spread betting


Hello everyone I have dabbled in spread betting(lost)this is because it`s not a true market it`s a made up one controlled by the broker so you have no chance of gains, all other home trading platforms will be run the same way we have no chance!.
Hello everyone I have dabbled in spread betting(lost)this is because it`s not a true market it`s a made up one controlled by the broker so you have no chance of gains, all other home trading platforms will be run the same way we have no chance!.

Nothing to do with your trading ability then?
Hello everyone I have dabbled in spread betting(lost)this is because it`s not a true market it`s a made up one controlled by the broker so you have no chance of gains, all other home trading platforms will be run the same way we have no chance!.

Completely untrue.😆 A bad workman blames his tools.
SB is derivatives trading - it's based on the underlying market and the broker has a legal obligation to ensure that his quotes reflect those underlying prices as close as technically possible.

If prices were way off, the broker would soon loose customers. I use Barclays FST and have never had a problem.

I consistently make money spread betting, every single month in fact. If you are losing, try looking at your own decisions instead of blaming your platform.
Hello everyone I have dabbled in spread betting(lost)this is because it`s not a true market it`s a made up one controlled by the broker so you have no chance of gains, all other home trading platforms will be run the same way we have no chance!.

Yep should ban than spread betting in the UK and send it to Australia.
Hello everyone and thank you for the very kind comments about my previous post i have been a member of t2w for a good few years and I expected this reaction. I know that everyone trading short term instruments are making gains yes every single one of you.Now I would just say to Barclays fst man you do not have an account with Barclays they do not do a spread trading accounts they subconract to an outfit called Gain Capital ltd.
To pearls of wisdom man please stop what is it all about (a fox is better than a chicken in a sword fight)what! leave it out.
"Sometimes you just get plain lucky.Google floated in 2004 at $85 a share and, after the shares initially surged, a rookie spread better placed an order to buy at $99 at £1 a point with Capital Spreads — only she seems to have forgotten about it almost immediately and did not log into her account again for almost a year.

When she did, she saw she had made a £20,000 profit, but assumed it to be an error and alerted customer services. It wasn’t. The price then stood at $300, meaning it had moved up by about 20,000 cents at a £1 a point). The lucky punter quickly decided that spread betting was not for her and immediately cashed out."


Hello everyone and thank you for the very kind comments about my previous post i have been a member of t2w for a good few years and I expected this reaction. I know that everyone trading short term instruments are making gains yes every single one of you.Now I would just say to Barclays fst man you do not have an account with Barclays they do not do a spread trading accounts they subconract to an outfit called Gain Capital ltd.
To pearls of wisdom man please stop what is it all about (a fox is better than a chicken in a sword fight)what! leave it out.

So what is it you have been trading? Give us a description of method, lets see if we can sort it out.

It's fine to vent frustration, I'm sure we all do it, but usually at the wrong target.
Hello everyone and thank you for the very kind comments about my previous post i have been a member of t2w for a good few years and I expected this reaction. I know that everyone trading short term instruments are making gains yes every single one of you.Now I would just say to Barclays fst man you do not have an account with Barclays they do not do a spread trading accounts they subconract to an outfit called Gain Capital ltd.
To pearls of wisdom man please stop what is it all about (a fox is better than a chicken in a sword fight)what! leave it out.

Gains Capital are the owners of City Index and Finspreads. so you might as well be with them, then. I've traded with both for years. Never had any serious reason for changing.

Barclays? Don't trust them, but it is all personal opinion, on my part. They used to have funny prices with their CFDs before the crisis.
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