"Mr Spread Betting: Maximum Profit, Low Risk Trading" Book ???

What a sad mixed up rant and LOL you're the one moaning his tits off about 100 quid lost...dick head...

Dont think so...dick head...lol.
Just where have I been moaning ??

I actually came into this thread a week or so ago saying that I thought you were an arrogant son of a bitch, or words along those lines for slagging of another poster I think it was Alps, just because he was actually stating that he had bought some of your mates stuff and that your mate never kept to his word about lifetime support etc etc and he was wanting to bring to light the lying and scamming that your mate does so that other newbies will not fall prey to your mate.

So I suggest that maybe you go back to your nos 2, favourite past-time (nos 1, being - wan@ing) going through peoples profiles and searching for old posts and just see when and where I have been complaining because I don't think I have...I may be wrong here as cba going through my old posts but I'm sure if I have moaned you will find them on my behalf and bring them to my attention.

Now off you go...back to your 17th floor dole-ite flat on dole-ite estate and get your can of finest quality spam out the cupboard, oh' and mind and keep an eye on that old chip-pan while frying the chips they are quite dangerous and go sit down for your tea. If you had spent some time trading the markets instead of slagging people off you may have even made £30-£40 and could afford a deep fat fryer...lol.


Just to add.

What was mixed up about my post that you quoted me on B.S ??

At the start of my reply to you, where you dragged up the old post about another vendors sytem that I had posted, I was merely defending my original post (the one that you trawled through my profile to find) and then I got right back to the discussion in hand. I don't really know whats mixed up about that other than your train of thought.

To the hare, why the hell are you recmmending B.S posts god only knows ?
As from what I have read of your postings here you seem to be pretty much of the view of everybody else here about Davie's scamming, the only person in this thread that seems to be against the truth about Davie getting out is B.S but it's entirely up to you mate and I ain't even going to go there.
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...dick head....

To the hare, why the hell are you recmmending B.S posts god only knows ?
As from what I have read of your postings here you seem to be pretty much of the view of everybody else here about Davie's scamming, the only person in this thread that seems to be against the truth about Davie getting out is B.S but it's entirely up to you mate and I ain't even going to go there.

You two bob failed spread betters make me smile. You buy a *Davie* course, put 200 quid in an SB account, lose it on crude, then mince around forums, buy a dvd and manual, then expect to pull the one arm bandit lever and live it large in Vegas.

You actually deserve the likes of Dave jerking you off. D'ya know he mailed me the other day (after looking in on this thread) to brag that guys like you pester him for whatever wheeze he's got next, he's actually pi55ing himself that you're like battered wives but some of them have dignity to go into hiding or find refuge, whereas fools and serial failures such as you ask him to be nice, to put down the can of wife beater and just go at it again...

Do you have any idea how small time and ridiculous you come across on this pathetic crusade? "I just want to save folk from losing a hundred quid" well point them in the direction of moneysaving expert, I'm sure that's more your level, you can all hold hands and rejoice as you save 100 quid off your duel fuel deals.

This isn't a fight you can win son, on any level, so just disappear there's a good lad, spend your next 100 quid on a night out with you fat ankled tart. You'll wake up next to her wondering were it all went wrong but heh..unlucky..on so many levels .😉
Ooh...the suspense is killing me, you can even hear white van man crunching through his mental gears and engaging his subnormal I.Q. as he attempts to conjure up a *witty* response...😀 Come on Marcus, unload the 'Transit' mind, the floor is yours...
Black Swan, absolute quality mate...your cracking me up here.
Profile page stalker alert, profile page stalker alert...I can hear the sirens going off now.
You certainly do love the profile page mate, that's for sure.

I ain't on no crusade here mate, it was your absolute arrogant'ness to other members here that made me speak up.
If people want to spend their hard earned on whatever, then that's their concern not mine.
Also if people want to post up and fore-warn other people then that's fine with me too, as long as they are justified in doing so and not just slandering and going by the amount of posters and previous threads relating to Davies stuff I reckon they must be pretty much truthful...or as truthful as these type of forums can be.
Then people like you come along and start ranting and raving when in all reality you should just keep your big mouth shut and move on.

I love the comments about my business...lol...I'm a Mercedes Sprinter man myself...a little class you know...sorry you wouldn't know class even if it came out your next bottle of £1:50 for 10 litres cheap cider.


I wasn't going to say anything as I didn't want you to know, but can't stand the constant hastle all the time...can you tell your mum to stop the constant phone calls. Every bloody day she's on the phone.
If she really wants a young filly like myself she's got to put more into it than just lying there moaning that it's good, I know I'm good but a little action from her would work wonders.
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I have to confess I was a touch disappointed at your first effort, but look at you now, bravo my cerebrally challenged road rage oaf!

