Why Spread Bet?

LoopyLoo said:
Hey cheers for that Calvin, I do most of my spreadbettin' on line now too, makes it much easier and you are right no attitude. Havin said that there are times when there is no option but to pick up the phone and also good not to get to reliant on web transactions as sometimes (especially at crucial times such as announcement of figures) the platforms go down!!!!!

Quick question - You are the first 'Newbie' I have come across who seems to have actually started to trade - i am sadly still in the research pahse! Just wnated to know who yor spread betting company is? I am trying to narrow it done before i commite myself

Calvin, I'll PM you when I get a minute.
It is seriously off topic. I'll also let you have our clubs new web address so you can browse thriugh the info.
Morning All,

DITD - you might take a look at http://www.golfspreads.com. I think they have some links to other sports too. I've never used it so I couldn't say what it's like. As Frog says, there's no such thing as risk-free (come back and tell us if you find it). Witness the bloke at the weekend who put his life savings on England to win when they were 2-0 up...

Frog, Axthree - Hope all goes well with you guys. How did those Dow trades pan out Frog? I've been wrapped up in a bit of a rush job at work this week, so I haven't had time to dabble. How's it been?
Axthree - yes PM me when you get a chance - I'd be interested to hear about it..

est84 said:
Quick question - You are the first 'Newbie' I have come across who seems to have actually started to trade - i am sadly still in the research pahse! Just wnated to know who yor spread betting company is? I am trying to narrow it done before i commite myself


Personally I use Finspreads. Can't honestly say how they compare, as I've never yet used any other SBCo (and I haven't sat down and compared spreads, which I really should do sometime). I've always found them pretty easy to deal with - they are approachable on the phone and the website seems easy and quite reliable. Once or twice I've had a glich with trying to move stops, but I've now been told how to get around that.

Hope that helps.

sick as a frog

Well long time no write been busy nursing me losses.Having an horrendous week so far.
Anyhow glad to hear bundle and tube didn't rhyme with dude but as a frequent flyer and sometimes longhaul to the Cape am rather concerned that a microlight is built to higher specs than the craft I'm expected to trust in.A most worrisome bit of knowledge indeed.
Had a good week last week 4+ days against 1-day for a total of +344 so ok.But this week so far I'm down -137.Have really struggled with the S & R at 10300 calling it wrong everytime.Was going to post my system for Calvins' benefit but having spent the weekend trying to put in to words have found some strange anamolies,and that,it's longer than one of Bills' shorter plays.Interestingly the buy rule is often correct and the sell rule only so half the time but comes into play more often.Plus I've only just started noting all of Fins spreads at the time of my trade,
which is what my system hinges round and without that info is difficult to backtest though not in the traditional sense as we know it.So I,m still playing with it and either I'm extremely lucky or it actually works but it appears to be accurate around 2 out of 3 times,but I'm still not confident this week being a prime example.

Pas si simple que bonjour. 🙁 l
Hi Frog, Axthree, et al,

How goes it? I've been away the last week or so, and this thread seems to have gone a bit quiet. How have the fates been treating you?

I haven't felt inspired to stake too much on the markets just lately - partly through a lack of time and partly through a lack of confidence. I'm still lacking much of a system to pin my trading to, and in the absence of one I seem to take two steps back for every one forward :| . I am getting some tuition in a couple of weeks, though, so I'm hoping the fog may lift a little then.

Off to France for a few days on Saturday :cheesy: - can't wait. How's the weather down there at the moment Frog?

Calvin et al

Hi chaps,
Been very busy despite my 2 weeks holiday.SWMBO has given me an unduly large amount of DIY to do.Won't go into detail as it's way off topic,except to say that the place I bought was built in 1700 and something!
Had an awful week again last week.3 of my 4 trades we're losers.As I previously said my sell rule is somewhat unreliable and I thank you Calvin for me dissecting my trading style/system as it has been quite an education.Still totally unable to put it into understandable English and if I do I shall probably sell it.(Have a look at the Vince Stanzione thread if you fancy an amusing non-constructive read.I think I've rattled a few feathers.)
Last week I ended up -36 points on the week and only managed that by having two bites of the cherry on Friday.
This week got off to a very slow start,+16 on Monday,+6 on Tuesday and -63 yesterday.Today so far is looking good but I am concerned that it could be week 2 sans ruby a sure sign of recession in my household.Wish I didn't have to rely on this meagre income for lifes' little pleasures as it plays havoc with my margin.If your feeling sorry for me you can contact me at my email with a view to large pecuniary donations :cheesy:
Anyhow no paragliding for me this week just a 4 hour walk.Tiring but breathtaking and a nice picnic à la Française absolutely delightful.
Must rush she's on her way home and I still haven't put up that bloody staircase.
Salut à tous

