spread betting

thanks for you advice browser,
your quite correct it is jumping areas, but i dont intend to trade just now, im increasing my knowledge. i first got involved in trading because my dad used to, it was interesting although he lost alot!. i went in with only £500 but funded more as the profits went up. i dont want to be a day trader, its to stressfull with no piece of mind, you could be up one day, down twice another.

anyone know of good books on fundementals?, how news affects share price? how to value shares etc
Hi destiny, we all need to learn to walk, before we can run, take a year from now, to give yourself a chance to learn how to trade.
Do NOT open any spread betting account to trade with credit or cash until you have given yourself one year to learn. (never S/B with Credit )
Register with Capital Spreads to use the Similator, with this you can paper trade and you will not be stressed out, as you are not useing real money as you learn. print off all the advice given by jaykay3 / waytogo /sandpiper /MCGF / FTSE Beater / and of course Skimbleshanks. Re read this advice , as it is good ! Buy some books on trading and read each book 3 times. take your time to learn without getting hurt , I and others have all been hurt and lost money in the past, as we have taken the hard road to learn to trade. Keep a record of your paper trades and only open an account with a S/B Co ( after 1 year ) when you can see that you are in profit on paper . Take care and the very best of luck with your future trading . Twiglet
There has been quite a lot of research on how news affects shares, it is worth doing a search for some economic papers on these as they can be very good.

There is quite a few good papers here that may be worth looking at regarding effects of news on share prices, exchange rates, etc..

I probably find these more interesting than other because I have an Economics degree, some are quite difficult to understand if you don't. Still may be worth a look.
Interesting thread.
I started spread betting last summer, when a monkey could have made money.
I set asside £500. Increased that to £850 in three weeks, just making the odd trade.
Market turned, I missed it. Down to £500 in short order.
Listened to experts, lost another £300.
Took a break. Started again this year, MY WAY, going up.
Big secret, no one has all the answers and if they do they want an arm and a leg ask Stanzione who made his money flogging mobile 'phones.
Just closed out three bum trades and only lost £75. Tomorrow or Monday is another day. If I'd let them run and they'd gone really sour I'd have been down £700! MONEY MANAGEMENT, IT'S THE ONLY REALLY GOOD SYSTEM.
Just to prove I'm an idiot I missed out on RBS today. 😆
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Spread Betting

Can anybody help, please? 😕

I have been trading with 2 spread betting companies, very successfully I might add, but they are meesing me about with the spreads and threatening to close the account.

Does anyone know of a regular broker that I can day trade the Dow, currencies and futures with. I know about the tax implications. I just want a dealer that won't rip me off as much these people are trying to.
They are moving and widening the spreads.

I read somewhere here that someone was paying a one point spread.

Do you know anything about this?
A little more help please, if you can.

I am using Esignal for my charts & prices but it is expensive. Are there any good alternatives, especially free ones.
Try Interactive Brokers - lots of posts on T2W about them - do a search and you'll find them. Direct access, so you'll be on a level playing field with them.
Thanks for the information.

I had a quick look at Interactive Brokers but could not see that they trade the Dow. It is probable that you can only see the full site when you register, which I have not yet done.
Hi Phillip,
Re - the SB companies messing you aroud. There was
another posting, sometime last year, by someone who started
having hassle when they started to SB over, i believe, £20 per
point. Did you start having trouble at a certain trigger level ??