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I looked at the date of registration then I thought what are the odds that two people who had failed to post,but 'lurked' would choose to post the same viewpoint on the same issue on the same date. I really don't believe in coincidences. However, I offered the benfit of doubt by suggesting it would be interesting to see more posts from them..why don't we just wait and see how many posts they make.

It is obvious that people use search engines to look for referenes to themselves .It is not any stretch of the imagination to think that those same people register on these forums so they can respond to their searches. Paranoid view ? I will drop it immediately if anyone shows me proof this does not happen.

anley said:
Oh this is just too funny. The oldest and most stupid trick in the book.

Two people who have never posted here before 'suddenly' pop up and say that this Stu guy and his course are the best thing since sliced bread.

What a joke.

Stu, you're a 'trader', what's the probability that these 2 guys are 'independent' of you? What are the odds? I'd say about 50,000-1.

This has really put a smile on my face this morning.

Why don't you talk to them, they are genuine people.

I posted for the first time on this forum a few days ago, when I read the comments made about me, after doing a search on the net. T2W is a popular forum, so it isn't unheard of when students of mine decide to comment. As a rule, I tell my students to stay clear of forums because of the 'ramping' that goes on. However, I have several more reasons to tell them not to bother with forums because of the damaging and slanderous attitude of others. Sadly this is happening within one of the most popular trading forums in the UK - which I feel is rather sad. Certainly not what I am sure the Owner of T2W wanted.

I thought the idea of forums was to share unbiased information, educate and relate. However, this sadly is not the case. It is only too apparent to see what people would rather talk about, rather than sharing knowledge.

What I simply can't understand, is why some people like to trash someone like me for turning my knowledge into a business that employs people, educates those that join (at low cost), and allows me to pile back the profits of such back into the business and provided additional services to my members. I also, put up regular amounts of my own personal money to help the business grow.

Maybe those with the loudest voices on here, should lead by example and be welcoming and friendly, rather than negative and pithy. Then perhaps people would be more willing to contribute to forums all round and be more willing to share experience.

The only reason I'm negative towards you is because back in December you demonstrated to me that you didn't know what you were doing. I asked you if you were trading Gold via spread bets, you said yes. I then asked which month, you said the front month, the one my brokers always quote me. I then asked which actual month this was and you couldn't give me the answer. I mean how basic a question was that?

Unless of course as I've said before the person who called himself Stu Wisson on the little chat facility that you had on your site, was not actually Stu Wisson. In that case you only have yourself to blame for fooling your surfers into thinking that they were talking to the man himself.

Can you confirm that it was always the real Stu Wisson that talked on the chat facility, even late at night? This I think would clear a lot of confusion up.

I think I have made it quite clear in my previous posts, what I thought about your 'so called' discussion we had.

I will repeat one last time. I do trade metals every now and again. There is no way I would accuse you of 'making trouble' or say 'front month', or anything else you claim I have said!!

My position has always been clear on your statement. I would not jeopardise my business or those that I employ with such remarks.

Now, I believe my position is very clear on this. What you are saying is irresponsible, incorrect and damaging. If you continue, I will be forced to protect my company as Managing Director and escalate matters.

I trust, we are now clear on this.

Stu Whisson
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I have no axe to grind on this issue,but if you want to know what this forum /the sharing of info/education is really about check out some of the active threads.

below forum CFD's - thread stops etc...this is sharing and education and there's a lot of it on this forum.....concern and 'sad' are misplaced and not required. However, if your level of concern is uncontainable let's see more of you here ,sharing your experience with us on this forum.
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Hi Folks,
To Senior Members chump,anley and FetteredChinos profuse apologies for my having the audacity to suggest that Stu Whisson's spreadtraining course was worthwhile.
Whilst many of your comments are true and there are without doubt abundant rip-offs in this field it does pay to keep an open mind and accept that there just might be some genuine products on the market.
What can I say about anley's post?-------Sad case really.
The fact that I have completed the course and found it more than useful in my spreadtrading exploits must give my post a tiny bit of credibility.The fact that the training is being criticized by persons that have not had access to it gives their views no credibility at all despite the fact that they may have made 100+ posts.

Jimbo, i was in no way criticising the course, and would never dream of doing so without having seen the materials itself.

i do admire your tenacity in sticking to your views though. it is to be commended.

i am also glad that you have been able to take something positive out of the course. i only hope that you have been able to develop your own ideas, based upon Mr Whissons methods.

cheers, and have a good weekend.

It's. a real shame that some people are too closed to really appreciate what some of us have to offer. You only have to visit my site to see how many happy and dare I say it successful students I have. It's not all about training, what is important, more so than your initial training - is support, and that is what I provide. Good training and first class support.

Hi Stu,

I was wondering if you could tell me in your opinion how much capital i'm likely to need if i wanted to spread bet for a living i.e. earn 12k +pa.

andrewmooton said:
Hi Stu,

I was wondering if you could tell me in your opinion how much capital i'm likely to need if i wanted to spread bet for a living i.e. earn 12k +pa.


Hi Andrew,

A good question but not so easily answered, as it depends on a whole host of factors - how many trades you make, the size of trade (which depends on your available margin held with a bookmaker) and of course how successful you are. I would say that the best advice at this early stage is to learn about spread betting first and open a virtual account with many of bookmaker sites. www.capitalspreads.com are a good first start.

