Tray_Dar – Maybe you're right that my profits are not consistent enough to warrant the SB companies ‘marking’ me. However, on your other comments … 🙂 … I’m afraid that ‘bias or no bias’ really IS the issue. That’s what the title of this post is about and what I and others have been trying to find out. It is interesting that you have seen a difference between SB prices and the real market price. Now if you can just find a real life example and post it here the question will be settled.
On the issue of SB companies treating their customers badly…
* I don’t think Tom Houggard is a good example. He is a professional and used to work for FinSpreads before moving to City Index. Going to work for the competition seems a pretty good reason to close his account to me.
* The only thing I have got out of the other post on this subject is lots of speculation. Riz, as far as I can tell, had his account closed because he wrote abusive comments about FinSpreads. Riz may have some other information but there is nothing in the other post that suggests otherwise.
* FinSpreads shutting down their website on purpose (taken from the other post). Clearly this is a mindset issue. I, perhaps naively, believe it is incompetence. Others, perhaps cynically, believe it is deliberate. Something that we’ll never know for sure.
* On the stuff about arbitrage and people having their accounts closed because of it. Again, I don’t think they are good examples of what we are looking for. Of course SB companies make mistakes on their prices. D4F had a technical glitch a few months ago where the CAC cash price got stuck. I arbitraged that ‘glitch’ against their futures price (which was moving OK). D4F also make mistakes after the markets close in the evenings. If I see those opportunities I arbitrage them. The difference between me and some others is that I accept that they are either technical or human errors and that some junior clerk is getting the b*ll*cking of their lives for making those errors. In each case I have seen of bad prices I have only taken between £100-£200 and D4F have never come back to me. If you take several thousand, as some people seem to in these situations, then of course the SB company is going to come and ask for their money back. And if you refuse what do you expect other then for them to close your account. On this point, you may have seen on the news last night that a family were jailed for taking money out of a cashpoint machine that was faulty. If you deliberately take advantage of someone else’s mistake then you are at fault, not them. You might not like that but it is the law.
Riz – There are lots of throwaway comments on this board about how terrible SB companies are. Things like ‘bias’ and having to ‘beat the bookie’ are all over the place. I, and a few others, have asked for people to back these comments up with some concrete facts. So far the only person who has is catsdad100. Surely, if you make accusations against someone you should be able to back them up with some facts and evidence. I have not made accusations against SB companies so I’m not sure what kind of evidence you think I should supply. I did use the word ‘paranoid’ in an earlier post which clearly upset you and I apologise for that. I haven’t however accused anyone of being losers – I merely made a comment about ‘blame the broker’ syndrome, which is bad for all of us, but particularly for beginners who come to this board to learn.
JonnyT – Can you tell us the day and time that D4F quoted their Dow future and cash prices more than 20 points away from the real market? We have been asking for evidence that this is happening – maybe you can provide this evidence now and settle this once and for all. I have to admit I was once stopped out by D4F when the real market got to within one point of my stop. I phoned them up however and they reinstated the trade. Did you try that?
I think in general I (and others) believe that people who say prices are ‘biased’ just don’t get that they are trading futures, not cash prices. As many others have said the SPX is never going to be the same as D4F’s cash price. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Of course, to prove us wrong you just need to provide an example …
Anyway. Time for a cup of coffee.