He posts, then goes away, has a little *thinking time* <snigger>, reads The Daily Star, then re-edits posts with juvenile "your Mum" stuff an hour or so later. Good for you, good for you...no really..😀

Oh..btw, you described yourself as "a filly"..that's just great..you sorry, stupid, sad little simpleton you..

I have to confess I was a touch disappointed at your first effort, but look at you now, bravo my cerebrally challenged road rage oaf!

He posts, then goes away, has a little *thinking time* <snigger>, reads The Daily Star, then re-edits posts with juvenile "your Mum" stuff an hour or so later. Good for you, good for you...no really..😀

Oh..btw, you described yourself as "a filly"..that's just great..you sorry, stupid, sad little simpleton you..


You obviously don't know that a true simpleton white van mans newspaper of choice is either The Sun or even better The Daily Sport.

Now just one thing before I depart this thread as it's really starting to get boring, all this back and forward with yourself...when I could be scanning the markets for this coming weeks set-ups.
I have taken a leaf out of your book, and had a quick scan of your profile...what's all this body-building/power lifting malarky you have there ?
"Christ", last week when I was driving past Farmfoods in my Sprinter I could have swore that it was you I saw having to get the 16 yr old trolley-walley to lift your solitary bag of Spam and frozen chips into the boot of your Robin Reliant cause it was too heavy for you.

Now you can write whatever reply you want to me but as said above it's getting boring now, and I'll leave you in peace to be as arrogant as you feel is appropriate to any other poster that comes along trying to fore-warn other people about scammers and no-gooders.

"Good-Bye, loser".
You obviously don't know that a true simpleton white van mans newspaper of choice is either The Sun or even better The Daily Sport.

Now just one thing before I depart this thread as it's really starting to get boring, all this back and forward with yourself...when I could be scanning the markets for this coming weeks set-ups.

Perhaps your next 'crusade' can be the fuel protest eh? I'll keep an eye out for your double banner on the news; one side asking for the duty on fuel to be lowered (so you can carry on with the utterly pointless day job), the other side "that Davie Robertson ruined my life".

Not his fault you were the stupid kid at the local sink estate comp though boy, if only you'd paid attention at school, showed some promise.. Still never mind, it's too late now, but do keep on buying the scratchards when you fill up...and don't forget to use your pointless EOD share scanning *system*, it beats betting on the nags you get as tips from the back of The Star eh?..Now trot on you crazy 'filly'..😆

I can't resist, but this is definately the last time that I'm going to waste any further time on you...king chip-pan scumbag...regardless of what you write.

On your profile there is something about Monaco, that's a bloody laugh ain't it...where in Monaco is there any bloody council estate high rises ?
I was there 2-3 years ago doing a delivery and never saw a single council estate.

Must be another bu@l-sh@t just the same as this power-lifting gaff that you spout off about, as I said...I saw you getting the 16 yr old trolley-walley lifting your bag of Spam and frozen chips into the back of your Robin Reliant.

The closest you ever got to power lifting is loading a new battery into the 30 yr old Reliant...lol.

As for the original conversation about Davie, you keep trying to make out that it's me that's been moaning about him...lol...as I said a few posts back, I came into the thread merely to tell you how much of an arrogant, self-opinionated kn@b-e@d your coming across as, when you replied to a post that Alps had made...nothing more...nothing less.

Now you toddle off to my profile and look at my old posts and see where I've moaned about your mate (D.R) as I'm so sure that will be your next move...after all it is your number 2 favourite past-time next to w@nking.

I told you before...I'm not a Star man it's got to be either The Sun or The Daily Sport.
The Daily Sport by the way is where I hooked up with your Ma' when she was advertising for a toy-boy in the lonely hearts column.

"Bored House-Wife seeks fun & games with young filly"
Call me on - XXXXX XXXXXX.

It's okay mate I won't stoop as low as to publicly post your mothers home telephone number...but ff's please tell her to grip....3 times she's been on the phone today, I'm seriously getting p'd off with it....all because your father's past it and can't get it up anymore.
Tell her to move on eh, maybe your mate Davie might want a quick wham, bam, thank-you mam...I don't know...but tell her to leave me alone mate ff's.

Now that's me out of here mate, I'll leave you to your frustrations...as no matter what your reply may be, I'm bored winding you up and at least I've had the satisfaction of finishing this...and leaving you to write whatever you want, and you said a few posts back "you won't this one sonny" or simillar....I think I just have mate, you 2 bit loser wannabe trader....lol.

