Stockbroker Trainee


First off thank you for your time and your help. I have always had an interest in becoming a Stock Broker, and am currently doing my best to get into the field in the Houston, TX area.

I have an excellent sales and management background, and have been recognized in sales on the local, state, and even national levels. twice. I love cold calling, making the sale, and continuing to help clients after the sale.

I have a strong background in sales, customer service, marketing, and management training. My college background is Neuromuscular Science, and Business.

My question is, with my background being what it is and having no relevant background in Finance or Wealth Management. What is the best way to get to be a stock broker? I know I need to pass my series 7 and 66 exams? Do companies hire you, and help you with that? What is a good company in the Houston, TX area to work for that will hire a stockbroker trainee? Any additional information you can provide will help.

Thank you again for your time.

There aren't that many Americans on this site and even less who can advise. You might be better off calling one of the bigger stock brokers and asking them directly. Good luck. 🙂
I communicated with Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch, however both times I could not get past the receptionist. They just advised me to check out their site. I would really like to know any basic info. Would it be a good idea to call and speak to a company like ETrade? or a University?
Be sure of this: there will be many along the way willing to strip you of cash; avoid so-called trading universities, they're often people not quite bright enough to work for a fund.

See if you can get some unpaid experience, make some friends, and get contacts. Once you've done this for maybe 6 months and you still haven't been offered a job, give it up.

All the best
Luminox: alright, thank you for the advice.

Yeah I checked out the web sites, not much to be found, other than what the company is about.
Check websites for NASD and SEC.
Maybe speak to brokers at small local firms, (Edward Jones?) they
might be able to point you in the right direction.
Luminox: alright, thank you for the advice.

Yeah I checked out the web sites, not much to be found, other than what the company is about.

Hi Tyler
Getting your foot in the door can be very hard. It seems you have a decent educational background, with some demonstrable career success, so they are good points.
i started in stockbroking nearly 3 decades ago, and if there's one quality you need it's perseverance. I am proof it can be done. i went from stockbroking, to fx(interbank) to OTC options in the course of my career.
Don't know about mkt conditions today, but here's what i did in london, mid 80's.
Compiled a list of relevant companies.Your in texas, so do some research on the companies operating in that area.
Fire off a letter, enclosing CV, stating your wish for a position as a trainee stockbroker.
Most companies reply, normally from the HR dept, and usually signed.They used to give me some old waffle that they had no vacancies at present, but would keep me on file for 3 months, should a vacancy become available.
Doesn't matter, now you have a name to correspond with. If you haven't heard anything within a month, fire off another letter, addressed to the person who signed the initial rejection. Politely ask if conditions have changed, and if any openings are likely in the near future.Remember, you are trying to show you are desperate to work for that particular company.Rinse and repeat. Eventually, i got some interviews, and an offer of a job.
Only took 7 months!
That's what worked for me,so good luck, file the rejection letters,keep trying, the mkts love a trier.
No-one is hiring inexperienced newbies at the moment so if I were you I would forget it. Otherwise, you will have to find some middle of the road house to start in. As stated, keep writing to people, eventually you will get in somewhere. As for your sales background, doubt anyone gives one tbh.

Sorry but I really want to know any helpful information

Tyler James, I am a fully functional Death star stockbroker in Dallas Tx, I will be happy to answer your Qs provided there is some means to contact me, I set this up so you could email me.

Let's see if I can help!