Spread Betting Winning Strategy!!!

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Manual and CD


I have had a few PM's from people asking about the discount of my manual and CD on Amazon.

This was only ment to last 48 hours some of you have sent me a PM saying you missed it, well really thats not my fault! But again as a goodwill I will extend it until 12am toninght(Wed morn)

The normal price is £147.99 and I have took it down to £119.99.

Amazon will say only 1 copy available it always does!, but dont worry about that there is enough copys to go round.

The manual and CD is posted the next day and is with you in 1-2 days.

As for my forum there is a private section that is for manual buyers only, this is where all the action goes on!

On that section you can ask all the questions you wish and me and my 2 Admin will help you out.

Also there is a lot of info, support,charts, trades, watchlists, topics and so on in that section to help you out!

In order to get entry to that section all you do is email me at [email protected] with the email address that you have on Amazon and your forum name(my forum) that way I can confirm who you are on the forum and confirm you bought the manual, I then add you to the section and thats it!



Thanks to everyone who bought the manual today and the day before!

Remember to sign up for the support section of my forum for on-going help and info.

The discount period is now over and I have to put the price back up to its normal level.

I wont be lowering the price again anytime soon, this was a one off as it was xmas and I wanted to do a little special for some of the people on this forum who have been been interested from the very start.


I'm confused now - on Amazon it says £134.99 !



If you look at when I posted that mesg you will see it was on the 30/12/08 and if you then read the mesg it says that offer would finish at 12am that night.

So the 119.99 deal is done and price is still cheaper than 147.99 its fixed at 134.99

Mr SpreadBetting Strategy - Review and Progress

The below is an update of my progress following the review I provided on the 16/12/2008 on the following thread http://www.trade2win.com/boards/trading-journals/46208-mrspreadbetting-system-10.html.

Hi All,
It’s been a while since I provided my initial feedback. I mentioned that I would be away for the Festive season and thus have only been able to start trading again this week.

Please note, while I am providing feedback on the Mr Spread Betting Strategy, I was not one of the 3 who were officially selected to review and provide feedback. I am merrily providing this feedback as a neutral independent and relatively newbie to trading who purchased the manual after seeing the initial T2W thread posted early December asking whether anyone had heard of or purchased the manual and CD.
As mentioned before, I am by no means claiming that this is the Holy Grail to trading and I’m not telling anyone reading this to go buy it. I am sharing my experience and now my results after following the strategy for approximately 2 weeks using my own money.

So without further adieu I provide my results for the last 2 weeks below, bearing in mind that around the Christmas and New Year’s period I was not actively trading:


A couple of notes on my trading and the results above:

1. Although there were a number of trading signals over the last 2 weeks, I have tried to only keep a manageable number of trades open at a time (six). In the future once I have more experience trading the strategy I will attempt to have more open trades at a time. Thus there may have been a number of more profitable trades or losing trades for that matter out there which I did not take. In general I was selecting my daily trades from a list of about 7 or 8 signals I had identified for the day after scanning through a watch list of about 140 shares which suite the SB Trading Strategy.
2. Secondly, I have only taken trades which currently meet the risk and money management guidelines detailed in the strategy. In some cases, I have been able to take certain trades which would not normally be able to be taken with the relatively small trading account of £1500 which I started out with based on the Money Management rules detailed in the strategy, were it not for the small bet sizes offered by IG Index as a new account holder on the TradeSense program. I believe other SB companies also provide similar small bet sizes for a couple of weeks when starting out.
3. The 1st four trades in the results above have been closed out and as can be seen, in total I am 138.55 points in profit. The SIA trade was based on the SB Strategy however the profits were not taken as per the Strategy. Had I followed the strategy religiously in this case the trade would still be open today with 39 points in profit. This is something I need to work on and is something a lot of beginner traders are prone to doing .... letting their losses run hoping that they will turn eventually moving into break even or profit and taking their profits early out of fear of losing their current gains. I seem to cut losses quickly which is good but also take my profits too quickly which is not good.
4. The 2nd set of four trades are those trades which are currently open as of Friday 9th Jan. As can be seen I currently have 2 winning trades open and 2 losing trades. Although the profits at the end of the day may not be the full points detailed above, I have already locked in a good percentage of the profits so the trades in profit now will close in profit.
5. The last trade, NXT, was a Wedge or Triangle trade taken using the strategy provided in the Mr Spread Betting manual for identifying when the wedge is going to breakout and in what direction. Once again I took profits relatively early on this trade. Had I waited for later in the day I could have had as much as 70 more points profit on this trade. This trade was triggered on the 5th of Jan and I took profits on the 6th.

