Spread beting family and friends fund

trading / spread betting is ALL gambling. wagering on the price of something and the outcome is unknown.

you don't own any underlying equity or currency. its just a bet

if you want to be a trader then you basically want to be a pro gambler. theres nothing wrogn with that....I've tried for over 6 years and failed.

but whatever you do DON'T use family money. that will only end one way !!!!!
I'm still here but need to put trading on the back burner. I had become addicted. It had taken over my life and was all I could think about. but replace "trading" with "gambling". All I was doing was chasing losses, doubling up to try to get out of losses and using WAY too much leverage. On top of that I was using money I shouldn't have been and doing it all behind my wifes back. End of story !

trading it difficult enough with adding these further complications.