guessed it: THE STOP LOSS BANGED IN and I'm £10 lighter for my ineptitude! 😢
There must be a moral in there somewhere; only consolation is that I could have put in a much bigger stop - so I guess I've learnt a lesson!
Has anyone else any sad tales like this to relate - tell me I'm not the only idiot in Spread betting Land!😱😱😱
Big (Little) Al
Thought I might just 'fess up and tell you what I did this evening on IG Index - you won't believe it! (Might give you a laugh!)
Bearing in mind that I'm a novice with one month's experience and that I've implemented a whole bunch of draconian rules and regulations to prevent myself from blowing out my account. In fact I was starting to feel smug about how disciplined and patient I've been since setting up my account and how careful I am with everything I do...
Anyway I'm messing about with my account and for some reason I decided to set up a pretend SELL on the FTSE along with a 20 point stop at .50/point (beginner's account). So I'm watching all the pretty blue and red flashes on the FTSE prices and, for a reason I'll never know 'til the day I stop breathing, I PRESSED the SELL box....
Oh MY God what have I done!?*!! So there I am with an open contract on the FTSE with a bunch of red numbers flashing away! PANIC!.. -£2.50, -£3.50, -£3.00 and then + £1.50, +£2.00, what the hell is going on; shall I buy back, do nothing, pretend it didn't happen!! Someone help me, I'm a beginner and I don't know what's happening...
OK when in doubt do nothing (I think!) - Wrong move again!! 😡
Well by the time I thought about it, or attempted to think about it, you guessed it: THE STOP LOSS BANGED IN and I'm £10 lighter for my ineptitude! 😢
There must be a moral in there somewhere; only consolation is that I could have put in a much bigger stop - so I guess I've learnt a lesson!
Has anyone else any sad tales like this to relate - tell me I'm not the only idiot in Spread betting Land!😱😱😱
Big (Little) Al