Spreadbetting Uk Ftse250 Index

Hi Everyone

I hope you can help me. Are there any spreadbet companies that allow you to trade the ftse250 index itself? I know deal4free used to quote on it but not anymore.
Many thanks and all the best for the coming new year.

Hi arshad -

Finspreads do not offer SB's on the 250 index itself but you can SB the FTSE250 iShare with them. This is valued a 10% of the index and is about 99% accurate at tracking it.

If you want a really good laugh, spend a month monitoring IG's FTSE250 quote. Take measurements three times a day, at say 0830, noon, and at the close. Compare their mid-price quote against the true underlying index and record all the values. Note in a falling market how their quote is 10, 20, 30 or more points BELOW the underlying, with (surprise, surprise) the converse true in a rising market. A graph shows up the discrepancy for what it is.

Then, look at their spread, at about 0.6% or some 50 (yes,50!) points. The huge skew plus the obscene spread makes this one of the jokes of the industry in my opinion.
Orion -

Blimey! At that rate, if you're bullish, its economical to buy the 250 iShares.
also IG don't 'open' the 250 for trading until 08:15

You can trade MIDD.. the iShares as CFDs though
mattmadd said:
WHat is the advantage to trade ftse 250 vs 100?

Hi matt

quite simply, the chart of the ftse250 is so very clean and great to trade. You hardly get any whipsaw action, when it goes up, it goes straight up, and when it goes down, it goes straight down... i traded it 11 times with deal4free and all 11 times i made more than 300 points profit on each trade without a single headache and tension free..just like how trading is supposed to be. its obvious why they dont quote on it anymore, they dont want to you to trade it anymore.