Scams or a possible foot in the door?

I just want to share MY point of view,

if someone wants to attend one of these courses AFTER to have reading all the informations available on this website about these companies; just do it.

It's your money and your time but you shouldn't start trading at all because that kind of decisions just means that you won't be able to provide the HARD work you need to become successful...or not (even with hard work).

The only possible shortcut available is your brain...then please use it (even if it's only sometimes like a old car, to be sure it still working).
Hey Pboyles,

Glad tosee that you are still around.
I did recieve a few letters a while ago from The Mike Baghdady Training Traders solicitors(Who are abondant these days, and I wonder why!).

They are watching me closely in the forum, haha 😛, as if I said anything that was not true.

By the way he still has my salary in his bank accout, He is probably trying to generate some interest maybe, which is a good trading strategy I must say, what do they call it? a carry trade?

But the Court is very near! See you there Mahmoud.

See you around.

Are you one of the trainers that used to work for baghdaddy? If so can I have your PM as I want to ask you a couple of questions. I attended the last one day seminar you had in the building just down from the royal mint You actually closed up and moved that afternoon
Are you one of the trainers that used to work for baghdaddy? If so can I have your PM as I want to ask you a couple of questions. I attended the last one day seminar you had in the building just down from the royal mint You actually closed up and moved that afternoon

Was it something about buying low and selling high?
pboyles all the info you have put up is great...... this guy must have p@ssed you off right royally
I totally agree hence why i find this interesting ...... the amount of people they have had through their door and theres not 1 person saying they have made money The turtles thing the way i read it was they would give you 100k each to trade with after training seems very ballsy call to me if they give you the cash. Also I think johnbrav was the guy that took the free day course I went on and wanted to pick his brains
The turtle system is very simple. Its buying strength and selling weakness in a *trending* market. It does take a lot more work than simply 3 day course to attain success in any field. Its a work in progress for years to come..

I fundamentally do not disagree with whats taught by him. For people that have little idea about price action this course can work well but there is a lot more to trading than that and it takes a lot of effort on the persons part to learn. Learning trends and relative strength of an instrument. These things I have learnt through my own research and countless number of hours reading and studying.

Its a journey that never finishes...

I should say that teaching people to get out of indicators and looking into pure price behaviour is the worth the cost in the long run (this money you would lose any way playing around with indicators!)
Thanks very much totally agree with your points its like any job to improve you have to keep learning if it was easy everyone would have done it and ive seen alot of people loose money by trying to job the mkt when they might as well just flipped a coin!
Hi Guys

I posted a while ago aboout LGI and the fact that I have first hand experience working there. Sorry it has taken time to get back, it was not intentional. Anyone who would like to contact me please do on
[email protected]

There is a saying ' a fool and his money are easily parted'.......there are sharks in the water !!!!!
Here is the text content from my phone last night with one of the Company Directors, Mr James Clements. A man with no financial background. Scary really !!!!

Me: Can you stop ringing me pls. I have heard you talk about money management and having a **** up to now !!!! Thk u

James: How life in the shed

James: Prick

Me: Better than life in your office thanks

James: Prick

Me: Still talking **** I see

James: Prick

James: Iv got a pigeon that needs a home any room

James: =))

James: i

James: His name is ichinoku he is a lovely pigeon

James: :$

James: He eats pips

Well I think that says it all !!!!!! You want to give this guy £ 4000 of your own money then go ahead !!!!

Bad spelling of Ichimoku I am afraid but that is the least of your worries !!!!
Alas there would be plenty of newbies. It is actually a great business model. If you are successful at it you can make some serious money.

Act like a trader and teach others for $4k something they can learn for free but have no way to get to.
Not a Scam

I work for Training Traders and am happy for my identity to be known. I would advise readers of this thread that a lot of the comments made are factually wrong and are intentionally designed to give a false impression. Mike Baghdady was involved in litigation in the USA and lost the case.

Acting upon the advice of his legal consul and in order to protect his assets he filed for a Chapter 11 Protection in order to negotiate a settlement. This is a normal practice in the USA. The document referred to is Not a Judgement but a statement.

Mike successfully negotiated and prepaid the whole settlement in full and in cash..

Mike Voluntarily withdrew the case . This matter is fully settled and no longer exits

Finally, I am not bankrupt, nor have he filed for Bankruptcy .

Whoever is behind this misinformation and selective posting have chosen to post the statement , even though the case has been dismissed .

What we offer and what we say we will do – we do. Anyone can come along to our trading floor and see the team and ask questions for themselves.

That way you can make your mind up based on the facts and by meeting with real people whose identities are known.

