Reliable broker for UK s/b?


Junior member
I'm sure this question has been asked 1000 times before, but perhaps someone will help a relative newcomer..
I'm learning to spreadbet on the shares within FTSE350, and I want a broker who offers:
low spreads
ability to place orders outside normal or extended trading hours (like Sundays)
accepts "if done" orders
accepts rolling daily bets for all shares in FTSE350 (as well as the indices, which they all do)
offers full internet-based service.

My research so far suggests that
CMC offer very tight spreads but don't do if dones or accept orders outside hours
Capitalspreads do everything except offer FTSE250 dailys
Finspreads seem to do everything, but have picked up bad press in another thread with alleged dodgy dealings, and their spreads are wider than Cap.

Then there's IG, City Index, easy2spreadbet etc etc

Any thoughts?