Stockbroker positions to be filled - interested? Read now


Junior member
Hi there,

I represent a number of City based financial institutions and am always looking for suitable candidates to forward to them.

At present we have Broker's Assistant; Intern; and Junior Broker opportunities.

You will need to hold some part of your FSA exams prior to working with any of our clients, or at least be working toward them with the view of gaining a conditional acceptance.

We are looking for Graduates only - If your not a Grad then FSA certificate in Securities or Derivatives and some slaes experience is a must; our clients want individuals who can hit the ground running

If you are interested please contact either James or David at PearsonMason, [email protected]
including a CV and a covering note

Stockbrokers out there?

Just an update;

We have had a good response, but we are constantly recruiting for our clients, so please feel free to email or call us (mon - fri 10 till 6 : 0870 777 7894)

or email at [email protected]

We are a new firm and constantly creating new links with Employers so strive to help people obtain employment.


David Mason
I may have a chance to become an "Investment Representative"


I have just received a preliminary offer to join a selection process with the aim of becoming an Edward Jones Investment Representative.

The proposal highlights some of the requirements and career prospects.
These are the main ones:

= E.J. would give training support and material for 23 weeks, the training would include marketing and the Securities Institute Level 3 Certificate in Investment ( CII - S -)

= After successful training the trainee would become a Financial Adviser / Stockbroker and E.J. would provide for an office ( outside the M25) complete of equipment and a branch officer administrator
There is no indication on who would pay for the office rent but there is a promise for payment of 50 % of justifiable expenses.

= For the first year between basic salary and bonuses related to training E.J. estimates an income of 35K for successful candidate and, as the customers portfolio grows, there is the potential for a six figure salary within 5 years.

It seems reasonable to me, so far, but I do not know much on the company itself ( they claim to be one of the largest organizations in the world) and even less on the career as Financial Adviser / Stockbroker.

What perplexes me is their requirement, starting from the 6th week of the training period, for 25 quality contacts per day for 5 days a week, this target is to be maintained for, at least , the
first two years and apparently they mean face to face contacts.
How can this be done??
It seems to be the case of face to face contacts also in view of the fact that the FSA does not allow cold calling.

I am tempted by the offer because after 2 years of serious studying of the stock market subject, I am passionate about becoming a Stock Broker but I am also concerned about same aspects of the package together with untold conditions or developments.

Can you offer some advise or alternative proposals, I would be very grateful

Best Regards
fabius said:
. . .
What perplexes me is their requirement, starting from the 6th week of the training period, for 25 quality contacts per day for 5 days a week, this target is to be maintained for, at least , the
first two years and apparently they mean face to face contacts.
How can this be done??
. . .

It can't. End Of.
Bottom line, if you're private client broking with 10 high net worths on your a/c after 2 years you're doing well.
Asking something like that puts them in the "bucket shop" league.
Bucket Shop ?

Dashing Blade

Thank you for your reply

Can you elaborate on the "bucket shop" definition?
It is an new one for me.