Basically the Mr Spread Betting strategy has allowed me to hit the ground running. So far so good in terms of profits, as I get more comfortable with the strategy I will be taking more trades. I will try to provide an update with my progress throughout the month.
MinceMeat - You are to be congratulated not only because you are making profitable trades but because of your excellent feedback on this subject. This is the kind of posting which makes threads like this one so worth while.


Thank you,
I've also bought this recently.

Although I won't be posting trades, etc, I'd like to thank MinceMeat for the detailed feedback. As a new buyer, it does help that initial "have I done the right thing" feeling 🙂

Good stuff
My advise, take your time, EVERYONE CLAIMS TO HAVE A MAGIC BULLET. so review, review. You are wise to ask openions. I have purchased so many books to only find out they are really shallow and could have summed the book up in one paragraph. There is also a lot of writers that do not even play the market, they are writers.
MinceMeat - You are to be congratulated not only because you are making profitable trades but because of your excellent feedback on this subject. This is the kind of posting which makes threads like this one so worth while.


Thank you,

I've also bought this recently.

Although I won't be posting trades, etc, I'd like to thank MinceMeat for the detailed feedback. As a new buyer, it does help that initial "have I done the right thing" feeling 🙂

Good stuff

Steve, Elbie, thanks for your comments and support.

I've learnt stax from this forum and the members on this forum, so I guess I am just trying to give a little back 🙂
My advise, take your time, EVERYONE CLAIMS TO HAVE A MAGIC BULLET. so review, review. You are wise to ask openions. I have purchased so many books to only find out they are really shallow and could have summed the book up in one paragraph. There is also a lot of writers that do not even play the market, they are writers.

First off thanks for posting feedback mince meat I'm glad you like the manual and the system, and I'm chuffed you have started to make money! After you have used the system for a while you will get a really good feel for it and start picking even better trades.

Mr steve I totally agree with what you have said above, the diff between me and the "other writers" is the fact I have been spread betting and share dealing for the past ten years full time.

This manual and CD was only written becasue my forum members asked for it.

They asked many times for some sort of training material and I decided to put this package together.

Of course I'm making some money from it, but this covers my time that I put into this project and the time I put into my forum which is currently around 30+ hours a week.

Since starting my forum and this project it has took a lot of my time up, and my daily trading is cut from around 6 hours to 4 hours.
Don't get me wrong I enjoy doing this and helping the members of my forum, as you may see if you have been there I post everyday and put a lot into it.

Hi -dumb question. We dont have 'spread betting" (as far as i know) , here in Australia. Can this sytem be used to trade FX/FTSE via CMC and the likes??


I just thought you might like to know that I'm having a standalone charting & trading software put together.

This software has a charting package, money management module, indicators all built into it.

But what it also does is serches and scans for for signals based on the trading systems, So instead of searching the markets each day/nite the software would bring to you all the signals and place them on the charts along with the details of buying/selling price and stop loss prices!

I decided to do this to help out my members and save them time searching the market everyday. Also all my money managemen rules are added into the module.
So really all you do is type in how much you start with, and the software tells you how much to bet per point based on you account size and my money rules plus the risk/reeward formula.

I should have the beta version out next month.


Hi Davie

I have just stumbled over this thread...it is quite refreshing to read lots of positive feedback about you.

I am already familiar to the sharescope package...my question is if one was to purchase your book/cd and use your EOD system only and not the intraday indicators (as I only currently subscribe to Sharescope Gold so do not get intraday data)...how long does it take to go thru the system each evening and check it against the predetermined basket of stocks.

How many stocks are you basing this research time on.


Last edited:
The below is an update of my progress following the review I provided on the 16/12/2008 on the following thread http://www.trade2win.com/boards/trading-journals/46208-mrspreadbetting-system-10.html.

Hi All,
It’s been a while since I provided my initial feedback. I mentioned that I would be away for the Festive season and thus have only been able to start trading again this week.

Please note, while I am providing feedback on the Mr Spread Betting Strategy, I was not one of the 3 who were officially selected to review and provide feedback. I am merrily providing this feedback as a neutral independent and relatively newbie to trading who purchased the manual after seeing the initial T2W thread posted early December asking whether anyone had heard of or purchased the manual and CD.
As mentioned before, I am by no means claiming that this is the Holy Grail to trading and I’m not telling anyone reading this to go buy it. I am sharing my experience and now my results after following the strategy for approximately 2 weeks using my own money.

