Thank-you all for your replies 😀
The Wanderer, reading your story made me think that no matter what happens life goes on, you can pick yourself up, its not all over even though it may seem that way at the time. I'm surprised that I'm actually thinking like this!
I must admit the response I got was overwhelming, the pearls of wisdom I have got I'm digesting slowly, this kind of advice no one can give. I'm sure a lot of people must have benefited from this. Even if someone got paid they would not be arsed to write so much and with so much thought. the advice iIwill always remember and re-read.
A member called Zenda had a word with Clickevents for me, and I actually got a free CD from John Bartlett worth £275!! that has definitely given a smile on my face again.
I've started to look at things in perspective, I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I can see positive which seemed impossible a week ago. Signing on here is the best thing I could have done. A psychologist wouldn't help for sh**.
In response to some members:
The reason why I'm keen on financial betting is the leverage, not having to tie up huge sums of money. It's true to say why do I want to learn how to trade when I say I could have made a killing, the reason being that the techniques I learnt were for equities, high rise in percentage but not points. in a nutshell, companies whose performance was unacceptable who made very high losses and became undervalued as a result even though they may have more than 3 billion assets. I would look at why they made those losses i.e. delayed orders, subsequent director dealings, performance related to sector, how other companies outlook is etc etc. companies that had really hit rock bottom such as Corus I bought at 6p, Spirent at 12p, Innovation Group at 8p etc. There is very little risk as they have too many assets. I made calculated risks, thats how I got to £25k but then when I started to go for higher priced shares thats where I went wrong. I didn't follow my techniques anymore because of other commitments. Spread Betting is a whole new game.
In response to Citytrader, I was lucky when I picked up the market when it was rock bottom low, most shares were below there NAV per share. although companies weren't going to return to profit within a year but improvements were going to be made, most companies deliberately gave all the bad news that they could possibly give because the directors wanted to buy at these rock bottom prices!. Now things are changing so that technique doesn't work anymore, only for a few. I think the market will carry on going up until the election in the states
I have bought some material such as "the principle of profit" but it is not what im looking for, does anyone know where I can find out info on how different news affects prices, short and long term. whether it be company news or economic news, how to calculate whether a company is undervalued or not i.e. NAV per share. How trade affects share movement, false rallies etc etc
Anyone know a good book on the psychology on trading?
Thanks again for your responses, I will never be able to repay anyone for the advice they have given 😀