However, to give you an idea. Most of my students work and have relatively small margins from between £2,000 and £10,000 and do very well. The most important thing though to do at first is to learn your craft. Many people rush in, trade and lose their margins. If you want to take this business seriously, you have to treat it like a business.

I aim to start posting some tutorials and trade examples with video on this forum within the next few months. To give people an unbiased view on spreadbetting and various techniques that can be used, along with some pretty cool video that you can watch and learn from too. This all depends if trade2win will let me. Guess we will have to see. I aim to do it in a few months. As my website is having a new member area built with a built in pro level charting package and special algorithm developed, I don't have time right now.

If you have any further questions. Please feel free to ask away.

Hiya Stu

Did you watch a lot of Euro 2004 by the way, and do you follow football in general?
Hi Stu,

The tutorial sound like a good idea. Video even better.

My concern would be that the trade examples will be the most successful ones, and the losing trades will be gently pushed under the carpet.

In order to give potential students a true indicator of the reality of trading, ALL trades should be posted, not just the ones that push the perceived viability of a course or other.
Anything less would be misleading.

I hope you get the OK from T2W to post trades and tutorials.

Good luck.
Realtime flash video takes a lot of diskspace and I am sure we would all like to be able to use this facility, but I would guess that it will be too costly to T2W to allow it. The other possibility is to post a link to a webpage with the realtime facility.

Hi All
I shall reply to everyone within this one post if ok.


No, as you know I don't watch a great deal of football, by that I have watched one match in the last 2 years of so, you should have realised that from our chat online last night - not everyone follows it's every move.

All the examples on the member website show all trades examples that were made. The Trade Focus website works in such a way that I use live data and live charts - the streaming video shows my analysis which compliments the techniques that my students learn. I offer a no nonesense 7 day guarantee, which means any one can check it all out without risk. Furthermore, my training package at the moment is simple - you get trained over 8 weeks or so and decide how much you want to pay for that training.

The whole training course is going through a total revamp, many parts are being re-written and the course can be done on and offline via correspondence. The Trade Focus member website will soon have its own propriatory charting application and data feed, along with more content from videos, workbooks, and training in additional subjucts such as Elliot Wave and Candles included. It's an exciting time for my website as there are some really exciting changes.


The video will be streamed from my servers. I aim to provide quality post's on the training I wish to provide for free to all T2W members. This will probably consist of pdf files and Q&A within this forum, along side video feeds direct from my server - these will be, as you said, either links to an open page on my server or direct links within the forum. Either way they won't be hosted on T2W.

Hi Stu (and all),

Just a thought, but how about offering the training course for free to one or two of the more senior members? 😱 This way, if your course is as good as you claim it to be you get free advertising (lots of it) and those who you feel offended by will perhaps eat their own words.

As for me, I've no opinion. Quite an amusing thread though, who ever said TA was boring!! I'm just a newbie on his first post with a good idea!! 😱

If you are willing to do what you say you are then that would be great as long as you are not misleading in anyway.

The only thing I find strange about your course is that the students can decide how much they would like to pay. If you dont intend to make any money from the actual methods you teach and just from the charts/dats etc then why dont you just say its free. That way everyone knows where they stand.
Thats wierd timothy! I was just thinking that myself. Its a good idea, great minds think alike!

The 'legendary' members arent likely to be the kind of ppl who would want to pay for any training so I reckon it would do stu's credibility a whole lot of good if he was to provide his training course for free to some of the veterens/legendarys and they were to give it the thumbs up.

What do you think Stu?
I picked up this thread some time ago, First thoughts where "Feeding time at the zoo " and another salesman bites the dust.

So I had a look at insight, and in fact got a 2 day pass.

Watched all the vid's and his latest trades and past trades ( with losses) downloaded the workbook, looked at postings from members,
Had a good look at what he was teaching and charting methods. And there it all is day by day there is no T/A of last weeks chart.

Puts to-days chart on, with T/A I just can't see the scam !
Infact you can see all the last few months charts, Warts and all.

So I joined up a few months ago and got everything they said I would. Good solid training with bags of support. And as the cost is low there is no rush to get into trading as I am spending less than £30 a month (with sharescope)
Unlike some courses and bags of tricks where you NEED to get into trading profit to offset expenditure.

Go have a look !
Hi Everyone,

I shall try and answer all of you in this one email.

Timothy & Andrew (Collectively):

I may just do that. If there are some Legendary members who would like to review the new course comming up which will be available in about 6 weeks. I will offer them the chance to try out the training. However, I will limit this to just 2 seperate legendary members who can prove that they will offer an unbiased opinion for those starting out, rather than someone of their own standing who probably wouldn't require the training anyway. We shall see, but I am game.

The course isn't free. The website makes it's money from the subscription to the Trade Focus service. You then decide what to pay for the additional training that I provide. This is just a promotion and will change, so those of you interested best be quick as at the end of the month, I aim to have the new course available which will be charged for.


Thanks for your comments on the course, I am delighted that you have enjoyed it. It's nice to see some old students appear from time to time. Remember I am always available if you need any support.
Thats me for today. I will aim to bring some tutorials to T2W as well as training videos but please give me some time. I may also provide the odd detailed analysis of current charts that I am also looking at. However, I am pushed for time with developing the new courseware, teaching students, assessing courseware, updating the website and creating the whole new Trade Focus website - finally I have to get my day job in there and thats trading for a living!

But try and keep the forum alive if possible. As it is nice to speak with the intelligent ones amongst you ;-)