Stop hunting with the big players

it's not quite that straightforward aaron but yes, i understand where you come from on that one. but then if you can book a paper departmental return of x% over benchmark for the year you get paid out x% of that P (not L). Short term. As long as the security wasn't downgraded then you were safe.
Well that depends what shop you're at and just how big the pile of poo is at the desk next to yours. Don't try telling anyone from Dresdner (for example) that had a good year in FX etc that the formulas apply, cos they don't.

Generally FX was a big performer for the banks last year, but they were just wearing so much other toxic sh*t that it got drowned out.....
I seriously doubt that has made my post more accurate mate. But I have a job, a house, a nice family and all me own teeth.......

Just a gag to pass the morning, I know how touchy you guys can get about your compensation! Today is slower than the 3rd July, which was an American holiday and a sunny Friday. Thrilling stuff.
who says it's all about the money? 😉

as an aside anyone see that freefall the other night? very good.
well not I for a start mate - no amount of money is worth coming in and sitting here 10,11,12 hours a day for fifteen years unless you are also interested in the work. But when the two align, it's truly a great profession.

what was freefall? this a TV show or something?

and yes, some beeb drama about the 3 players in this sorry mess-mortgage salesman, clueless borrower and the slice and dicer at an IB. very good television....
yessir. very much worth taking 90 minutes to watch it. normally i hate that sort of chuff but enjoyed this.