I may peek in, just for a laugh and see what b@llocks you wrote with your pent up anger... but you won't get a reply from me....so 1 nil to the harmudge...I think, you f@cked up loser bye bye....lol....lol...lol.
Sigh...you really are a mess, and you're not very good at *this*. Have you re-read your bitter rants? Look how much has been finally revealed about you with very little provocation. You've been gamed/played, it's a bit of harmless fun for me; playing with small simian creatures such as yourself, the 'epsilon minus' of the forum world..

But wow, top marks! You didn't let yourself down. There's so many issues contained in your narrative it's hard to know where to begin; envy, hatred, petty jealousy, frustration..and the accusations, the sweeping assumptions and generalisations, underpinning your overwhelming sense of failure and frustration..it's quite pitiful..

So yes, it'd be best if you moved on, put another ad in the back of the local papers, "small man and van for hire, no job too small for the small minded " should do it. Keep on truckin and dreaming my simple friend, but stay away from things that require intellect such as; debate, life in general and the markets eh? Your closed mind suits your closed world, you know it makes sense 😉
Heh, Harmudge, Davie says hello,😆

Black Swan,

Just started to make my way through the T2W posts today and noticed you have a little battle going on with harmudge.

This is a guy who has bought the following...

SB Manual £150

PDP Course £240

PA Live room £120 + £35 per month for 3 months

That's a nice £615 from one donk! Will pay to fill up the petrol tank on my brand new boxster. 😎
Not as good as they were apparently - he's thinking of packing it because he can do better in life 🙄.

You've mentioned this a few times.
When did he say he was quitting? got a link? Or is it a post that got deleted or something? I haven't seen it.

Although, being a vendor like the subject of this thread is, is surely a much better way to make money if im honest. I heard David Robertson made lots and lots of money from his rubbish, and even posted linked from his amazon account to gloat! lol
You've mentioned this a few times.
When did he say he was quitting? got a link? Or is it a post that got deleted or something? I haven't seen it.

Although, being a vendor like the subject of this thread is, is surely a much better way to make money if im honest. I heard David Robertson made lots and lots of money from his rubbish, and even posted linked from his amazon account to gloat! lol

Here's a link to some of his weird recent posts (and above them are people commenting on how strangely he's acting). It would certainly be odd if he really was successful, as he claims.
I don't know B.S nor do I have any intention of getting to know him any further than the fairly recent back & forwards I had with him.

If you ask me (and I'm not saying anyone is asking me, before you jump in here B.S), my impression of the guy is of a narrow minded @s_ho!e that just loves to try and shoot people down in flames if they have a different point of view on things from him or he loves to try and bully guy's with less experience than him when they are asking fairly commonsense questions.

I agree with Pazienza, he probably isn't as succesful as he try's to make out. I had a very brief browse at the link posted by Pazienza, admittedly I only really read from the post highlighted to the last post (2-3 pages) and sort of got the jist that he was at it again...flaming people and not coming up with the goods.
Something about taking trade calls or something and people asking him to prove he was doing better...I ain't even interested tbh, but my opinion of this guy is he is a nasty piece of work and T2W would be a better place without characters like this...however entertaining they are...😆😆
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any news on Davies latest service? is it still running? nice to know good or bad how things are going with the latest things!?
any news on Davies latest service? is it still running? nice to know good or bad how things are going with the latest things!?

He's probably in some gutter, p1ssed as a fart and soiling himself at half-hour intervals while he waits to sober up.
Here's a comical post from Davie under an alias.
It came through to me as an e-mail notification but when I came here to see if there has been any other reply's the post has gone ???

I don't know how long this will be up so "Enjoy" the giggle while it lasts.

AndrewRoss2011 has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - "Mr Spread Betting: Maximum Profit, Low Risk Trading" Book ??? - in the Books forum of Trade2Win Forums.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
_*Forum Reader*_

Hi, I have been watching many threads here for sometime and never became a member due to the bad attitudes and neglect from mods here about such cases.
I have just joined this forum as a fully fledged member becasue I have just purchased a trading system that has a members only thread here.

But after sometime I would like to express my view on this case.

Got an group email and picture today from Dave and his new woman, also got a video message from him and it confirms the guy and woman in the picture is him and his woman.

He is living in Florida with his millions he made from trading and marketing. Far from the gutter talk by the idiots here on T2W who spend their days siffing through internet forums.

It's funny how people here do nothing but moan about others and comment about things they know nothing about. I fisrt meet Dave at a seminar he was co-running with Vince Stanzione and some spread betting guru called ***** Burk around 1999/2000 and even though it was not outstanding I still learned something and felft I could learn more.

Further down the years I bought 2 of Daves course and also 1 of Vince Stanzione's courses for a total of £800.
I don't think any of the courses warrent the bad words or comments made from this forum.

My 2 cents.