So without further adieu I provide my results for the last 2 weeks below, bearing in mind that around the Christmas and New Year’s period I was not actively trading:


A couple of notes on my trading and the results above:

1. Although there were a number of trading signals over the last 2 weeks, I have tried to only keep a manageable number of trades open at a time (six). In the future once I have more experience trading the strategy I will attempt to have more open trades at a time. Thus there may have been a number of more profitable trades or losing trades for that matter out there which I did not take. In general I was selecting my daily trades from a list of about 7 or 8 signals I had identified for the day after scanning through a watch list of about 140 shares which suite the SB Trading Strategy.
2. Secondly, I have only taken trades which currently meet the risk and money management guidelines detailed in the strategy. In some cases, I have been able to take certain trades which would not normally be able to be taken with the relatively small trading account of £1500 which I started out with based on the Money Management rules detailed in the strategy, were it not for the small bet sizes offered by IG Index as a new account holder on the TradeSense program. I believe other SB companies also provide similar small bet sizes for a couple of weeks when starting out.
3. The 1st four trades in the results above have been closed out and as can be seen, in total I am 138.55 points in profit. The SIA trade was based on the SB Strategy however the profits were not taken as per the Strategy. Had I followed the strategy religiously in this case the trade would still be open today with 39 points in profit. This is something I need to work on and is something a lot of beginner traders are prone to doing .... letting their losses run hoping that they will turn eventually moving into break even or profit and taking their profits early out of fear of losing their current gains. I seem to cut losses quickly which is good but also take my profits too quickly which is not good.
4. The 2nd set of four trades are those trades which are currently open as of Friday 9th Jan. As can be seen I currently have 2 winning trades open and 2 losing trades. Although the profits at the end of the day may not be the full points detailed above, I have already locked in a good percentage of the profits so the trades in profit now will close in profit.
5. The last trade, NXT, was a Wedge or Triangle trade taken using the strategy provided in the Mr Spread Betting manual for identifying when the wedge is going to breakout and in what direction. Once again I took profits relatively early on this trade. Had I waited for later in the day I could have had as much as 70 more points profit on this trade. This trade was triggered on the 5th of Jan and I took profits on the 6th.

Basically the Mr Spread Betting strategy has allowed me to hit the ground running. So far so good in terms of profits, as I get more comfortable with the strategy I will be taking more trades. I will try to provide an update with my progress throughout the month.

Out of interest MinceMeat, did you use the original strategy as detailed in the Manual, or the updated Strategy?

Hi -dumb question. We dont have 'spread betting" (as far as i know) , here in Australia. Can this sytem be used to trade FX/FTSE via CMC and the likes??



As far as I know you do have spread betting there as a few of the bigger firms have opened offices there such as Finspreads. Im not 100% on the tax over there but you could look into it.
Hi Davie

I have just stumbled over this thread...it is quite refreshing to read lots of positive feedback about you.

I am already familiar to the sharescope package...my question is if one was to purchase your book/cd and use your EOD system only and not the intraday indicators (as I only currently subscribe to Sharescope Gold so do not get intraday data)...how long does it take to go thru the system each evening and check it against the predetermined basket of stocks.

How many stocks are you basing this research time on.




It should only take you around 1 hour tops to search the full FTSE350 and the indices of your picking!

One of my members has even created a program that does this for you.
He is still working on it and will be ready in the next few days.

Dose any one use platforms for there spred betting. Like CMC or IG. Whats the story with them!
Mrspedbetting, Please could you some up CFDs for me I have been doing some research and have come across IG group, CMC, Sterling chase and SAXO. I have also had a play with the demo account with IG and feel i am ready for a real platform but dont know what to go for.

would appretiate your help!
Has anyone tried the course 'Mr Spread Betting' by David Robertson. It is for sale on Amazon and get loads of good reviews but i am surprised that it has not been mentioned here yet. Just wondering if anyone has tried it and if its worth the money?

I have read the Mr Spread Betting Manual and have found it easy to follow clear to the point and walks you through every step of the strategy, you also get access to the Mr Spread Betting Forum where you can ask questions to the author who answeres these very quickly which is invaluable when you are starting out.


Mrspedbetting, Please could you some up CFDs for me I have been doing some research and have come across IG group, CMC, Sterling chase and SAXO. I have also had a play with the demo account with IG and feel i am ready for a real platform but dont know what to go for.

would appretiate your help!


I don't use CFD'S and have not used them much in the past, most of my trading is done via spread betting.

Really theres not to much diff between the firms, I dont see to much wrong with CMC and I do have an account with IG.

IG are pretty strong and there spreads are not to bad.
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