Simple comme bonjour
no offence frog , but sounds like u have small winners and big losers? maybe thats just at moment!! salut

henry766 said:
no offence frog , but sounds like u have small winners and big losers? maybe thats just at moment!! salut

Yeah,it's been a couple of bad weeks but guess what?Sold earlier for +70 points and if you go further back into this thread I was doing ok.
On the whole I do enough,but have experienced a problem with the Dow at 300 as it seems to play havoc with my trading rules,but hey! these things happen and come along to test our resolve.
To counter this feeble run I've scrutinised my "sell" rule and sometimes abstain from it.
It's not 100% but it's more than 65% so I'll stick with it.
Thanks for your concern,will post my most recent trading with rolling gains shortly.
It's useful to look long term,though sometimes it may appear to be painful.
I think I'm probably about even for the last 2 weeks,not brill I grant you,but it keeps me in the game and it's something I enjoy anyhow.There's always plenty more for the taking later.
There's always a problem with round numbers.
Have a good weekend.
Frog 🙂

Simple comme bonjour
Spike-The Ex-hedgehog

Hi all,
Bloody quiet out there?
Do you like kebabs?
Hedgehog is delish, particularly when he can't tell north from south.
Wish I'd stayed at work and ignored the screen.
It's all Shrubs fault.
Bonne nuit(too much much vin I'm afraid)

Simple as hello! :cheesy:
Greetings y'all,

Back from my hols and all fired up to lose a bit more hard-earned cash. Well, you can't take it with you can you?! Actually I've been doing a bit of learnin' and drawing lines on charts, so I'm hoping to have a bit more success....we'll see.

How's everyone else been going. Been getting a bit of flak Frog? Everyone's a critic aren't they?!! Well I'm impressed with your methods even if not everyone else is! I had a read of the DW/VS thread as well- very amusing it was too.

well good luck frog , sorry to be so cynical about small wins and big losers , been there etc!!
henry766 said:
well good luck frog , sorry to be so cynical about small wins and big losers , been there etc!!

Thanks Henry,
Need all the luck I can get at the at the moment as I am really having a "break even" run.
Didn't trade today not because I didn't want to but was trying to upgrade my internet connection from 512 to 2048(probably a blessing in disguise as it happens in view of the Dows performance) but failed miserably to get on the internet.
Then my 13 year old daughter comes home from school and,hey presto,by the time I got in the PC was all singing and dancing-maybe I could introduce her to trading?
Still the downside is 3 weeks without a curry and that's worse than giving up the fags but at least the local elixirs are easily within my grasp

Pas si simple 🙁 .
Calvin said:
Greetings y'all,

Back from my hols.Been getting a bit of flak Frog? Everyone's a critic aren't they?!! Well I'm impressed with your methods even if not everyone else is! I had a read of the DW/VS thread as well- very amusing it was too.


Salut Calvin,
Thanks for your support.I quite agree with your sentiments,some people do seem to take things far too seriously and rather too far.
How were the hols?Have had 2 weeks off myself for industrial weight diy and then a week off sick with a chest infection and more diy.
Got back to T2W tonight to be greeted by 105 new threads and 241 new posts,so loads of reading for me tonight.
My trading has been crap but when I get time I will post the damage to add ridicule to the pain that I am currently suffering 😢
Back at work nights now plus I've just gone self-employed(no mean feat overhere)first job starts tomorrow(hope it's quiet tonight)so I may post the "frogs' foolish finances" tomorrow in the early hours.
Slowly making my way to the VS thread.
Ciao for now

Simple mais content 😈