Please feel free to visit us or email [email protected]
Hi, I've just been to one of their free workshops too and if any of you guys who know or have received a PM about such details that can't be posted here can PM me i'd really appreciate it, thanks!
It is a very good course on momentum trading. It can definitely help you a lot if you are trading upward or downward trending markets with high momentum. In bull or severe bear markets, momentum trading can make you very rich. Its definitely a good foundation course. This 3k to 5k you would lose anyway to the market while beginning to perfect your system.

From what I have learnt so far, you can virtually use any system and still be profitable as long as you are managing your money correctly. Risk less and less money per trade for every loser and more and more for every winner. If anything you should learn more on money management of losses and wins.
Hi safvan,

Thanks for your response, does this mean you've taken a course with Training Traders and would personally recommend it to anyone else? How often would such a market condition arise in order to take advantage of such momentum trading profitability?

To be honest the guys did seem very professional but were also quick to try and get people to sign up to their courses after the workshop ended.

Also if anyone else has any info regarding them I'd be grateful to hear them.

Oh my *^%*%*%* god. When will you nitwits learn.
Easiest con in the world this teaching trading thing.

They will learn on completion of the course. Although I have never done one myself, I am sure the course will impart the basics the attendees knew nothing about before the course. So technically, it's not a con.
Hi safvan,

Thanks for your response, does this mean you've taken a course with Training Traders and would personally recommend it to anyone else? How often would such a market condition arise in order to take advantage of such momentum trading profitability?

To be honest the guys did seem very professional but were also quick to try and get people to sign up to their courses after the workshop ended.

Also if anyone else has any info regarding them I'd be grateful to hear them.


I took the course in Dubai when I was living there. I even attended a few of their online trading sessions. The concepts are something that can be learnt for free on the internet when you study momentum trading. Its good for those that want to or can afford to shell out a few thousand pounds. It does put you on the right track but trading is not something you can learn in 3 days. It just does not work that way.

In all its a 50 50. Personally if I had known the concepts of momentum trading, I would not have taken the course. These courses are good for rich and successful people that want to enter the world of trading as newbies.

No matter how good the courses are, unless you are well versed with managing your losses you cannot earn money consistently. Money management frankly should be the main focus of trading. There are different levels of money management for short term and long term trading.

Like I said you can find most of momentum trading strategies for free. Like Pradeep Bonde's blog at Just go through all his posts. The information on it is really what is needed.

The information on trading is available for free everywhere. What is not available in detail is how to manage success and failures in mathematical manner and this is REALLY what it is all about.

The Industry seems to be running just about how much a *system* is correct 50%, 60% 90% blah blah. Its the major one time loss is what really makes it make or break.

You can have a system with 90% success rate but that 10% failure can wipe out all the profits you have accumulated. That is one of the reasons many traders do not stick with a system. They believe too much in a system or method without seriously looking into how much they are risking. Managing risk is very important.

Learn to manage your money correct with average or above average method that MAKES sense and you would well on your way.
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Re: Not a Scam

I work for Training Traders and am happy for my identity to be known. I would advise readers of this thread that a lot of the comments made are factually wrong and are intentionally designed to give a false impression. Mike Baghdady was involved in litigation in the USA and lost the case.

Acting upon the advice of his legal consul and in order to protect his assets he filed for a Chapter 11 Protection in order to negotiate a settlement. This is a normal practice in the USA. The document referred to is Not a Judgement but a statement.

Mike successfully negotiated and prepaid the whole settlement in full and in cash..

Mike Voluntarily withdrew the case . This matter is fully settled and no longer exits

Finally, I am not bankrupt, nor have he filed for Bankruptcy .

Whoever is behind this misinformation and selective posting have chosen to post the statement , even though the case has been dismissed .

What we offer and what we say we will do – we do. Anyone can come along to our trading floor and see the team and ask questions for themselves.

That way you can make your mind up based on the facts and by meeting with real people whose identities are known.

Please feel free to visit us or email [email protected]

Ive contacted you twice by personal email to no response. All I want to know is if training traders is as good as you say it is how come you or anyone else at TT wont respond when asked questions about success stories and people who have made good money? Doesnt warm you cockles when people are thinking about spending hard earned with no proof of what it says on the tin!
Re: Not a Scam

Ive contacted you twice by personal email to no response. All I want to know is if training traders is as good as you say it is how come you or anyone else at TT wont respond when asked questions about success stories and people who have made good money? Doesnt warm you cockles when people are thinking about spending hard earned with no proof of what it says on the tin!


If the founder and chief guru hasn't made enough money to pay off his student loans incurred in 1999 what does that tell you about success and making good money? I kid you not.